What does Sup Forums think of investing in Gold and Silver?

What does Sup Forums think of investing in Gold and Silver?

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pretty jewey

Go to /biz/ faggot.

Also, in general, you'll prob get an inflated response here since everyone is doomsday prepping for WWIII here. Most /biz/fags would say no though and laugh at you since they are all voting Hillary (actually not joking).

It isn't too late yet.


Good idea, but don't put all your eggs in one basket.

It's a wise investment so long as you do it properly, but it takes a very long time.
You have to watch market values daily, check in on lots of different vendors for deals, and shit like Craigslist.

All I see on TV are gold/silver ads BUY GOLD NOW!, BUY SILVER NOW!
The Jews are pushing it hard.
Gold is a Jew lie.

This pretty much.

About half my eggs are distributed among more than one location. Pretty heavy for eggs. But you have to know what you're doing every bit as much as leaving your wealth in the Jew Market or anywhere else.

A waste of time. Daytrade gold contracts if you really want to make money.


It's because the Jews LITERALLY brought tonnes of gold in january and are trying to inflate the price so they can start a sell off.

FUCKING SOROS was buying gold in january, look it up.

Investing and trading are two different things.

Fluctuates upwards of $100 a bid per every week so you have to monitor the price and know local vendors. You also have to pay a markup on the bid price of around $50 so you have to beat that to even profit.

It's an investment and not a terrible one, get to work OP.

>investing in Gold and Silver?
> all precious metals and various gemscams

The literal definition of getting cucked, shucked & fucked by a snake oil side show. Run by Jews.

Won't be worth anything on the day of the rope

It's a solid one, basically crisis proof, especially silver which you could use on daily basis in the case of a dollar crash (gold is less practical on daily basis but its value remais).

I love how these threads always anger the Jews. During my second year on Sup Forums I got the exact same copypasta response about sucking Peter Schiff's cock two days in a row.

The second time I called it out and immediately the shillposter stopped. I barely have any idea what Peter is talking about, and I would recommend other dealers anyway.

Silver is nearly worthless nowadays.

Gold is only worth investing in if you extract it from the earth yourself or aquire it by illegal means...

I have a small pawn shop in which I buy stolen gold jewelry from junkies that are looking for quick cash to buy crack, I pay retarded small prices for the jewelry and melt it into bars to sell.

Every now and then they bring me some that have gems in them, I usually remove the gems and sell them separetly.

Sometimes they bring me some jewelry that has silver in it, I have to take a few more steps to separate the silver from the gold, the silver is mostly worthless but I still melt it into bars to sell them for extra cash.

Trying to buy gold off a bank is like asking to get jewed.

its a jew scheme by Goldbergs to jew out preppers and zerohedge readers.

Well if she wins, the rothschilds will boost the economy while flooding in immigrants to say


Then cause a disaster or a mass muslim worldwide civil war from within the borders turning every western country into Fallujah Iraq resulting in everyone begging for the NWO to save them.

Then we all get genocided or enslaved so guys like these can fuck babies and eat virgins without having to work


the Jews aren't going to sell gold to you for market value and they wont buy it from you for market value.

win/win for the Jew

lose/lose for anyone who believes the Jew lie.

physical gold is a JEW lie.


It's the opposite of Jewry. Jews ride on housing bubbles and crash the economy which gives more money to themselves while devaluing everyone else's money.

Good people invest in gold and trading goods.

There isn't a single civilization in recorded history that fell back on gold or silver in times of economic failure.

Better than having fiat currency depreciate in your bank account. Worse than investing in an IRA or trading.

wait until the fed starts raising interest rates.

I buy like 1-2 silver bars (1oz) every month and sometimes a one of those 5gramm gold cards if the gold price is good enough

Its nice to built a small treasure chest

stupid metal with fake value

I read in a newspaper yesterday that Soros is returning to investments for a while and focusing on buying gold.

good idea. there is also bitcoin that is digital gold. actually nowadays bitcoin is a better investment than gold.


Gold value is worthless if you cant sell it back for fiat money. NO ONE is going to trade you, food, water, ammo, and guns for gold. Are people this retarded, I dont get it.

They're not investment vehicles. You'll get cleaned out.

They're money, despite their legal status. They help you transition from one currency to another without any effort on your part to get the timing right, like you need with trading. This is not something you need today, currency collapse is coming but not imminent... but maybe in 20 years. Only problem is you won't be able to afford it then. so you have it now, ahead of the game, and wait it out while Goldman and morgan-chase and so on all sell paper gold to suppress the spot price.

As someone who works in the financial world I'll tell you that making a profit out of gold and silver can be a real bitch.
If you want a decent profit with minimal effort and a pretty low risk then put some money in trackers (Dow Jones, Euronext, S&P500, ...)

Stupid idea. Gold is best thought as a long term value storage, buying it hoping to beat inflation is a very bad gamble. In general, the value of goal has little real value increase while good inflation value increase.

>thread about gold and investments
>28 minutes
>30 answers

Sup Forums is really a jewish board

Well what I actually said was it is a profitable investment if you do it right.

It's not as simple as
But with a little effort you can do alright. What you need to do to make a lot of profit is predict when entire nations are going to start panicing and selling everything because that is when gold spikes in value.

>predict the future
>make money

How exactly would you be using a gold ingot on a daily basis like it's pocket cash?

>As someone who works in the financial world I'll tell you that making a profit out of gold and silver can be a real bitch.
Not when you aquire that gold illegally, as explained hereI know it is kind of degenerate, but the junkies will keep on stealing regardless of selling it to me or directly to the drugdealers, so I might as well cash in.

sorros going big in gold lately so gold is the wise mans choice

Hasn't Soros just started investing in gold and silver again?

Future looks pretty bleak Sup Forumsbros.

Pretty noice!

get waxed by Jamie Dimon, faggot
while you wait for the sperg-pocalypse


Yes they will

Stamped and certified 24k gold will always be the currency even in a fallout type world. Learn golds properties and why it always has been and always will be the valuable currency metal

The problem is that other stuff rises in value too. Bullets are probably the most valuable currency imagineable in a SHTF scenario meanwhile, real estate is the best investment when a city's population starts to skyrocket etc

Do you have any idea how much a gold ingot costs? You'd probably be keeping it in the basement of the NY fed if you could afford to be buying gold ingots.

Get a brain, moran.

bitcoins were worth ZERO dollars in 2012???
I know the price collapsed viciously but not to zero.

If you're prepping for doomsday, invest in an alcohol storehouse. No matter how bad civilozation collapses, there will always be a barter market for alcohol among humans.

Gov can make coins with gold in centre with alloyed outer ring when the whole paper things over

Or just alloy entire thing but it's dodgy dealing

shit pic just needs a zoom-in on the baseline - it's not really zero

your retarded, go read the wealth of nations and report back

Ingots don't have to be huge, moran. The silver in pic is in ingot form.

Gov coins are typically a good buy, since there would be quite the shitstorm if they were ever found to be counterfeit. China need not apply, of course.

And for the little guy without expensive testing equipment, all you have to do is flick it with your fingernail and hold it to your ear. If you know what gold sounds like, even 90% gold as for instance your Sovereigns are made of, has a very distinct ring to it.

gold and silver will never betray you

I don't know why somebody would buy gold in ingot form short of a real one except for shits and giggles. I have a couple of silver ingots for that reason, but that's not so much an investment as fun.

i own about $15k worth of gold, should probably buy a little more

For Richie Rich's don't put more than 10 % of your assets in G and S. Is some "common" wisdom I've heard.

You, depending on your skill set and wealth level could just by say up to $10,000 worth of the metals and see if you can sell them for more in a few years.

I got hosed on the silver hype and now have 5 pretty bars of silver that are worth a whole lot less than the $38 per ounce I paid for them.

I have thought about melting them down into bullets and selling Werewolf Protection rounds. Lol!

Unless you are extremely rich, get your bars in One, Five and Ten Ounce bars. Get more ones than fives and more fives than 10's. This makes it much easier to re sell later.

don't put all your eggs in one basket, otherwise a solid long-lonlg-long-term store of value

t. started stacking in 2003

2/3 of the worlds gold is in the Philippines. Even Bush said the Philippines was the richest country on earth but yet they are still a poor 3rd world country.

Gold is a Jew lie.


But they also wont make you rich

I always picture some nazi reading these threads then going out and blowing his rent money on gold just to become homeless and tell himself HAHA I BEAT THE JEWS

the world gold cartel ( the JEWS) doesn't want the world to know the abundance of gold to control the value of their reserve currency

Got about $40K in silver.

The one with a panda on in my picture is a Chinese coin. They're defo real, lots of people get them and pretty nice. High premium though which is why I only have 1.

That's not to say the Chinese aren't playing the Jew game, they recently lowered the weight from 1 Troy ounce to 30g only like 1.1g difference but it all adds up and China makes shekel from it

Because you get rich by selling your gold at high value not by hoarding it fool.

We measure wealth in rothschild notes so i think you have a flawed understanding of money.



you need to have in mind that they dont mean anything if you dont have a buyer but i would have reserves anyways

>selling your gold at high value
this is my point that gold is worthless without backing of fiat money. the people who dont see this are blind fools.

>they recently lowered the weight from 1 Troy ounce to 30g only like 1.1g


yes. a basic asset allocation strategy will usually include 5-7% in metals. more than 10% is too much and you should consider rebalancing.

coins are generally a better investment than bars, unless you are dealing in large amounts. for ordinary people, buying a selection of 1oz gold coins is a good bet but usually your own country's coins are best. so for us bongs, british coins are the best investment, because they also have a face value. for example a 1oz gold Britannia has a face value of £100. that means it will never be worth less than £100, even if the gold price absolutely crashes, and it does not attract VAT when purchasing.

bars smaller than 1oz, and coins smaller than sovereigns, are for fun rather than investment.

as someone else said, silver is almost worthless at the moment, but it's still worthwhile having a bit. the UK has just released a new 2oz silver coin- pic related, which is also a nice design- and i plan to buy a tube of 20 of them.

i always prefer to have physical things that i keep myself but storage-type investment schemes are ok too


I am surprised to be the first to post this.

gold is a safe investment

Why what did he say?

>silver is almost worthless at the moment
>new 2oz silver coin
Haven't been paying much of any attention to the market for quite a while, but that's mighty suspicious. Maybe somebody called in a heap of physical delivery to make a show of silver being worthless so the muh shiny people could wank off and quiet down?

Is this true?

>Jews trying to stop you obtaining money by making you believe it's a con

>expensive testing equipment

a decent set of scales is all you need. not expensive.

buying from reputable sources is the best bet though. i buy my coins direct from the mint.

He said the biggest problem with the Chinese is that they jew us around by manipulating their currency.

Which is objectively true. We try to jew them around the same way to significant effect, but it's still something to be thought about by the thinking man.

Gold isn't worthless because if there is no backing of any money to determine the value of it, then gold becomes what people trade for goods and services. Aint nobody going to give a shit about a piece of paper then. Currency is pretty much what we as a collective conciousness decide to trade for stuff. We could apply it to anything, but gold has the inherent properties that make it a good currency so it is the default trade for goods/service thing.

To anyone else curious, you need to understand how the whole human trading system works and why we agree to put "value" on things. It really is all a way of trapping our minds in a rat race of a matrix, while those in power rule the world. I hope Trump thinks this deep in his 4d chess games

Yes. Trading will actually make you money.

Buy it now before Brexit crashes the EU economy

Bullion is money not currency though but I see ur meme

Middle kek

When normal commerce is operating normally, we just do business through the mail with a small extra fee for the Post Office to be accountable so nothing goes wrong along the way.

But if you'd ever have to liquidate in a time of need, then you'd want to know how to validate it and valuate it on your own.

i dont know how inheritance works in America, but here in commie land you have to give a good part of your heritage to a notary just to distribute your money between your family members

gold is a good way to avoid that

If you're a tradesman, good to accept gold sovereigns as payment. Face value of £1 but intrinsic value of £200 so you litterally put £5 on your tax return for doing some blokes kitchen

Yeah, but only if I do it myself. And most people who think they're going to compete effectively with the professionals don't really come out ahead in the long run. I bought my first computer based on stock option trading with loaned funds, but I have better things to do with my life than that.

So I leave that portion of my "assets" up to the Jews to trade for me at significant expense and thusfar net loss. But I see it as another kind of hedge.

Legal tender status my friend!
Can't get into trouble for using legal tender!

it's not really suspicious at all. "almost worthless" was perhaps a bit harsh. it would have been better to say that it has fallen back to a long term normal level. pic related is the silver price for the past 10 years.

the price is actually climbing a little bit at the moment. the 2oz coins i referred to are actually in high demand- they sold out the first batch very quickly and the next batch is becoming available later this month. the fact they are the first in a series also means there is a demand from collectors as well as investors.

if you're going to buy it make sure to get it in grams.

otherwise you will be trading a bar for a chicken

Oh, that graph looks perfectly normal and stable for the ongoing game scheme. You wouldn't want to spike it around too much or else that would scare people.

But a new 2oz (what, like a $2 bill?) is just plain funny, and no doubt it drums up fake demand for people who fall for anything other than the spot price.

Yes, but they didnt back to precious metal in good economy times as well

>or else that would scare people.

getting a leeetle bit close to tinfoil hat territory there, my burger munching friend

>But a new 2oz (what, like a $2 bill?) is just plain funny, and no doubt it drums up fake demand for people who fall for anything other than the spot price.

not really. mints can make coins in any size they like. 1 troy oz is the most common standard, but most countries also make coins and bars in a variety of sizes and shapes. canada for example made a 100kg gold coin with a face value of one meeelion dollars, mainly as a publicity stunt. of course that was in the days that canada had some gold.

Yeah and China
used to sell these like 5oz moonpies on ebay all adorned with native symbols and gildings of silver and gold. As you say, a publicity stunt. PM markets are about as rigged as oil.

Haven't checked in a while, but Canada used to be a superior option for amerifats. Still highly recognized, but better for the arbitrage, and you're basically reallocating foreign assets by doing your own small part.

Looks delicious

Careful, there is a ton of fake gold floating around

Even though this is a jew

Is partially right. If you buy a gold painted rock on accident you just lost all your money and cant do anything about it

Ounces are good too

1 coin = 1 gun, box of food, 1 woman etc

Any specifics or just vague shitpost?

Gold and silver are only valuable like our fiat currency is valuable.

All things that are "valuable" as currency is only that way because people think it is.

Because people will accept it for goods and services.

Gold is a very valuable commodity.

In any situations where Gold and Silver become the monetary standard you'd be much better off with food/water/guns/ammo/supplies.

Gold and silver would only be useful as an investment IF you think you'd make it long enough to see society recover and begin a monetary policy instead of a barter system.

in the emirates palace here in Abu Dhabi, theres a gold ATM, you put the amount of cash, and it gives out the amount of gold equal to the amount of cash you put in

no, this is pretty common. just search on alibaba for "gold bar"- example, pic related

there are countless chinese factories producing these. they vary in quality from absolutely obvious shit to visually indistinguishable from the real thing. some are even gold or gold plated but with strips of some other metal e.g. lead under the top layer.

don't trust ebay and only buy from reputable suppliers. like i said earlier i only buy coins direct from the mint.

really ? thats odd, usually UAE has a lot of cool stuff that other countries dont have