Why Trump is rolling down? Is it because of judge? Or angry GOP donors?
Pic related.
Why Trump is rolling down? Is it because of judge? Or angry GOP donors?
Pic related.
People are finally waking up to his bigotry.
what is this site? is it run by the
berniecrats will rally against hilldawg, then donny is toast, meme magic hahaha
Irrelevant unless you consider math and polling a Jewish conspiracy.
(the average has been accurate trough many elections)
He got a bump from securing the nomination; now HRC has hers.
If you look at the graph, in April, Shillary was at a high and then fell again.
Simply oscillations, the debates will seal it.
The polls are from before that. The gap should widen.
say it with me:
Misis president Hillary Rodham Clinton
It's Obama v Romney all over again. The Jews always win :^)
hillary clinton is under active fbi criminal investigation.when ahe goes to fuckin jail that line will hit the floor a d then break through it.
numbers are a jewish conspiracy and so is healthy human empathy
Recently he has been saying shit so stupid that I can't even turn it into meme magic.
Regardless the debates will lead to a large increase in his support, so current polls don't really matter.
This desu. I'm 99% sure Hillary wins no matter how popular Trump gets.
She gets away with everything anyways cuz she's got a vagoo
this, he was picking some of that sweet Bernie numale dolla bill ya, but he is a true progressive repellent, the guy can't go five minutes with out being racist
he should change his haircut, he looks like shit
his suits suck too, he looks like a man with no tatse
he should divorce cause his wife looks like the young caitlin jenner, and it's obvious that she does a lot of botox
he should also het a new brain, cause he didn't grow up after 16yo and he talks a lot of shit and doesn't seem to realise what he says
this election is almost the exact opposite of obama vs romney
You're retarded if you think an indictment will occur.
Because this election was predetermined.
If you're a true republican/conservative.
VOTE FOR HILLARY, let these right-winged foreigners in.
Remember when Ben Carson was also ahead of Trump in the polls by a tiny margin? This will last just as long.
We're entering the general season and now people are finally paying attention to all the bullshit he said in the primary.
shills going in hard
what are you afraid of?
Yeah, he was polling great, but then he said that he will shoot to russians.
bern victims are getting behind shillary
Debates will be fucking huge. Top ratings. I'm especially waiting for fox debate to hear some hard questions for clinton.
FBI would have indicted before she locked the nomination if they were going to to mitigate the blame for political meddling.
Then they're idiots, because they aren't gonna have their socialist paradise if the democrats keep bringing Mexicans and refugees.
they need to push her hard over benghazi among other things
It's because of 4 bullshit polls.
It is, pic related. They're trying to be like "SEE???!?! THE MEXICAN JUDGE THING STUMPED HIM1"
You do have a point here. Hispanics and blacks tend to be far more conservative than whites.
If the Republicans weren't such a minority-repelling party, they'd have those groups in the bag easily and the only big threat would be white women.
3 rallies and the press conference. This weekend is gonna be brutal for Hillary. Plus that tweet last night, Hillary made a mistake with that one big time. Scumbag CNN left out half of Trump's tweet, lawsuit time.
How many times has Benghazi been investigated?
At this point it's become the right wing jet fuel can't melt steel beams.
She didn't leave 4 Americans to die for no fucking reason and she didn't attempt a half assed cover up that stood no chance in hell of lasting because neither helps her politically and she was planning her presidency even then.
And those refugees, they are extreme right wing, since they lived it throughout their lives.
Hell, why do you think Europe's socialist pissing ground is currently falling apart?
Democrats are the racist party ironically. They invented Jim Crowe and the KKK. It's easy to spin that the Republicans are the racists when you own the media and control the public schools.
It's never been investigated, moron. There was a hearing, that's it. No investigation.
I'm sure that'd help. Just look at Europe.
They will vote for any party that supports for more immigration, even if they disagree with everything else that party says. See: Muslims in Europe.
because Trump started reading off of teleprompters and taking money from George Soros
And even better, relocate most of them to Commiefornia.
They will BEG for their guns back.
Whole judge controversy is fucking bullshit. Completly blowed out of proportions.
They are conservatives socially, but they also life free immigration laws. And goverment welfare protection.
Pr-pr-pr-praise S-S-S-S-Satan
>Democrats are the racist party ironically. They invented Jim Crowe and the KKK.
Fish are the land walkers ironically. They evolved into reptiles and mammals.
The hearings were components of investigations.
I'm disagreeing with you, not agreeing. Importing more Muslims will not wake up the cucked population, (at least not anywhere in Europe) but you will simply be stuck with more and more Muslims that vote for parties to import even more Muslims.
They love segregating people for their little voting blocks.
>They love segregating people for their little voting blocks.
Which is why the House is controlled by Republicans, amirite?
All those Democrats just love creating safe Republican seats.