Why did he lose in 2012?

Why did he lose in 2012?

He was fucking useless.

Can I at least shake your hand?

He's a white man in a black country.



He was a shitty candidate and he insulted "the 47%" which everyone included themselves in, even veterans apparently, and took offense.

I personally think he was picked to lose, and never was supposed to win. That whole line up of candidates in the primaries was cancer, not a single person was worth voting for.

He came across and arrogant and could connect with the common people, eg. binders full of women and the 49% comments.

Also Obama ran one of the most well organised and targeted electoral campaigns in history combining massive amounts of fund-raising with extensive micro-targeting using votor databases.

Here is the 2012 election map by county. I let OP figure this out for themselves

because bengazi happened like a month before the elections and this dumbass never attack obongo on it. Then again, its pretty clear that Romney never stood a chance, he was only supposed to be the contender

he didnt love america

Americlaps then wanted the Big Black Change.

Mormon + being shitty

low energy

It was a shit field of candidates because all the high tier candidates (like Yeb! at least at the time..) realised Obama was unbeatable and didn't run...

so the counties with people in them voted democratic?

choked like a dog

Well, not as much as Trump.

2 things.
He's mormon
He wanted to cut funding to beloved shit.
While he probably would have saved the common man a fair amount of taxes he wanted to cut in the wrong areas

No balls+Mormon+Low Energy

No common touch. He couldn't connect with voters.

Got reckless and started saying a bunch of faggy shit in the last few months before voting.

He's the slimy asshole boss everyone has had at one point in their lives. Also:



carl's jr is so bad dear god

He defeated himself. It's only a gaffe if you admit it.

he was going to lose before the israel and 47% commentary

lets face it guys

America just isn't ready for an LDS president

He didn't get enough electoral votes

Not so much, he is an anti-Trump tool. Today he is getting interviewed on CNN.

He took 2 tiny bites out of it before taking the picture, and theres no drink in his cup.

He's a Mormon cuck who couldn't excite the Republican base.

>thus guy walks like a penguin
>Complete disaster

Why are USAians so fucking dumb?

He did not fought to win. Obama was major disappointment and GOP decided, that it should continue for >first black dem president to be remembered as a failure. Which he was.

Democrats take swing states. Democrats take electoral votes. That's how you win.

Rich dude from the owner class, no connection with the working class.

>inb4 trump

Romney is the sissy HR guy who fired you for saying something offensive. Trump is the sarcastic foreman who has the crew cracking up all day.

It's about attitudes and perceptions. That's why working people can identify with trump and they never could with romney.



>implying he didn't actually win

says the one who let his country turn muslim

As much as I dislike Trump's policies (or rather the lack of detailed policies) that is absolutely brilliant

47% comment. That ruined him. Also he was afraid to go after Obama after the first debate, he got paid off or something.

morman can't win

What policy did you want more detail on? Because he's got a lot more detail than any other candidate did. He's even incorporated some of the other candidate's policies. Like HSAs, those were Carson's idea.


He came off as fake. Trump doesn't try to be 'one of you'. He's rich and proud of it. Romney insulted most of the country by pretending to be an average Joe. He threw spaghetti all over the place in the process.

How the fuck did he get in there?


Really makes you think..

Romney is a wimp who didn't have the fire in his belly to win. He's too polite.

Because he was groomed to lose to Obama.

The Republican and Democrat parties are funded by the same high net worth people and organizations. They hand pick a few career whores, peddle them to the public, and the public gets to choose one of them.

Because the political elite had 30 years worth of imported voters to cancel out the majority of Americans who voted for him.