Tfw white masterrace

>tfw white masterrace
>tfw muslim
>tfw i'm in the winning side of history and masterrace at the same time

feels good alhamdulillah.

>tfw i'm in the winning side of history and masterrace at the same time

inshallah, brother

heres your reply

i am white. i can show proof

cockroaches can be white

post face, nipples and anus color doesnt matter

your religion is more rational than Christianity, but it's still a delusion, my friend

still, if you're going to be a monotheist, Islam is a superior faith

not my favorite culture however

It's been so long Mehmet, welcome back.

since when turkish sandniggers are white

can't post these but I'm pretty sure that is enough to convince you

you sure are white

Slav genes cleansed him to some extent.


Ahahahaha, please kill yourself faggot

>tfw i'm in the winning side of history

Not racially. Muslims don't really impress me in terms of behavior, anyways. Bestiality is common in their own countries, then they come to Western countries and go around raping women. A lot of them are on drugs, a lot of them drink alcohol in disregard of Mohammad's words. And widespread cousin marriage is incredibly dysgenic

Go away.

I saw a kangaroo yesterday. I can do 300 push ups. I've never said a swear word.

See? I can also just completely make up lies.

Show your face, then, we will be able to say if you are white or not.

real sandniggers should behead you, you clearly halfbreed product of some infidel

>t. anzujaamu

muslims can't be white fag. if you're a muslim that automatically makes you a sandnigger.why is this so hard to understand?

You're still a cute trap tho

How can you be so white in a fucking Turkey? Are you never leaving your room because you afraid of real turks? There was less than 2 weeks of sunny days where i live and still i have some tan.

Inb4 massive eyebrows and jew nose, sure you are white friendo

i can 100% confirm this, seem it myself in bkk

Is there something about Ramadan that makes the mussies come out at night and walk all over the goddamn city? I'm getting home late this week and every night they're fucking everywhere, just... walking.

>tfw i'm in the winning side of history and masterrace at the same time

>shitskin mudslime goatfuck culture
>shitskin savage inbred goatherder

Pick one.

>>tfw i'm in the winning side of history and masterrace at the same time

What exactly do you think it is you are doing?

looking fat though, easy on the konafa&beklava there bigman.
united we stand.

>easy on the konafa&beklava