Romanian vs french national team

>Romanian vs french national team

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Why are goalkeepers usually whiter than the rest of the team?

romania aka. gypsy land .Do they have a chance of winning ?

Because whites are more likely to save.

Running around is a nigger thing, good reactions and strength is a white thing, precision and tactic is a asian thing.

Height and training over genetic

I appreciated it, seppo

Niggers cant catch something without having to try to run away with it

i dislike romanians because how they act in online video games.

Because the goalkeeper's attention span needs to be longer than 5 seconds.

This is gonna go spicy.

this is an sports event. wish both teams luck and fair play.

may the better win.

Nigger vs gypsies

Tough one desu, lad

>t. german cuck

I support the more diverse and multicultural one of course. Since france is all niggers and romania is all gypsies, i don't know which one this is supposed to be though.

>rolling around feigning injury to get an advantage over the other team

Professional football hasn't been sporting for a long time.

pls, destroy our team.
The sooner it is, the better it is for us. Trust me.

also this.
Holy fuck if I hate football for that

What will normies think about the two contrast while watching?

>Huh?! Aren't those both European countries?
>How come one of them doesn't seem to be representing a European country?

>this is an sports event.
For the most part this is an economic event.
Secondly it's political. You have no idea what winning this thing means for France from a domestic point of view.
And after that nobody cares... Some keks play silly soccer? So what.

>mfw France doesn't make it to the quarter finals despite the obviously rigged game plan

If I pull the mask off from Romania's nr. 9 will he die?

That is a good gypsy trick
>be gypsy
>put on football uniform
>go to euros
>steal everything from the rich players
>go back home to garbage heap I call my house
>feels good

> precision and tactic is a asian thing
don't pander, reddit retard.Best tacticians of all time are still europeans.

here we go . . .

was gehts uns an wer von denen das spiel gewinnt, sind beides njgger!

Why not just start a fucking colonial football league? French Algeria vs Belgian Kongo or some shit

hahaha oooh FRANCE


Stop liking soccer.

only the two on the left look like gypos

Our team is a disgrace , the players dont give a fuck about winning or just be proud to represent their country apart from a few like the goalkeeper.
At least benzeshit isnt in it wich is a small victory,
but I am definitly supporting Romania for tonight!
Go gypsies!!

No one. I get more fun out of watching my dog chase a ball than I do from watching humans do the same.

god, this guy.
What a fucking turd.

Why does he wear the mask?

Tell me about Bogdan!

Why does he wear the mask?

romania obviously.

Fuck you spurdo

Soccer has now become the same as niggerball, even worse.

It's a contest of what nation can send an expedition into darkest Africa, pick a chimp out of a tree with a net at an early age, and train it to kick a ball...

NOBODY will recognize him in the streets.
because your mum keep sucking his dick when I bang her lmao

no one cared who he was until he put on the mask

The white team.

t. butthurt dindu mad about the lack of NBA on TV now that glorious EURO has returned

Bit OT, but anyone recall when the biggest "security concern" at these tournaments was hooligans getting into fights or throwing bananas at niggers on the field?

Now they need a missile cruiser in the harbour, AA missiles atop hills, and 49k security guards. Thank you, religion of peace for enriching Europe so much...

Goalkeeper doesn't require as much athleticism, so it's perfect for white people

no one got this joke. Sup Forums is really turning to shit.

I stopped watching soccer, it became a nigger sport. Still gonna watch my national team play, but no other.

Does matheui start for France or is he just a backup left back? Also matuidi for best mid defender in the world. I'm new to this whole soccer thing but I rolled both of those guys in pro evolution soccer which I'm helplessly addicted to atm -_-

oh yeah goal keepers need to pay so much attention when their team is attacking. - NOT

for the ladies

>glorious EURO

Does the Romanian guy wear a mask because he identifies as a non binary super hero whose power is to steal copper?

>steal copper?
this wouldnt be funny to you if you had any gypsies in your country.

Does the french guys wear blackface because they identify as melanoid persons who created the univers and were kangs or are they real dindus?

>France will win the tournament. Everyone will rejoice and come together.

Mate we have plenty of them sadly.....


He identifies as the phantom of the opera.

French black people are a lot darker than black people in England.


>Rumani gypos xDDD
>meanwhile the French team is full of Africans

I've noticed that too - even though black players are disproportionately represented in outfield positions it's very rare to see them at the elite level (or any level really) as Goalkeepers. Also, while there are no shortage of technically gifted and skillful black players it's also very rare to see them excel as creative playmakers. I'm guessing for similar reasons it's very rare to see black QBs in American Football.

be goalkeeper requires coordination and a great control of stress situations. That´s why all the best goalies are always white and european men.

but thats greek

They don't have the temperament or mental strength to perform in positions which require high levels of mental application like GK or QB in the NFL. That's why a majority of blacks in Europe and pacey memebabbies that play out wide and don't have to think. Same as lineman in American football. Simple positions

Yeah cos they're more often pure African. Most black people in England came via the Caribbean so have some white ancestry much like African-Americans.

>decent human being

Pick one

France is a great African nation.

>our team
>decent human being

Crimimally Underrated

top kek

I don't get it

t. anned german

At least they are white

hello france

>German humour

I don't understand, I thought west Africans were jovial and amusing. As a great African people such ad Germans and a melinated gentleman yourself I'd thought you would get it?!

>all this triggered frenchies

oooga booga

France and Germany will without a doubt get at least into semi finals though.
Funny that Netherlands didn't even qualify yet they managed to come 3rd in the world cup only 2 years ago.

>Who must win
>who will win
France. Hollande need a good thing to happen VERY badly.

>oh vey! stop liking the old continental game, filthy goyim! watch our sports full of niggers plz!

>more than half the team is niggers
You took the multiculturalism too far, France.

Niggers are not even that good in football. They don't have endurance to run for 90 minutes and don't have the intelligence to organise the game.

I'd rather have Romanians winning than a bunch of niggers.
I'm disappointed in you France.


>there is 3/4 chance that RIGHT NOW french posters ITT are negros

let's not forget why we'll lose tongiht
>frenchies scared so they appoint a mongol as referee

there is a 3/4 chance that you are gypsy too

>butthurt french diaspora


>Romanian flag is just a very dirty French flag.
Seems about right.

There is 4/4 chance that football is niggertrash that should be boycotted at this point.

just bants, I'm sorry romania. I'll be cheering for your tieam, since you are much whiter than France (even with gypsies)

you cant make this shit up

Gypsies are OK they always sell the best and cheapest weed and coke

I'll be watching it on online streams with adblock enabled. No shekels from me to niggers kicking a ball.

Why so butthurt?
Look at the posts in this thread 90% of the French want Romania to win including me

acum am vazut :)) Dr. Grigore :))))))

just bantering mon amis. I like France, they gave me 300 euros to return home

watching it is already too much.
Hell, even watching weeb shit, hentai, or mlp would be better.

>l-l-l-l-l-et's suck gypsy dick so they will like us

Fuck off you piece of shit, we're going to win and Romania will clean our toilet

No it hasn't. The French team is definitely the niggest.

Pic related is Germany

I'll put it on my second monitor while I shitpost on /pol.

half of those are probably from Poland though

Sure were gonna win even if I want our thrash team to loose, just calm your tits mohamed.

Who /Wales/ here?

Can't wait to trash the eternal Anglo