There are literally thousands of earthquakes a day, how autistic is this board?
God needs to destroy the entirety of that shithole instead of just a little drought and shaking
Did someone roll out of bed?
those tits are rocking my southern regions
Weak ass shit doesn't qualify as a happening you mongoloid PIG fucker.
Not big enough to kill massive numbers of spics.
Southern Commiefornia.
Praise KEK, may Danne Feinstein be buried under a collapsed overpass and no one save her. KEK wills it.
LA here, we dont notice anything under 8
Well wil those tectonic plates no wonder there's an earthquake
It's the biggest in california in 3 years
KEK wills it.
Let the HAARP play over the commies in California!
Praise KEK.
*2 years
those tits seem big enough to kill me.
A good way to die.
This tbf.
ok thanks
Remember that plenty of pre-quakes have been of this size. Japan and Indian ocean both were.
Felt it last night while I was in bed.
Pretty comfy earthquake imo
>5.2 in Cali
You might as well said it rained in Seattle
Oh bullshit. I lived in LA for 5 years, CA for most of my life. Anytime there was an EQ above 4.0 every little faggot pussy Californian freaked out and would go home early.
You really aren't allowed to say anything remotely "bantz" like anymore are you?
Those tits. HHHnnnnnnnggggg.
inb4 lefties screaming about globla warming
By all that is good SOOOOUUUURRRCE
Mememagick is real.
Sauce on those tectonic plates ? I feel like I have a fault about to rupture into my subduction zone
This was the first earthquake in my life to ever wake me up desu. I usually sleep right through them and I won't know that there was an earthquake until someone tells me the next day.
I promise I would make this world a cleaner place. I really promise. Just please give me sauce.
What did Malta ever do to you?
did you work in a high rise? i know they sway but sorry i'm not bourgeois like you since you apparently can afford to move around
i bet the rest of your coworkers were like that too; no wonder theyre not use to our little shakes
>nuke Netherlands
>Brazil is okay
What the hell is wrong with you?
I literally slept through it
She lives in DC and San Francisco
It's a shoop
Californian here, I don't get exited for anything under a 7.
A fucking streetsweeper going by will shake your house more than a fucking 5.
This tbqh
Someone with a tumlr ...tumbld....out of bed
it's literally nothing
Oh great and frogiful kek drown socal in the deep. Let Poseidon feast upon their taco meat flesh for a thousand anos!