what are your thoughts on evalion
What are your thoughts on evalion
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why do you faggots make this thread every day
she's a shill and so are you
Mentally ill
did he died
Little early for a boxxy thread.
She's an attention whore with nothing of value to say, like most women on the Internet, appealing to a niche to help her stand out.
I'll forgive you if you're not a shitskin. Post hand pic.
Sup Forums pandering yellow toothed stupid voiced harpy KIKE
Whatever tactics work. Her view counts were high.
Need more young cutsey females reading red pill talking points. Roll out your little sisters NEETs and make them a youtube account. Tell them you'll make them famous.
Faggot with hand fetish spotted.
In the jusgement day, before God sends me to the lake of fire, I will just say "thank you for boobs physics.
I'm not sure I entirely understand Evangelion
Stop chimping out that much you fucking kikes tou are exposing yourselves
I wish she was a trap like Kayla
Kill your self degenerate freak
Nice bod.
What? I don't disagree with a lot of what she says but all she's doing is parroting the opinions of others. She's of no interest to me, stop shilling for your 3d waifu.
She was a camwhore lel
nah jk keep going
>Sup Forums falls for another Jew co opting their movement for financial gain
retarded goyim
You mean like 99% of YouTube "personalities". She is educating people not creating original content.
You virgin woman haters are cringy and pathetic
Roasties GTFO REE!!!!
Annoying bitch that sucks stormweenies money. She should be gassed.
>disgusting roastie
no wonder shes a tryhard retard
If she was a Jew she would be talking about inane crap like gaymergate or ethics in videogame journalism to pander to all the meninist reddit neckberds . Instead she is talking about the kike problem.
Why are you whiteknighting some moron 18 year old from YouTube?
Fuck you, Mr.Chang. I almost had him.
Whatever her true motivation, she served (and can continue to serve) a purpose. I respect her contributions to a political movement I identify with.
Why are you shilling against an anti semitic you tuber? Are you a kike?
Fuck off.
This guy gets it, I'm jewish too and my sister looks just like her. Just less fucked up and more symetrical, but besides that she could be my sister aswell.
No way kike women are hideous inbred and look like rats
I'm not shilling shit. I'm not attacking her ideas or anti-semitism. I'm attacking her because she's annoying and has nothing new to say.
pretty cute
nice bod
okay videos
not really important, but she's just a kid. i like her
I feel like we don't hear enough about Evalion on /pol.
The only video of hers I've seen was where she wasn't wearing any pants.
>kike shill.
>poor hygiene
>dates men online because she is too much of a psychopath to find a man irl.
I would like to see her tit's but, they look pretty big. other than that she can gtfo
Hitler would be so proud of this degenerate.
>passing disgusting brown eyes ROAST BEEF off as qt nazi grey green eyed waifu
I talk about kikes here everyday, does it make me not Jewish?
I don't even mean Jewish ethnically, but as an idea. She's exploiting the secret club she was lurking on for 4 months and it's pretty obvious.
And don't you think that she's not making some of those threads about her. She does.
Also yeah, she looks like a Jew
t. kikeland citizen
I do have to admit this pic makes me want to fuck her senseless.
t. hnnnnggggggggggg
>she's annoying
Personal opinion. Her voice is a little annoying but who gives a fuck
>nothing new to say
How is this an argument the vast majority of people are oblivious to what she has to say about the jewish problem and kikes in general. But I am sure you are some kind of intellectual powerhouse who comes up with new profound groundbreaking ideas while taking a shit
wow, green eyes are ugly as shit. they look like a horrible mix of brown and yellow
>has nothing new to say.
true, but her farewell video on her boyfriend's channel was cool. she just introduced it, and then it was some guy talking about the meaning of life in a way that made me realize that if there is a meaning of life, it's what we leave behind when we are gone. for most losers, it's their loser children, but for great men it's an idea, a building, a bridge, an invention, or a new cheeseburger recipe.
I don't think that is her, the girl in this pic has brown hair and shill evalion has black jew hair
if that is her then that is a pretty big let down for a win.
>She's exploiting
Yeah I am sure making anti semitic videos on YouTube will make her a millionaire
she looks extremely jewish in this pic
really makes you think...
I have you agree with you on this one
Plenty of red pilled youtubers but something about this one just doesn't seem genuine
That's not evalion.
This is her:
No but it'll give her youtube shekels if she shills enough.
And don't you pretend that being controversial never leads to fame.
Whatever, I like her videos, I'm just saying that she's doing the same thing as milo.
doesn't even look like her...
You are pathetic. Shame!
I have nothing against anti-semitic qt jews.
oy vey, based kike
maybe we will spare you from the upcoming holocaust, since the first one never happened.
shalom a la butthole or whatever you guys say
Source of gtfo
>she's doing the same thing as milo
Correct except she is taking a huge risk and putting her entire future in danger by making those videos while that faggot milo is exploiting the anti feminist neckbeard redditors to promote himself.
Naive, gullible, has no critical thought, reminds me of Watto from The Phantom Menace.
Still would.
Schizo style of speaking and always looks like she needs to wash her hair.
reminds me of a spider
brush your teeth young woman
>she's annoying
>Personal opinion. Her voice is a little annoying but who gives a fuck
she has that fake ass tryhard wannabe sexy voice where she sounds like she is a phone sex operator or something.
pic unrelated
yeah right mate
wew lad
The way things are moving soon it'll be ok to criticize Jews too, but yeah, I'm pretty forgiving towards her because she's talking about something so controversial.
And still, she's doing the same thing and it always ends with us getting flooded by normies, written about, exploited etc.
Also, is she American? Because if she is it's not much of a risk(unlike the jail time you get in Germany), just an edgy attention whore.
you have identified her best qualities
I'm not a fan of hers. sure I'd like to see a whin but I'm not convinced that is her. And that pornhub vid is DEF NOT HER, bitch doesn't even resemble the kike whore.
wew lad
This tread is relevant to my interests
What is a schizo style of speaking?
She lives in Cucknada. And even if she is not charged with "hate speech" her future will be ruined if her identity is revealed
she is Canadian and they will through your ass in jail for questioning the halohoax over their.
If she wasn't a jew and a controled opp shill she probably would have been arrested.
>Oy vey s-she is a kike don't trust her she is a disinfo agent jews dindu nuffin!!!!1111
Not if she is in fact Jewish. Which she obviously is. Just like milo has protection because he's a faggot
This exchange is not very entertaining so you can have the last word I'm outta here
zika virus?
I get attention whore vibes from Evalion but I dont really care.
Here's the best youtube channel Tsar Bombastic dropping nuclear truthbombs.
The best video to redpill even the most bluepilled on genetics of IQ with indisputable, easily understandable study (5 minutes):
A study that cleverly proved some cultures are more violent than others (7 minutes):
A clip that shows the insanity of the current migration policy and offers a proposal on how to fix it. Excellent to redpill even the most bluepilled on the current migration madness (3 minutes).
nice try nigger, not an argument. did you get triggered because I insulted your waifu? fucking buttblasted faggot.
tupperware titties
nips the size of dinnerplates...
Yes like them, I don't like any of them. I like the latest ones less though because they manage to be even less original.
>kike shill.
How is she a kike shill? Whats the long game. Do jews now just want us to hate them?
useful idiot
She is queen of Sup Forums. Evalion is queen of Sup Forums.
>being this new
she is what's called controllled opposition.
She goes out there, saying nigger, kike, calling for the gassing of all jews, etc. It makes the alt right look like a bunch of lunatics. it's one of the oldest tricks in the book, and it is very effective. Notice how Hiter never used racial slurs in Mein Kampf or in his speeches. Real people don't purposefully make the people on their side look like idiots.
secondly, she is a jew, that's why the ADL or JIDF didn't have her ass thrown in jail, 'hate speech' is illegal in Canada. the writing is on the wall, hiding in plane site. You just can't see it somehow
Plus, she even admitted to being a shill and then claimed she 'changed'
this is a screenshot of a skype text convo with her online ex bf constatine
Makes us look like fucking idiots.
>online ex bf constatine
exactly, this man sees her for what she is
a Jew undercover agent trying to discredit the alt right.
excuse my typo, i'm hungover and you knew what I meant
Constantine, there is that better user?
No, not what I meant. Sorry.
What I meant was Constantine is a douche bag name. I'm sure the guy is a faggot.
How does she help "redpill normies" if she does the most stereotypical GTKRWN shit? The best way to redpill normies is black crime statistics hands down, which are a gateway drug to becoming fully redpilled. Singing to Hitler just turns people away and keeps beta cuck whites firmly in the cuckservative camp.
How does it help Trump in any way, shape or form to make a Hitler cake and then say you support Trump in the next video? If she really cared/isn't completely fucking retarded, she wouldn't talk about Trump at all to spare us from more "HITLER DURRR" arguments from the left. Obvious kike shill is obvious. Didn't somebody post a screenshot a while back of some chat with her where she admitted to being a shill?
Kill your self neckbeard nu Sup Forums newfag concern troll. Fuck off with that gay faggot "alt right" crap take that shit to reddit you cancerous fuck. Sup Forums is a fascist anti semitic board and Evalion was wrecking the kikes left and right. Her videos were reaching tens of thousands of people every day redpilling them about the kike problem.