Why are blacks so prone to violence, theft and other crime?
Why are blacks so prone to violence, theft and other crime?
They evolved in the wild, not civilization
you could play it safe and say socio-economic conditions
or you could tell the truth and say it's because evolution above the neck being different for all the races
They never needed to think ahead, so the idea of longterm consequences was never something ingrained, while everyone else constantly had to think ahead in order to not die
Hold the Fuck up. They better not be enslaving those hairy people.
Because they don't know that theft and violent crimes are wrong. If somebody just told them that they would stop.
The correct term is People of Hair
W A R R I O R . G E N E
The reasons are poverty, ignorance no education ect...
they're a fossil race. a less developed version of us
we moved north and developed into humans. they stayed south and remained animals
if white people didnt exist. i believe asians would have instinctively killed them all by now
looks like slavery to me, but what do i know, i'm only a white male.
Yeah we all know poor white people don't commit crime and are very intelligent and civilized
that's what white history is. whites are the most violent race on earth. you 9n bred cracker
No. Can't be that, because whites started the same way in the middle ages, and look where we took ourselves.
Why don't we ask the Arabs?
>apes behaving better than niggers
No sense of irony in calling black people prone to violence when all of the bloodiest wars in human history have been fought mostly by white people?
John 8:44
Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it.
t. Zhang
>bloodiest wars
>bloodiest wars
>bloody wars
You're furthering the leaf meme, leaf.
poor blacks commit much more crime than poor whites
And there was about 700 years of turmoil between the middle ages and modern day. I don't see how you can compare the evolution of European society to the lives of black people living in America when there are hardly any similarities that Cuba be drawn between them. There was no industrial revolution to be had for the blacks, it had already happened and they were the capital.
I didn't know the Napoleonic wars, and world war 1 and 2 were fought mostly in Africa! Shit, how did I miss this?
700 years of turmoil with continual growth and improvement in sciences, technologies, medicine, industrialization, etc. etc. Bad things happen, but we pushed through them. Name one nigger government that is of any consequence in the world map.
So like diversity is good, right?
>a leaf making a retarded comment
How is that justified that people commit +50% of crimes while being 14% of people ?
South Africa and Nigeria are two reasonably influential nations
>inb4 blacks ruined south Africa
>all of the bloodiest wars in human history have been fought mostly by white people?
Kek. That's because such a feat requires organization, logistics, planning, premeditation and perseverance. concepts that elude the feeble minds of blacks
War is the science of destruction. Blacks are too stupid to even conceive such a mechanism. Hence they are relinquished to petty crimes like Murder, theft, assault, rape, rioting and other chimpouts
South Africa was an english colony, so yeah, whitey was responsible for that. Nigeria isn't influential in any way, shape, or form. I never hear about Nigeria until leafs like yourself post it.
It's not justified. Did I ever claim that? I'm just saying it's not because blacks have some genetic predisposition towards murder and crime. Do white people have a genetic predisposition to mass shootings?
You had never heard about Nigeria? And you call black people stupid .
>I never hear about Nigeria
You're retarted, leaf. Read the quote right.
years and years of beaing stuck in the ghetto and not getting a education. No one told them that its stupid, and no its embraced so much into black american culture and african culture that it would take years to get it out. Look at it this way, if you put a black guy in a non-black neighborhood he gets his act tougheter because we all learn from observing how other do things, in "da hood" they all do things like animals, so niggers act like animals
If that were true, it would be nice. But mudslimes pouring into Europe, into a far nicer place, disproves that with the crime statistics.
So if I kill someone with a machine I'm not violent? Some sound logic there. Besides France, and Greece and really most European nations seems to get into some pretty fucking huge riots that make america's pale in comparison. So how can you claim rioting is racially determined? I'm done this is pointless stay in your echo chamber guys.
There were 44 mass shootings by white people in 2015, or 2.23 per 10,000,000
There were 11 mass shootings by black people in 2015, or 2.92 per 10,000,000
So no, blacks are still 30% more violent
Make an actual argument. You've been strawmanning for 15 straight minutes now.
Because they're part of a culture which highly promotes self expression through passionate and emotional displays. Compile that with low education and shit conditions/shit family life and boom, violent, narcissistic culture
Libtards never learn
I've been making actual arguments. What constitutes an actual argument? Something you agree with?
I wont provide a link because it would take days for me to find it but i remember a report on the belifes of young mudslimes in averege british schools. Like 60% held the belifes of a normal european person and said that muslim culture is violent and shold not be accepted. It's all about cutting them off from the shitslam part and inserting european values from a young age
It's not about Violence, It's about Competence
Whites, Asians, Persians and even Arabs we're competent at everything they did, even Violence.
That's why they could subjugate entire continents and bend them to their own will
Blacks can't do anything but rob and loot
Sorry, Leaf. Try again
Facts and statistics make an actual argument. You have posted none, and have strawmanned multiple comments, including my own.
This was my argument until I saw that blacks commit more crime at every income level. But morons here trying to measure skulls are wrong too.
Only 60% ? It's progress, but it's not nearly enough, not nearly what it should be at. 40% is far too high a percentage for radicilization and the damage it does.
>muh culture!
I was in the same boat as you fampai, you really just need to accept racial IQ studies (with controls for muh culture arguments) and they show that niggers and shitskins are just fucking stupid and low-time preference genetically, Outlyers notwithstanding.
Has anyone I've responded to posted any facts or statistics? Why do I have a different criterion for an argument than everyone else?
So your argument is that Blacks aren't more violent because of their genetics? Right?
>South Africa was an english colony
I thought it was a dutch colony...
>Has anyone I've responded to posted any facts or statistics? Why do I have a different criterion for an argument than everyone else?
You claim something without evidence, we'll dismiss it without evidence
How can you possibly control for all cultural conditions? That sounds like something that is literally impossible to me.
What is happening in this webum?
So you can make claims without evidence and it's fine? Like I said you guys are just sitting in here yelling "I hate crazy niggers" in a an who chamber. Why don't you just write a programs that repeats the same twenty phrases over and over again in ever thread? You'd save time and be more comfortable.
It's the level of violence associated with black crime that makes people move away from them and further sinks property prices, concentrating the worst people in these areas.
No one has moved out of an area because their bike was stolen.
I do have to ask, but what was the definition of "Mass Shooting" used for this? Because with the constant gang activity going on, I'd assume that the number with blacks would be higher.
>How can you possibly control for all cultural conditions? That sounds like something that is literally impossible to me.
>Un-ironically supporting an unfalsifiable position to assuage your liberal guilt complex.
>what is occoms razor
>what is the data FOR racial IQ disparities that correlate to fucking established evolutionary adaptation except when applies to niggers cause "das racist"
ishiggydiggy youtube.com
A monkey is stealing from some apes
It's a good start i'd say, shows that britbongs have the right idea and know what they are doing, it could be 20% like it is in france
>So you can make claims without evidence and it's fine?
I never said that. But I'm sure you imagined you were persecuted so just like the screaming autistic leaf you are
Testosterone and cortisol. Deficiency in abstract thinking make it impossible to imagine the future consequences. Its the same reason they cant farm.
nigs have more estrogen and lower t than other races though
Wow sweden just wow. They may be dumb but they know what crime is. We've been telling them for decades.
This desu senpai.
It's genetic, not hormonal.
Genes and hormones are not mutually exclusive.
Hahahahaha so the reason niggers are rapists and muggers is literally because they ate black. Fucking ace!
thanks doc
Authos J. Philippe Rushtona, , , Donald I. Templer
>Donald Templer
>Donald the Templar
> Earlier this year a team at King’s College London discovered that up to 65 per cent of the difference in pupil’s GCSE grades was down to genetics, after analysing genetic data fro, 12,500 twins.
>They found that all exam results were highly heritable, demonstrating that genes explain a larger proportion of the differences between children, between 54 and 65 per cent.
It's a female in heat user
Imagine if Europeans domesticated chimpanzees
Things would be pretty weird
Genetics. Niggers literally have a "violence gene" and we have found it. Why are we still discussing this it's 2016 and people are still saying it's poverty or "institutionalised racism". Unbelievable
Tend to have lower incomes, come from single parent households, have a lower avg IQ, and have a shit culture
come on you racist
day dindu nuffins
>It's current year
>Niggers literally have a "violence gene" and we have found it
Given the fact that the Blacks imported to america via the slave trade were Criminals, POW's Vagrants and other delinquents, I have no trouble believing their is a "violence gene" in their genepool
Because it's 2016 and we know as a scientific fact that niggers are violent because of genetics. Yet people are still insisting that it's black """"culture""""" or socioeconomic factors.
you realize that there are actually far more "white" gang members than there are blacks right?
You'd think there were more blacks, simply because blacks LOVE "gang culture" and are loud and stupid about their criminality.
Mafias have a class about what they do and do EVERYTHING THEY CAN to not disturb the fabric of everyday legal society, so that they can go about their "business."
Blacks don't care. They're retarded and want to "show out." They don't care about collateral ddamage and they don't think about future consequences (ie. noisy ytime driveby = lots of witnesses and collateral damage leading to many witnesses and instant police investigation.)
Per capita I'd wager there are more 'white" gang members than blacks... the blacks are just niggerish about their nigging and thus are in the public eye all the time.
They can't even be proper low-lives.. worthless.
Beside the Sociologic/pressures which, over time made certain traits more desirable for their environment (epigenetic) and were passed down gneration after generation due to behaviors which led to success/survival in their environment...
There is a physical difference in their neurochemisty, wherein they have much higher baseline levels of MonoAmineOxidase (MAO) by 4 TIMES more than any other race.
Besides selective pressures of environment they are ALSO so far removed from the other branches of humanity that we are a hair away from having sterile offsrping with them like lions and tigers or zebras and horses.
They have no Denisovian or Neanderthal leftovers... NONE.
Maybe if we force-fed nigs MAOI psychiatric drugs they'd be more prone to function in civilization???
>But it's still current year
What does this have to do with anything?
>Nigeria are two reasonably influential nations
Nigerian prince detected
High test
I'm white and I'm prone to violence. Mainly because I'm high test and don't take no shit.
You're all a bunch of soft, sheltered faggots and I'd probably heem every single one of you itt.
>I'd wager
care to back ANYTHING you said up with anything factual?
Their families don't exist. 75% fatherless rate in America for blacks.
As a result, they raise themselves, and are FERAL. I repeat, they are FERAL.
In other words, they act on impulse, like literal animals.
Get a load of this little faggot.
I'm serious, m8. I'd hit you with my left, you'd be begging for my right.
Nonsense. Greeks and Romans had slavery. People have always had slavery no matter what their skin color.
get a load of this little britbong projecting while his mother gets raped my mudslimes
Go suck on mummys titties, m8.
My mothers the one raping muslims, m8.
da fuck is going on in that webm