Where is the best spot to sit for a movie?

Where is the best spot to sit for a movie?

Outside the cinema, at the parking lot in the cold watching the flick as a YIFI rip on your smartphone.

You already got it, front left is GOAT

My theater has a ballpit in the front, I usually sit there near the sausage and cheese cart.

I would take the aisle, gf to my left. Everyone always migrtes to the middle so I try to avoid that area.

right next to the lobster bar

As far from the troll cage as possible, since some idiot always ends up feeding it

Cinemas are like busses. Losers sit in the front paying attention, chads in the back having fun.

>tfw normie in the middle, dont want any trouble

Back row, center left or right.


cinemas are like buses. only losers are in them in the first place.

at home you normiefag

In order:
The absolute best seats are second row up in the middle. Followed by the three rows beyond that )still in the middle). Followed by anywhere else in that second row up. Followed by the rightmost seats in the main section (so as to guarantee the right armrest is 100% yours).
If you're tall like me, there's also the top row seats facing the stairs and any seats in the second row up that are behind wheelchair sittings.
But if you put your feet up on the rails, I hate you and I will throw dollar-store candy at your head.

Anything else isn't civilized. You will not come close to a proper movie experience in any other seats.

there is a sweet spot where the audio is perfectly balanced, this changes for every theater but its usually exactly in the middle.

choose wisely

the sweet spot

11th Popcorn Regiment reporting as ordered.

I'm not used to pointing my head to the left for hours, it just naturally rests pointing to the right.

I had to sit in a right aisle once in 2012 and I was so uncomfortable that I couldn't focus on the movie. I think it had John Travolta or Brad Pitt.

its objectively this, especially since most audio is mastered in the middle of a theater

Maybe if you're an A&E reviewer and there's nobody else in the theater.
But in a crowded theater with hooting niggers and popcorn-chompers on all sides; the fewer heads you have in front of you, the better.

Second row up, center. Try it sometime. You won't even notice the tunnel vision kick in.

furthest away from the designated cinema shooter and the falcon nests

I buy out all the seats and then calculate the physics of the sound system in the theater to find the perfect spot for complete immersion.

Whats the point of numbered seating.

Every theatre I've been too that does, a group of niggers just sits where they want, which butterflies through and pretty much no one ends up in their correct seat.

>his cinema doesn't have nigger cages and riot police

Sound like you live in a lawless shithole

Whatever puts you at eye level with the screens exact center.