Barack Obama Endorses Hillary Clinton

How do you feel about this, Sup Forums?

I would've done the same if I was a corrupt and morally bankrupt lunatic

What a surprise, scumbag endorses scumbag.

I bet Obama was forced to do this.

I'm thinking this too actually.
You can tell in the video that he's ingenuine. I wonder if something would happen to him if he hadn't endorsed her.


>one active saboteur endorsing another

And in other equally surprising news, a bear was spotted shitting in the woods.


He was only in it for himself.

Of course he would; she's basically his third term.

Fuck dude America is burning to the ground

I bet he is gonna make a lot of money endorsing hillary.
Endorsing trump is not gonna get him any cash.

Didn't Hillary Clinton propose a bill like Obamacare years ago, but it was scrapped?
I bet she feels cheated that this guy got to push what she surely considers her work.

Before this endorsement, have they commented on each other in interviews?

Just another good reason to vote for Trump

I feel like he likes the progressive pot smoking socialist bernie "the jew" sanders, more than the crooked winch that tries to manifest itself and leech into the white house again.

It's probably for the promise of a future post with NATO or The UN or whatever.

I wasn't expecting him to back Trump.
I feel like Republicans need to come out and stack endorsing Trump if he is going to win.

However the Pope turns out to not be Catholic.

Couldn't care less. Obama's approval rating hit rock bottom over the last 2-3 years.

Good, Now Trump can finally go to town on this traitor.

He does

welp, guess i'm now #mentallyhill

Trump has said dozens of times he's going to rescind almost every EO Onigger has signed into law. Trump threatens his precious legacy he cares more about than running an effective foreign policy

EO Onigger?

Executive order Obama