I require now good propaganda, I have posted my reasons why brexit is the only way. But I need a more human spirit sort of thing.
Anyways let this be a thread of strategic collaboration with real solutions, ignore the shills
I require now good propaganda, I have posted my reasons why brexit is the only way. But I need a more human spirit sort of thing.
Anyways let this be a thread of strategic collaboration with real solutions, ignore the shills
The only way we are going to win I if we start engaging with the normies now, we must not be afraid of hurting someone's feelings but we must also not be racist.
bye bye Brexit
I must let you know that Facebook have removed one of my posts refering toa simple YouTube video which looks like some movie or TV series called "I am Englishman"
Please kill your self shill before we do and we are not joking, you will never dictate to me how I should think.
>blaming me
you really are a bunch of dumb fucks , kill yourselfves
Anything with Daniel Hannan.
Is what they removed or blocked I reposted it, I cont give a fuck what they will do, I will be the first to call people to arms.
Say that Brexit is needed in order to be able to accept more refugees, since EU is not willing to do so with the recent agreement with Turkey
Is it really a good idea?
The jews are supporting it too.
Maybe there are more than we could see
I wish he was in more debates.
Kind of disappointed there haven't been many on-line polls to brigade tho.
I like the video. But I don't think it would get through to most people. Most would probably laugh and turn it off before the halfway mark.
It is a good idea because
I need all people to understand just how important the referendum on our EU membership is... Our laws mean absolutely nothing, people can come here from anywhere in the world illegally and because of a European court we can’t detain them. The system is broken, genuine cases of refugees are delayed, due to the hundreds of thousands of economic migrants now coming to our shores.
I am being deadly serious when I say our elected government is corrupt and isn't working in the interests of the people who elected them. They do not care if our living standards go down, our wages go down due to a constant flow of cheap labour. It’s all about GDP, as the population increases so does GDP due to more jobs being filled for less, more public spending, none of which really benefits the working class. What is more, by 2020 the uk population is predicted to be 80 million people...
In comparison to the last count I paid attention to in the glorious 90s, which was around 45 million it is no shock to why rent prices are massively inflated above what should be normal. We would need to build a new house every 4 mins to sustain this right into 2020 and beyond...
They are wanting to build an EU army, they have been building an EU army, why is this bad? DO I NEED TO SPELL IT OUT? World war 2 or sorry rather world war 3, our descendants fought for freedom, democracy in those wars against an ideology that was quite simply all about central government, secret courts, suppression of free speech, elimination of those who threatened its survival. What do we now see in this EU?
Building an EU army is not about defence, it is about the expansion further east which means Russia, the cold war never really ended, and the Russians are well aware of this. This also ties into why GDP matters more to them than our living standards… I will say this, if they cause a war with Russia I will never go fight Russia, this would go totally against my principles, my moral integrity and they do not wish to fight us, they want the same things we as normal rational thinking people want, which is Freedom, democracy and the rule of international common law. Something which our so called governments have been violating ignoring for the past god knows how many decades.
When you start a multinational exercise in Poland involving all the usual suspects of the EU and NATO on Russia’s borders, of course they are going to reinforce their borders with troops....
This is very dangerous game our leaders are playing, and it has to stop, any war with them will almost certainly result in our extinction, or at least 200 million deaths in just the first 30 minutes.
This does not mean your VOTE is futile, they would love you believe you have no power, I have voted ukip since the last general, we gave them a bloody nose, we we’re labelled racists for daring to go against their plans, we are not anything they say we are. You vote counts USE it, then spread the word of truth far and wide, never give up.
More importantly vote LEAVE on June 23 make June 24 our independence day, a general election after a leave victory before Christmas this year is very probable and is another chance to put things right!
Dank meme
And I do know there is a Jewish element monitoring this and I say this, I am a former soldier and I am very patriotic and you wont silence me or my comrades who will insure you are brought to justice even if that means fighting for it.
You have the chance to allow us to decide our destiny but we are watching closely if you interfere to put it bluntly you will have a war that you will lose. And I promise we will never give up, I admire the Jewish people, I admire all people, but as far as evil is concerned I will smash you like my ancestors had done before me.
return2reddit, faggot. nobody cares about faceberg
People of low intellect like you aren't regarded as being relevant , there are many good people in this world and most do not reside on Sup Forums because they now know it has been controlled opposition. Should I go on jude?
Or would you rather I stfu do you can spam this place with your constant bullshit which is effecting young minds, let me tell you us in my generation are way more smarter than you would like to admit it was our purpose.
UKIP are a good example of how the media lies and showers shit on parties that dare to go against the system.
Many years ago I signed up to receive stuff from UKIP at Trago Mills (which is basically UKIPLand- Look it up!) as at the time I was eurosceptic. I forgot about it for many years until we had the MEP elections where UKIP swept the board, and I remember at the time how disgusted I was that the country had voted that way and was worried about the rise of the 'Racist UKIP'.
Then last year at the general election, I decided to actually look up what UKIP stood for.
If the vote comes back to remain in two weeks, I'm going to join UKIP and continue to fight the good fight, and I would urge all of you lads in the UK to do so too. Do it for are Nige.
Now that purpose is complete we must focus on that secondary purpose, to endure the youth vote for freedom and democracy.
I convinced a work college to vote leave today in 2 sentences. She was asking me if I watched the debate on ITV with BoJo, and what I thought because she was still undecided. I more or less said
>Both sides have a list of reasons for they're side of the argument on every issue except 1, and it's why I'm leaning to vote to leave. It's an absolute fact that the EU is ran by unelected bureaucrats that we can't get rid of and whose laws we can't change.
I feel that people want change in this country, particularly old people, so the fact that they can't do anything to change the EU themselves riles them up. I highly encourage everyone who know older people who are still undecided to point out that fact, it works like a charm.
If they vote remain and is fair I will leave it but will join ukip, if they rig or deny I will go to war,...
And I will leave that decision up to the people, if people thought it was unfair the. I'd act like any good Brit and fight if it was fair the so be it and my stance wont change I will become a full ukip member because I wont agreed at all until I see reform.
My prediction is the leave camp will win but it will be ignored, then the country may fall apart but I'm not prepared to allow that to happen as arent so many others.
Tell them that the man who signed Britain up to the EU was a paedo.
In all honesty it is going to be a Huge test to the integrity of our royal family as we are a kingdom. They have the power to dissolve our government if its not fit or is corrupt.
I swore an oath to defend, her and her heirs and successors, that still stands today. There is no way these people will go as far to piss us law abiders off this much, they know what will happen to them if they do. Our queen will shut it all down to prevent the break up of the
It is her fucking job to do that
Something tells me she won't be doing that any time soon.
You lie and fuck you traitor you days are numbered... Our great nation will be restored and all who loved it will remember it it as it was, England a small island with massive clout, I am not raciest but people like you are asking more than ready to crusade this world in the name of democracy. And we will prevail and free those who wish to be saved. I is our duty to ensure that the rule of common law is abided by.
Ahmed go and fuck another girl underaged or a goat we will as good people of the free world ruin that experience for you and that is a promise.