Let's have a Trump hate thread.
Enough with the circlejerk. He is a racist piece of shit and everyone knows it.
No autistic Trumptards allowed.
Let's have a Trump hate thread.
Enough with the circlejerk. He is a racist piece of shit and everyone knows it.
No autistic Trumptards allowed.
Other urls found in this thread:
Fuck off jungle monkey
How can you trust a balding man? Not even his hair likes him lmao
he's only saying what many American and really all whites in general have been thinking for years. sure some of what he says is fucking retarded but no one is perfect right?
You're just making him stronger
>huemonkey gives his valuable opinion
TRUMP 2016
Saging your shitty threads one at a time
Fuck you OP ~ Trump 2016
>>>sage in options
I hope this is sarcasm
You are just proving me right
>Hate trump because he's a loud celebrtiy
>Trust the thoughts and opinions of journalists and actors, who in the same way are journalists because of ideaologist delusions?
That's nice, mate.
where is this strawman coming from? which celebrity has OP mentioned?
is this the best trumplets can come up with?
as your boy would say: "sad"
It isn't a strawman, you take your opinions from a rag, and a lot of your fellow advocates against trump usually found their opinions from shows which are hosted by people alike john oliver, it isn't a strawman, it is a reality. You're just two sides of the same dumb coin.
Do not. Respond to troll threads like this. Reported.
>He is a racist piece of shit
This isn't lefty Sup Forums
He's not a racist, you triggerwording SJW cuck.
He's a nationalist.
>He is a racist
Where do you think you are right now?
Some of his ideas are good, but his stance on net neutrality is a deal breaker for me.
Send the mexicans back, Kick out the muslims, secure our borders and strengthen our economy, but NOBODY fucks with my bandwidth!
Was roller derby cancelled today?
>people didnt follow business before The Apprentice
>people didnt follow politics before Trump ran for prez
literal Midas touch
Trump is a very smart man and he would be a great fit as the president of the United States
>Sup Forums
Do you even know what board you came to you monkey?
delete your account, brazil
>Using racist as an epithet
Stay pleb
trump is against net neutrality?
supply source
>favela monkey hates Trump
Not surprised savages hate the Don
He's gonna be the next president of America and you fags can't stop it
>He is a racist
We're having at least 100 of these threads here today.
But there are no paid shills for Hiillary. That is a racist republican meme.
>never won a war
hmm... im going to assume this is bait and sage
I am now #shittin4Clinton
>using a laughing beta jpg
Stay summer
Don't forget to sage to bait threads, folks.
Be glad the Spanish decided to settle instead of the chinese. They'd have wiped every one of your mudmonkeys out.
You're totally right dude
Whatever fits your mold
The only way conservatives can feel right is if they point out SJW fallacies
What's with all these people coming in thinking they can make appeal to emotion on a imageboard? Jesus christ, newfaggots.
>using a picture of a welsh man
I'm probably older than you, trump kiddie.
We all know you came straight from reddit
This is some lower form of shitposting, I feel like I'm getting insulted by a geek.
If your gonna hate on Trump, at least use points that are actually ACCURATE and not BULLSHIT that the media makes up and interpolates from nothing.
>m-muh racism
He hasn't been racist. He wants illegal immigrants out, he wants nobody from high risk Muslim countries coming in until there's a vetting process in place that works, and he explained in what was supposed to be a sealed deposition that the judge was a La Raza lawyer with ties to the Clintons and has personally supported illegal immigrants and wanted him thrown out of the case as any verdict would be biased and unfair.
>m-muh sexism
He's never made a blanket statement about women, he's bashed O'Donnell, Clinton and Warren for being stupid assholes and liars. That's not sexism.
Bring up his views on the NSA and CIA scoping? I'd agree they're too hardcore for me. But all of the above are non-issues pushed by media kikes to yet again attempt to Stump the Trump and again they will fail.
>implying being against net neutrality is a bad thing
90% of posts on Sup Forums are canadians and foreigners shitting on and baiting trump people. your post is an example.
heres your ((((you))))
You can tell by the fact that he's not saying anything directly to me, and just states something implying people will agree with him.
There are no upvotes in this imageboard, kid.
Great thread
Kill the Oligarchs!
You are fishing but nothing's biting bruv
can we meme horsey clear across the political spectrum, we made garrison slide, we can do it.
are you just sad that the trump wall will keep out garbage like you?
i would join hydra after that speech
Due to over-use, the word "racist" has no meaning any more. Same with "hitler" or "nazi".
Other words which will shortly join it after having been deflated and robbed of any real power or meaning:
We desperately need a wall.
>thinking age has anything to do with being a newfag
gtfo this board
That's all i got for now, I'm sure I'm missing some obvious ones
the menace of canadia isn't going to segregate itself
yaaa.. why don't you go ask venezuela what happens to countries that don't get in line
Fuck those guys. Vote TRUMP you fat nigger.
This is now a pro-trump thread.
You know what I meant
Sup Forums never fails to jump around minor semantics
A thread full of shitskins and and illegals
>it's a Hillery shills use the fact that it is now summer Vaykay to try and change the Board history and color by playing the "Everyone who likes trump or hates Hillery is a summer Reddit new fag" Episode
If this ad doesn't make you hype as shit you probably don't belong here.
Brazil is a shining example of why we need to deport illegals before America gets browner
>He is a racist
Libtard, let me teach you a thing or two. First, do yourself a favor and do your own independent research. Don't wait for MSNBC to tell you what to think. Don't take the word of any one website. Research.
Second, do yourself a favor and look up the speeches made by Supreme Court Justice Sonya Sotomayor, appointed by Obama.
Justice Sonia Sotomayor has commented on the role of race and ethnicity in how judges reach decisions. In speeches before a gathering of La Raza (the extremely racist latino organization), Sotomayor said, "I would hope that a wise Latina woman with the richness of her experiences would more often than not reach a better conclusion than a white male who hasn't lived that life." She also said, "Whether born from experience or inherent physiological or cultural differences, our gender and national origins may and will make a difference in our judging". And in yet another speech, Sotomayor said "The ethnicity and sex of a judge may and will make a difference in judging. Our gender and national origins certainly must and will make a difference in our judging. To judge is an exercise of power. There is no objective stance only a series of perspectives. Personal experiences affect the facts that a judge chooses to see. A woman of color more often than not will reach a better conclusion than a white male."
>It's a "Hillary pushed the US in to Libya, leaving the country fractured, thousands dead, and gave birth to ISIS. Yet Trump is worse because he says ignorant things!" episode.
Thank you for destroying our country.
>immigration ban somehow equals genocide
damn those are quite the mental gymnastics though.
Sup Forums is going to be empty when he loses and all the tards here off themselves
you are all trumproaches
You seem to be lost new friend
Is what you're looking for
Do.... do you know what net neutrality is? Being against it is pants on head retarded if you like using the internet for anything more than Netflix and Jewbook.
you did it wrong newfag
I'll stick around for the happening threads when Hillary inevitably burns the country down and starts WWIII.
>do your own independent research
Just listen to his fucking speeches, he is a racist, bigoted asshole.
>Implying against being against net neutrality is a good thing.
It allows ISPs to play companies against eachother in order to get more money from them, saying whoever says me the most will get improve internet service in any way to do this. It makes it more difficult for new startups to actually compete on the internet as established companies like google and major companies will pay the danegeld to get faster access. Then it actually, in spite of transferring a bunch of money from website owners to ISPs, discourages ISPs from improving their services as it directly cuts down the profits they can make from selling preferental network access, higher data caps and faster speeds are bad for business in a way they weren't before.
True free market doesn't work with networks because it's not a true free market. If it were possible for an upstart competitor to simply outcompete companies that meddled like this net neutrality would be stupid, but telecoms just have too many monopolies.
jesus christ you faggots are so upset when anyone has a different opinion than you
i hope he wins and fucks everyones shit up 2bh
How is he racist?
Nigger detected
Name one thing he said that was racist.
Retards like you are the same tier as the retards that shout "fascist!" or "nazi!" at everything they don't agree with. The meaning of the word is lost and no one cares about it anymore.
Playing the Trump Card: Obama’s 3rd Term and WW3 (Trump's false flag assassination)
Will OBAMA SUSPEND 2016 ELECTION & Become 3rd Term President Under MARTIAL LAW? (Prophetic Message)
Are you seriously using racist as an insult on Sup Forums?
Horsey's more high profile than Garrison, so it'd be a bit harder.
Awesome and true. Edited from a cuck jew capeshit comic or the original?
he is ineligible for another term. even under martial law and the next president being killed before they are sworne in it doesnt work that way bruh
it goes to the vice president on the ticket and is he died as well there is a long long list of people it transfers to after that most of them are republicans right now
obama would have to kill off the entire legislative branch and all state level authorities and at that point i want to say it transfers to pentagon and good luck with that but if he managed to wipe out all military personnel (because you auto move up in rank when the guys above are dead) then i think it goes to parks services kek
It's the original. So naturally the next panel has them beating a homeless nigger to death and strapping bombs to themselves.
High profile for a political cartoonist isn't saying much.
And I don't think anyone actually bought that Garrison was behind any of the edits.
Jesus Christ.
He's like that kid doing an essay who ran out of ways to dodge the fact they don't know anything
>butthurt brazilians blantantly bitchposting because bullshit burlesque babies bawling banter
let's see how much higher that wall will get, bucko