Another reboot, following on from the success of the all-female Ghostbusters remake
I was reading this not bothered particularly since who gives a fuck about the Ocean's films.
But further down the article...
Another reboot, following on from the success of the all-female Ghostbusters remake
I was reading this not bothered particularly since who gives a fuck about the Ocean's films.
But further down the article...
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...fucking really? FEMALE FUCKING BOND?
I want off this ride.
Once the new Ghostbusters bombs, all this shit will disappear so fast it will make your head spin.
This film will never get made.
They're also remaking Road House with Ronda Rousey.
Does it feature her getting round housed with her fists down?
If lady bond scissors a bunch of bond girls I'm for it?
Did Swayze get his shit kicked in, ponder suicide, and give birth to a child for validation in that movie?
Also archived for shekel stopping
>the brown one is uglier and after with a less lady like nose
"I can't be gettin no work cause dey be racist in hollywood"
mindy kaling is so disgusting
I feel bad for all the indians that this is their representative
>men oceans eleven
>complex hoaxes to divert the attention of security
>women oceans eleven
>"Rita blow that guard so we can sneak by!"
1. Oceans 11 was a reboot anyway
2. No one really cares about those movies
3. This cast is better already
If they're hoping to use controversy from angry neckbeards to sell this one, they're going to be out of luck.
>following on from the success of the all-female Ghostbusters remake
So that's how leftits pronounce utter failure.
you know it's going to be a nigger, right?
1. I know, but principle.
2. I know, but principle.
3. Pic extremely related.
The Star Wars movies did amazing despite being with a female lead, a nigger romance and SJW themes all around.
People miss the Ghostbusters. They want another movie.
Probably won't work like that though, all the women will be super smart and do everything with ease.
It doesn't say that in the article. That's just OP being sarcastic.
3. This cast is better (than the Ghostbusters Remake cast) already
I think you misunderstood me Nigel.
Like a real nigger or an American style nigger with 75% Euro/Red Indian blood?
How does that fat ugly poo in loo get work? There are plenty of poos in loos that diet and exercise
What's funny is that honestly the blow job ruse would probably be more effective irl than the stupid shit they do in the Oceans films.
>following on from the success of the all-female Ghostbusters remake
wew lad...
most down votes of any movie trailer in youtube history
I wouldn't mind an all female heist movie. Just dont rip off Ocean's Eleven to do it
Except for whoever plays the fat "funny" one will seduce and/or Mr. Bean her way through the heist.
Plus a tough lesbian chick who manhandles silly patriarchal security guards.
Anna Kendrick-esque leader of the group stealing from her abusive ex-husband.
You heard it here first.
>carey mulligan as bond
>literally the actress who's the most typecast as a petite, harmless, cute young lady
>oh but she's english lel so who cares!
Sorry, my bad.
Also checked.
Praise kek. Ghost Busters will fail
This all leads to a bromance remake of Thelma and Louise.
>How dare people re-imagine old ideas
Jesus Christ women are pathetic.
Go create something original you dumb cunts instead of ruining things that are already shit.
Can't even ruin shit properly you fucking spastics.
>not bothered particularly since who gives a fuck about the Ocean's films
Yeah. Let them do this, who cares?
If it looks shit just don't see it. Ultimately the forced diversity crap just isn't popular.
Black Annie is a bomb. Fantastic Four was a catastrophe.
No. Only in porn is an all female cast acceptable.
Oh okay, didn't even read that shitty article. I would prefer lobotomy over watching any female movie remake.
>without dicks
Oceans movies are great.
Also Julia Roberts is one of the main characters. I guess they missed that part
>I was reading this not bothered particularly since who gives a fuck about the Ocean's films.
So it's a remake of a remake of a remake?
Can we holocaust Hollywood already?
Hey, isn't the chick on the left Tyler Durden's girlfriend?
She looks as tough as a preteen girl with an eating disorder.
>The Star Wars movies did amazing despite being with a female lead
That was never the issue with the new star wars films. The shitty writing/acting was the issue.
she looks like a man in that picture
and the cinematography and the CGI and everything else.
No. Its the narrator's girlfriend you stupid shit.
Don't worry, Ghostbusters is going to be this years Fantastic 4, a complete bomb.
The jews are evil, but their greed still matters more.
That's because it was fucking Star Wars. The brand recognition, returning original cast, and fanboy support carried the movie despite all the feminist and SJW pandering they threw in there.
It succeeded DESPITE the jewing, not BECAUSE of it.
>female bond infiltrating russian whore houses
I honestly expect a gay bond before a female one.
or a black one
Because its too fucking hard to make something unique and different but instead steal all the credit from the ideas of white men and then make it all female cast, thats not re-imaging you fucking autistic retard thats just taking a old IP and slapping (CURRENT YEAR) and getting rich off of it, seriously look at the quality of production of movies now adays.
The usual SJW corruption goes successful franchise with white males -> Reboot with niggers/women. It's the only way they can get their agenda through while still making money.
Or that. Yes. But female? I mean I like black widow for example, i don't mind female secret agent roles. But I always saw bond as male.
You underestimate Jews. they will finance this garbage because it gets alot of publicity, albeit largely negative. that's better than 80% of garbage they fund and produce that don't get shit for publicity and yet still turn a profit.
Nuffins, Dindu Nuffins.
Grape drank, shaken not stirred.
what exactly do you like about black widow?
Shitty writing and acting are a star wars staple though
Probably scarlet Johanson. Dunno. I liked her character in avengers and so on.
Why not just go for the hat trick and get a black transgender lesbian?
Hollywood kikes have learned that they can save 50 million shekels in advertising just by pissing off the internet.
I admire Hollywood's artistic SJW addiction to positive discrimination as a form of expression despite the massive sacrifice of marketability and their impending & looming bankruptcy. Adorable.
We live in a fictional world like Ayn Rand's Fountainhead where the untalented and stupid are championed as "elite".
>they're so terrible they MUST be good, user. You just don't see it.
>Except for whoever plays the fat "funny" one will seduce and/or Mr. Bean her way through the heist.
ugh. UGH. That sounds awful. I can imagine it. Trying to be so "funny" and "campy" but it would be just cringe-worthy.
i still haven't watched it because of that disgusting coon popping up. I never laughed so hard in my life when i saw that nigger
>the star wars movies did amazing
Look at this idiot. If Jar Jar couldn't sink that ship. Nothing can
>one of the females is brown
I always have always had a feeling that white women really dislike multiculturalism on the inside but because the hivemind has such a strong effect on females they embrace it anyway. I mean I have always heard rich white snooty girls talk badly about blacks etc in highschool, so why wouldnt these feelings transfer to adulthood?
niggers just can't make their own characters
Talking about these movies = free press for them.
I know it's tempting but seriously, stop talking about them.
She's feebler than a horse poo fed drought ridden twig in Bengal.
>Rebooting a reboot that spawned several unnecessary sequels.
Hollywood jews are compelled to squeeze every last shekel from a franchise until all that is left is a dry, hollowed husk.
exactly, people are borderline retarded who will buy anything, alot of people go to the movie theater without even knowing what's actually playing or seeing a single trailer.
They will show up in droves and pick ghostbusters because they heard about it from their friends and they know the franchise.
While the reviews will be utter shite and forever mocked as a shit movie, the money will flow better than if it didn't have the so called controversy.
If you recall, all the "racelifting" of characters (turning white characters black) went off the charts around the times of the 2008/12 elections. It's political subterfuge by (((Hollywood))) to influence how people vote.
They're doing the "BUT WHAT IF X WAS A WOMAN, THAT WOULD TOTES BE AN IMPROVEMENT" bullshit now leading up to the 2016 election, so by the time it comes around, people will want to see a female president.
All this tells me is:
1. Votes do matter. Otherwise, they wouldn't bother going through such lengths to influence them, and
2. There is no reason, whatsoever, to support a fucking thing coming out of California, unless you want to get yourself killed. That's what it's leading up to.
You could swing a dead cat on any poo street in india and hit some goy 10x more emaciated than her.
enjoy your poo curry nigger
They could've released a 2 hour home video of kids pretending to light sabre fight and still made beaucoup bucks if it was called Star Wars
No one wants a new ghostbusters. No one wants all this rehashed, recycled shit. It's just safe. It's a disgrace how few original films get made in Hollywood.
Enjoy your niggers
Star wars fans would watch a steaming turd on a plate for 3 hours
>Hollywood has a millenial problem
Actual headline yesterday.
Apparently they are giving us exactly what we want (sequels and remakes featuring leftist political agendas) yet we're simply not showing up to watch the movies.
What is wrong with us?
>The Star Wars movies did amazing
I fucking hated it but i still paid for my mom and sister's tickets like a fucking retard. they were the ones who wanted to see it.
>Shitty writing and acting are a star wars staple though
I know that's a Lucas Films standard, BUT I had a huge problem with:
1. Never giving a shit about the female lead. Boo fucking Hoo we see her eat her space bread and make friends with a more entertaining robot butt toy.
2. A supposedly brainwashed since childhood, evil soldier that goes around pillaging and thugging for evil people THEN SUDDENLY he removes his helmet and he's got a conscious and he's a cool, "zany", average American black dude with a leather jacket and personality.
Han Solo played that character, but he was a cocky smuggler, not a brainwashed child soldier of death. STUPID, STUPID, STUPID!!!
>I mean I have always heard rich white snooty girls talk badly about blacks etc in highschool, so why wouldnt these feelings transfer to adulthood?
They don't, but the high of liberal smugness feel better and validates their personhood more then putting down other people (in public at least, they're still bitches behind closed doors, user)
There is something troubling about his lower face.
lol, fuck you guys.
Girls are more open about it in private. They rarely stick their necks out in public, but if you crack a racist joke they will light up.
They'll trade the husk, too, if there are shekels to be had.
They want to keep milking it until everyone shows up at their mansions and studios with pitchforks and torches. They want us delirious and filled with animalistic rage.
that's never going to happen
I would not be surprised if the producers are being subsidized and offered lots of cash by the politically correct establishment to feature affirmative action and 'diversity' to make up for the loss of an actual paying audience.
Indeed Frogbro. Bond was also a womaniser. I'd almost want to see this happen to see how people might react to a slutty secret agent who was bending over and sucking off every attractive man she met to reach her goals. People are not nearly as progressive as they like to think they are.
There are very old Jews sitting in conference rooms shouting down all new ideas.
They don't care what people want to watch because they are used to telling the public what they want to watch. This is why TV is failing due in part to their "If it's not a doctor or cop show- we won't air it!" shit.
These studios and the people who run them are hopelessly out of touch and the younger people involved think they are leading this human rights crusade through shit-ass action/comedy movies.
They think they can be like MLK and Gandhi by making a Hollywood blockbuster movie, receive the same smug-inducing praise while counting their Jewgolds.
NO ONE WANTS THIS SHIT. A Ghostbusters movie won't benefit equal rights or help end racism or help "diversity". These people are amoral and full of shit.
what kind of creature is the one on the right?
I wont be wasting money on this movie either.
I don't get it.
Why must they take premises and storylines developed originally for white males?
Do they lack any creative power at all to come up with new ideas centered around their race and/or gender?
It seems like when they want diversity, instead of actually writing a story that they then have creative license over to cast black or female actors/actresses, they instead just take well established stories and FUCK THEIR SHIT UP.
How fucking lazy can these Jews and Jewesses be?
>Helena bongman-carter
>looks like Edward scissorhands with wrinkles instead of scars
>married to the guy who created the character
Fucking Bride of Frankenstein shit going on
As long as there are still bond girls, this is only an improvement.
>intro will be silhouettes of naked men floating around
She's pretty offensive to all my senses, aside from hearing. She has a pretty cute voice.
women literally just follow the lead of the nearest strong male unless they're bitter lesbians. that's god's honest truth about women.
The problem is they use popular internet buzzwords to write movies to appeal to people.
Just look at the new Mohammed Ali: When We Were Kings movie that's coming out.
No one wants this. They're looking at satire and memes and taking it as truth.
I wonder which bond movie they'll be remaking. I wonder if all the genders will be swapped
>what's that?
>it's my little octocock
Muh dick