Would you tip for bad service? What if the waiter is having an off day, distracted because of family troubles, the restaurant is understaffed or something? If you don't know the contributing factors, how could you justify not tipping?
Why can't you show a little compassion?
Would you tip for bad service? What if the waiter is having an off day, distracted because of family troubles...
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Yeah but only 10%.
It's not my duty to subsidize a kike employers wages
I only tip for exceptional service.
No, we are not pretending like tipping hasn't always been about rewarding good service, and we are not pretending that we are obligated to pay for bad service. We are just going to ignore the entitled people who can't get a job elsewhere and can't bring themselves to carry food and drinks to your table without being a despondent shit.
I tip big because i 'might' get laid.
Never works though.
The whole point of a tip is to incentivize good service. If you provide shitty service you get no tip.
I only tip if the waiter is worth it and even then it's @ 5%. Most people don't tip here and I don't wanna tip people who make me work for getting a fucking order or something.
>The whole point of a tip is to incentivize good service. If you provide shitty service you get no tip.
But what if they have a good excuse for the bad service? What if they need that money? Does the few dollars you'd save on not tipping really matter?
Understaffed is understandable. Bringing your problems to work as an excuse for why you perform what you get paid for poorly is not. Sorry you've got problems, but everybody does. I go to restaurants for quality service and enjoyable food. I don't show up to wait for a waitress to get her head out of her ass and finally get around to that second cup of coffee I've been waiting for for the last 20 minutes. If you think under-performing deserves even more of my hard earned cash then you're part of the problem that is the massively mediocre hug box that society is becoming. The customer's always right, and don't ever fucking forget it.
I don't pay for excuses. I pay for service.
I generally only frequent small, family owned (often ethnic) restaurants, and typically service is not a problem. I did leave a bad tip (10%) once at a big chain place recently, because the server was fat and did an all-round shit job. Any more money I gave her would have just enabled more chippies and coke.
Indeed. It's not my fault that places are allowed to get away with massively underpaying their workers and expecting them to make it up in tips. I see no reason to pay someone if they aren't doing there job
Since when was 10% considered a bad tip?
They're entire job is about service.
You're not going out to eat for the waiters,
you're going out to eat for the food,
and for the atmosphere. The waiters
are just there to make it more convenient
and it America, you decide what their
convenience is worth.
What's a tip? You mean would I tip my hat at them? Only if it was a lady
>Would you tip for bad service?
>What if the waiter is having an off day, distracted because of family troubles, the restaurant is understaffed or something?
Why would he be at work if he had an off day?
>If you don't know the contributing factors, how could you justify not tipping?
Because I don't live in a shit nation where waiting staff needs tips to live on. They'll survive on minimum wage.
>Why can't you show a little compassion?
Not my job.
Any tip is a good one in my eyes. Gratuity means thanking. It's what you do when someone goes above and beyond the expectations of their job. Otherwise you're giving extra for the same standard.
If a mechanic had a shitty day and fucked up your brakes would you just shrug it off as "Oh he was having an off day, it's okay I ran over 18 dogs, 13 old people, and 9 kids"
>But what if they have a good excuse for the bad service?
There is none. They should leave their shitty personal problems at the door when they come into work
>American cucks have to tip
If I received shitty service I wouldn't pay at all. Come at me cucks.
Everyone needs money, including me. Tips are given in exchange for service, not as charity. If there is a problem with the meal that is obviously the result of the kitchen or management fucking up and the server is otherwise doing their best then I will probably still tip the server. Any other excuses are totally irrelevant. Don't bring your problems to work.
The GOOD reason for not tipping is to put more pressure on the restaurant to pay their employees like every other business. The server is collateral damage but it's ultimately their choice to stand in the way of you boycotting the establishment by not being forced to pay their wages.
What kind of retard would tip for a bad service? Even a average service is not enough to tip, it must be a wonderfull service.
Who cares about their problems? If you're at service, you must do a good job or someone else will
>Would you tip
No, I'm not an idiot.
>Stiff low wage servercucks.
>"I'm fighting for the social GOOD!"
Kill yourself, degenerate.
I only tip when I crush a christcuck or a conservashit with my undisputed intelligence
I draw a frown next to tip if the service was very bad
>Would you tip. . .
Here's a tip: Get a better job.
Also: should you tip at buffets? What if the waiter brings you a drink?
>What if the waiter is having an off day, distracted because of family troubles
I know it's tough to ask a waitress to be professional, but you shouldn't bring that shit to work.
>the restaurant is understaffed or something
Not my problem.
If they have a problem with how much money they're making, maybe they shouldn't have a job meant for teenagers in high school who only need to pay their cell phone bills.
>tipping for no reason
>The whole point of a tip is to incentivize good
If the point was to incentivize good service you would tip beforehand.
Tipping post-hoc cannot cause better service unless you expect to come back in the future and be served by the same person.
You can tip beforehand. Ask for wine advice, order a what they recommend and when they pour it hand them a $20 (or whatever) and say thanks for the recommendation. Your service will be excellent all night.
No, you shouldn't tip at buffets. They just come fill your water glass, they spend the rest of their time chatting or on break, eating some of the food themselves. A buffet is a feeding trough, it requires no more work than cooking and replacing the food.
Im a food delivery man
Fuck waiters. Overpaid cunts dont have to dodge a single car in traffic
2 euros usually.
They are paid, why would you pay them more.
>inb4 muh 2.4 dollars an hour
Start an union or quit your job. You are not entitled to anything because shekelberg can't respect the law.
I'd tip them one cent. Learned that trick from my mom.
>support corruption because muh poor wagies
Go fuck yourself you cock enthusiast.
The server provides with best service in order to get a tip. The better the service is, the more he can expect (unless nigger customer).
Why would they put the effort into providing an outstanding service instead of a mediocre one if they are going to be tipped regardless?
Ice worked my ass off at work as pr and deal with customers bullshit day in and out, for 16 years, always with a smile and curteous as fuck, ive never been tipped nor expected.
Ppl love me and seek me when they return to buy something again
>Why would they put the effort into providing an outstanding service instead of a mediocre one if they are going to be tipped regardless?
I don't know, personal pride? The reason everyone else who doesn't half ass their job has?
>ameritips have to pay the wages of waiters when they go to eat a meal
financial cuckoldry
I go out to eat maybe 2-3 times a year if not I don't at all and I never tip. I don't feel bad at all.
Are you retarded? If they already have my money there's no reason to provide any service at all. Servers are induced to provide good service because doing so will be rewarded with a tip at the end of the meal and failing to do so will cause them to lose the tip. This is a universal social norm in America. I don't need to be seen by the same server for them to understand how our interaction will work.
I don't think I've ever had a waiter/waitress that didn't seem like they were at least trying to do their best. I dunno, maybe I'm just optimistic, but I always tip.
Except this one time at a BYOB Thai place where they charged me $15 as the corking fee because I brought my own wine. I left no tip.
The servers aren't dogs or children. They don't need to be tipped once to understand that -> . They should be capable of forethought. If you're really insistent on bringing psychology in, though, a smart customer would tip large once and stop tipping altogether for a while after that. Drop a large tip infrequently at a place you frequent is literally operant conditioning and will result in a net savings of possibly hundreds. You're just a dick if you do that, though.
I have tipped 100%+ on occasion because I'm not a useless fucking NEET.
>personal pride?
Maybe you can find 1 person out of 100 who doesn't half ass in his job at first, but give him time and experiencia and he'll end up serving like a civil servant who has to attend a thousand complaints per day
People who literally think that pride in your job exists nowadays are fucking idiots.
You want better quality you pay more. It's pretty simple. The people who go above and beyond inevitably get shit on in this day and age and realize there's no reason to give a fuck.
Projection much? I have a lot of pride in my work and I get rewarded for it. Sounds like you have a shit tier job.
>Thinks tip are "corruption"
I guess commissions are corruption too? You are too retarded to function in society. Enjoy your neetbux, faggot.
>Tipping incentives good service.
Keeping your job also incentivizes good service, that should be enough.
You're the person who brings me food, you have one fucking job. If I feel like I need to pay you extra not to tamper with my food than I shouldn't be at this restaurant.
Fuck tipping. It isn't my job to pay your salary.
Is tipping an American thingy?
We never need to tip here. They earn some kind of decent wage here tough.
>customer is always right
>comes off as an entitled cunt
No, it really doesn't work like that anymore mate
I have never been in a situation where the service warranted something less than my usual 15 per cent, but theoretically I wouldn't have an issue not tipping if you just didn't give a fuck.
I don't tip for take out, though, since I don't get stuff delivered.
>Would you tip for bad service?
We don't tip here and I don't tip while abroad.
There's this retarded idea where they get shit wages, but are allowed to take tips. If they don't make minimum wage in tips, the establishment is supposed to compensate, but they'll probably just be fired.
I suggest you get a better job. One where you are rewarded (not always monetarily) for your hard work. Rewards like:
>Paid professional development opportunities
>Ability to work Fridays from home
>Bigger, more exciting projects
>More vacation time
>Bigger budget for your department
>More staff for your department
>etc, etc, etc...
You will find these in real jobs.
From my understanding if you are running a good business customer is always right except for the exception that confirms the rule.
For bad service?
And tipping someone because you ordered off the dollar menu isn't something to be proud of.
You're suggesting paying before the job is done. If you tip beforehand then they can give you as poor of service as they'd like. They've got your money already. If they put in the work they've earned a tip. It's the same as punishing and rewarding a child. You would neither spank him nor give him praise before going to the store. Your reaction is how they learn to better their service. Sure, you might get shit service today, but if you let them know how you felt, they might work harder next week for your tip.
Nah, I don't bring my feelings to work and you shouldn't either.
That's kinda hard tough. I can't see a good argument for this type of employement. They always talk about 'competitive food pricing' but if everyone is forced to give people working in the horeca a minimum wage, the food is automatically gonna raise everywhere. And the persons are paid a decent wage.
I know you need to study to get a good wage but this doesn't mean because a person fucked up the first part of his life he doesn't get a second chance. Everyone deserves a livable minimum wage.
Just to compare i never finished school and i work in a supermarket filling shelves (very stupid i know).
I earn netto 1320 euro's/month with 38 hour workweek. Don't know if this is considered decent in the United States. Personally i find this on the low side.
>wanting your moneys worth is entitled
That's where you're wrong. Entitlement is thinking you deserve more money for average or shit work. I don't care if I come across as a cunt, I'm the one who pays at the end of my meal. I don't need to play into the idea that simply doing what's expected of you deserves praise and more money, and I won't. We're setting the bar for what's great lower and lower with every fucking year.
A tip has to be earned through good service.
Horrible service means no tip.
If a tip were to subsidize the income of the waiters, it would be called a "service charge" and appear automatically on the bill.
20% Amazing
15% Great
10% Standard
0% Bad
>get hired on at restaurant
>be waiter, get payed like shit but no UA tests bro
>" You better pay me a fraction of what you payed my boss for or ill spit in your food for my shit choice to keep working here"
Tipping is for low test beta cucks
Why is this politics?
But no, americans should just get rid of the tipping culture, at this point it is more of a fee.
I tipped a waitress a dime when she asked for a tip when handing me the bill.
I've never not left someone a tip.
i'll pretty much tip anyone so long as they arent muslim or niggers. with that said i usually tip poorly anyway
Nobody really tips here. Unless it was awesome or you're in a group and really "bonded" with the waiter.
I dont tip niggers
that's my only thing
That's below minimum wage here.
$10usd/hr ~ 8.86EU/hr
38 hours*4.3 weeks = 164.5 hours
1645 USD/mo ~ 1457.82EU/mo
Cost of living plays a part however.
I tip male waiters more than I tip female waitresses.
Whenever I would go out with friends they would leave female staff a bigger tip because they were hot.
One of them even left a waitress a 15 dollar tip on his 30 dollar bill because "she was nice"
Every woman I've spoken to that has worked that position have made at times hundreds of dollars a night from lonely/thirsty betas that tip them on top of their hourly wage.
I always tip 10%. If good service then 15%.
>Tipping 20% or more
Also, it gets on my fucking nerves when the waiter tried to be your pal. They comment on what everyones having or they try to chit chat with you.
I don't need that. The people I invited are the ones I want to talk to, not the fucking waiter. All I need from the waiter is a smile and correct orders.
Marketing shill thread
Posted from my iPhone(tm)
If its shit service I just dont pay kek
Shit service tip less if its not the servers fault theyll eventually do something about it anyways.
i've only received really bad service a few times in my life. i tipped like 5% at an outback a few months ago. the food took forever to arrive, and we waited like 20 minutes for the check to arrive.
No. Also
>15% if it's a bill that's under $30
>10% otherwise
I'm not going to pay someone 7 bucks to walk 5 feet and bring my food to me. Sorry.
>corking fee
Yeah, they didn't deserve a tip. You did good, burger.
Yeah also these prices are based on Brussel that is super expensive tough. And thats what i earn with all my tax deduction. Without i would get 1680.
I figured it was post taxes, but I wasn't about to pretend I knew the foggiest about Belgian income legislation. Regardless I chose Brussels under the assumption it was high, Boston is an expensive city as well. 6th highest cost of living in US. Figured I was close to comparing apples and apples.
So it should cost me because someone is having a bad day?
It's already costing me because I'm getting shitty service. I'm not about to open my wallet just because someone feels bad
If it's slow it's not the waiters fault, but if they're rude or whatever I'll go ahead and stiff them.
you do it wrong
women will have sex with you if they think they will get money afterwards
if you give them money in advance there is no need for them to fuck with you
I usually tip 10-15%. If I don't feel like tipping, I don't tip. If the service was good and I feel the person whom I'm tipping went out of there way to make me happy, I'll tip 20%.
>Would you tip for bad service?
I don't.
>What if the waiter is having an off day, distracted because of family troubles, the restaurant is understaffed or something?
PTO, PTO, current resume
If you don't know the contributing factors, how could you justify not tipping?
>Most servers are either teenagers/early 20's their problems aren't my concern. They'll understand when they have a real job.
Why can't you show a little compassion?
>No one gives me compassion when shit gets hairy at my job, and my position has more stress than, "Suzy wants a medium rare steak with no onions."
I went to a Japanese resteraunt in London once, they did things according to Japanese customs there.
For example, it was free to ask for a large version of a meal, but it is considered extremely rude if you then don't finish it.
They also didn't accept any tips at all. The menu said they paid the waiters well, and that was that. Any money we left was donated to charity.
A system like that seems better than tipping.
>inb4 weeaboo
I don't watch anime, cunts.
on the topic: just like with every other service, I do not tip
people who believe you have to tip one arbitrary service do not understand how economics work
and if the waiter still wants a tip after carrying my plate for 10 meters from the kitchen to my table, here it is: get a better job you failure
I'm in a restaurant to eat, not so some dejected peasant can passive-aggressively take out their frustration on me via apathy then bitch on the internet when I don't pay them for it.
>but muh minimum wage
The child miner that dug up the gallium and cobalt in your cell phone made less than a dollar today, where's his tip?
Inspiring story Carlos, but you still have to go back
As a customer, it's not my job to care about the reason why my server gave me poor service, just that they did. I would not tip for bad service, but I wouldn't leave some shitty passive aggressive note on the receipt either.
Tipping actually makes more economic sense
then go ahead and explain how it makes sense