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>standing ovation
We have to take our country back from these people. Someone needs to just sit on the border and gun down illegals.
Has she been deported yet?
Only Mexicans can be dreamers? What is this nonsense. She's not a hero she's a thief. She stole resources from an actual citizen of this country. She believes it's her right to skirt our laws? This needs to be met with swift action and firm enforcement of laws that are in place
I am so sick of the left playing people's heartstrings.
It's lunacy. I'm in the Twighlight Zone.
If I was European I would have hanged myself long ago.
I grew up in San Diego, I have mucho experience in dealing and working with undocs. Sure their people, some nice people, blah blah, but they are breaking the law California, specifically the city and county of Los Angeles has a policy now that cops and tow services won't act on registration citations or lack of driver license. My buddy had to start selling trucks and selling lots. The car auction business is also shit for him now too. All thanks to dreamers
Pol triggered mexican intellectuals are getting free stuff
Yeah, let everyone celebrate this one mexicunt that took a university placement away from an american and ignore the thousands of illegals perpetrating drug crimes, rapes, and murders.
Makes you think...
>won't act on registration citations or lack of driver license.
>won't act on
>lack of a driver license
What the actual fuck?
So is driving without a license allowed or is it more like looks like a mexican lets let them go?
No, because no one wants to. It would make whoever look like a complete ass and a villain. She hasn't done anything serious to warrant a deportation. The most her and her family is a fine and a mountain of paperwork.
>screenshot on a phone
I hate this recent newspeak BS.
She's illegal.
If she gets raped, can she file charges without going back to her country?
>he thinks illegal immigrants
ever get deported in clapistan
Kek they raised her GPA again
Somewhere, right now, there is a second or third generation Asian overachiever committing suicide right now knowing his spot was taken by someone who wasn't even legal.
If you are undocumented cops won't take action. It's a decree that the mayor of Los Angeles made about 2-3 years ago.
If they pull you over and your undocumented, have no license no insurance, no ID
They will not burden these "oppressed" people with undue costs to their Dreams of being American... It's killing my buddies tow company.revenues went down by 45%. All cuz Mexican dreamers
Target the Printers of Money all over the world!
They are the people who push mass immigration (cheap labor) on all white countries.
So I could move to LA with a fakename and clear my debt?
Theyre throwing it in your faces now, pol.
>And its all legal.
why does US have racial quotas in universities?
You obviously dont have a 4.95 gpa, judging by how you spell "twighlight," you stupid gringo piece of shit.
Thats why these Mexicans own your ass these days
Some of the info has changed but here's the article I could find that backs this shit up.
Special order 7
I was denied every god damn grant, couldn't get a loan despite good grades.
Bitch gets a free ride while I got fucked.
People wounder where the anger comes from..
The media is fucking disgusting. This person is not disabled. She is going to fucking Yale and she cant apply for citizenship? I live near a campus where over half of the alumni speak foreign languages. This is the media indirectly attacking trump and our laws for us citizenship. This corruption is out of hand.
It's not that fucking hard to become a citizen. I smell a fucking rat.
I would deport her. Over and over again. So hard. In the ass.
>Yale bound
she was going to UT last I heard or did Yale grab her after the fiasco? Either way she is coming from a school with a 30% literacy rate and 10% mathematics rate she will not survive there.
Her asshole must smell.
Whats funny I saw the headline, I immediately thought it was some Transgendered or illegal fuck, and boy it's so hard not to profit off the illegal and gay transgendeed train.
Seriously poor fags, start a business, say you help gays and illegals and serve anyone. You will get some press release and tons of revenue.
This is whats going on here, everytime they come out with these articles both sides are up in arms and talk about it, thats what they want, because thats how they earn their money. Viral content. By posting it here you are directly contributing to the revenue earned by the news company.
Best thing to do is ignore.
how can you be undocumented and still praise the system that helped keep you in America for school reasons? Didn't someone document as to why she's still here, even if she was illegal?
No one gets deported anymore. I don't even know why ICE exists.
Make mexico great again!
Send this fresh meat back.
someone that went to the same school as her said that she has fake tits
Don't click the spic
We need to push this # no add revenue for those tags trying to get those rage dollars
BEWARE!!! The Christfags and Lucifarians are all part of the same Jew Cocksucking Moral Cabal! Don't let them suck your cock!!! They will try to force their weird jew code upon you! May KEK rain shit upon them and their fake Jew creations!!!
She'll probably be on GirlsDoPorn pretty soon.
This bitch is actually proud of the fact that she stole opportunities and resources away from actual American kids and used them to further her own position. She is not a hero. She is not a role model. She is a criminal who is too self-righteous to even see what she has done.
The media is in full-on Clinton shill mode right now. This is 4D advanced memetics.
>Harambe the gorilla
>"Oh no the poor thing! Dumb parents! How selfish we humans are!"
>Trump says to torture terrorists and go after families while Clinton wants to save Mother Gaia
>Stanford rape kid
>Spoiled rich kid persecutes poor womyn, this is why white males need to be taken down a peg!
It's really stunning. This illegal girl is only the tip of the iceberg.
>salty underachievers who whine from their community college positions as they get cucked by an overachieving mexican intellectual without voting rights.
Some California cities have simply banned the enforcement of some state and federal laws because they would result in illegals being transferred to ICE custody and incarcerated until deportation.
This state is a complete and utter shithole, and I can't wait to leave.
She is a white spic though
Can we get her deported too?
It would be racist NOT to deport her!
10 dogecoins says her degree is in Chicana Studies.
>17 AP classes
Unless they were all required courses, how the fuck do you manage to take that many?
the only thing i would deport is my dick out of her ass. Repeatedly.
if some illegal mexican chcik is doing better in life than you maybe you're just shit and deserve poverty?
why do you think she doesn't have citizenship? just laziness?
I would honestly be surprised if this girl even exists. Buzzfeed-style agitprop is seeming more and more like it's just manufactured in a studio.
>She hasn't done anything serious
She's been mooching shittons of tax money while not having a residence permit.
The point where the west fucked up was when we started to pretend that being illegal is really not that big of a deal and doesn't cost the country huge amounts of money
>popular high school girl gets applause from highschool class
woah absolutely unbelievable
they should deport her to some gang owned jungle in mexico with no internet to complete the irony
So fucking disgusting. As soon as she's done with college she's going right back over to help out her people. I guaran-fucking-tee it.
More than 80 percent of illegals pay taxes through an ittin number which requires no social security number and gives them some sort of net to fall on. They also rent or buy places to live in which all gets taxed l, the same for their food and clothes. Americans cant handle the fact that someone who lacks more than 2/3 of their resources can be more motivated and willing to succeed. There are citizens in state colleges receiving up to 1,500 dollars each semester and many times you can overhear them "I'll just aim for a C or low B and.I'll pass bro".
Americans are deserving what theyre getting for being too simple minded to point blame towards themselves. The economy is shit not because of a 5 foot person with bad hygiene and skin darker than cherrywood is draining massively on the economy without knowing a lick of english, but because of 10+ years of shit eating in a giant sandbox fighting a pointless war and proxying gas companies for jewish oil.
What you are missing is observation of the law. There are groups clubs & gov't programs paid for by tax, that support activities that are against US Law and it runs on feelings.
La Razza is a Mexican nationalist group that promotes illegal entry to the US and puts resources towards breaking us law
God damn I did just as good as her and got fucking shit. Seriously, what the fuck?
Nice generalization of all
Americans. Stfu
The fact is she and 10,999,000.00 are breaking the law and lowering wages and driving up housing and food costs.
Nobody loves burritos ye Tacos that much.
Uh no. It's not because they are succeeding. It's literally because I thought they didn't have to pay any taxes. I thought it was a free ride for them.
While America was stuck with the bill.
If you're correct then I don't really give a shit after all. ONLY IF YOU ARE CORRECT.
Since I don't have the time to actually look it up. I don't know if you're telling the truth or not.
All that other shit you said is irrelevant because it's not true. At least in my case.
However I feel like 80% is a huge over estimate. It's probably around 20%-30%. You cant deny that illegals coming over aren't fucking helping America get out of the shitter either. So yes partial blame is fair. Illegal's are responsible for a good portion of criminal behavior in America. Especially violent
Nice trips.
Nice projection too, m8.
>The 11 million undocumented immigrants currently living in the United States collectively paid $11.64 billion in state and local taxes.
12 billion isn't shit faggot compared to the trillions of tax dollars US citizens pay out to the government. Please stop making shit up.
Rationalizing theft at that level
Wew Chicano
> You get the golden churro
What did she study?
You could fake your death. Or not fake it. Just do it bro . Debnts gone.
Reminder that niggers and spics get their own graduation in Vegas.
Liberals are so fucking retarded they're bringing back segregation.
>She hasn't done anything serious to warrant a deportation
if you don't count admitting she's in the US illegally, sure
That 11bill or so from 11 million wow so you say they are contributing a whole $1,150. To the economy each year.?!?
Wow wow just wow!
They are saviors to the country... Oh yes beans and rice for everyone! Oh a piñata is in my pantalones and you need to hit it with your Chico stick.
She a minority woman
Even without the undocumented status what would you expect from an ivy league school?
I bet she'll study something completely irrelevant
That's what all of the top 10 girls of my class ended up doing
Yup. And plenty of other sources/research confirms the piss poor amount they pay in taxes. In contrast I pay $400 per paycheck in fucking taxes every two weeks.
>comparing an exceptional outlier with your average Sup Forums user
Jesus, of course she looks better by comparison. The average IQ on this board is probably like 110-115 at most. Also, pointing out grammatical errors doesn't make it any less of a crime.
I don't get why she'd make that point. Like if she was actually smart, she'd never bring it to light.
Man McKinney sure is changing.
11 billion, wow that changes everything
Forgot image
I'm tired of the handouts because of shitty origin stories. Oh my dad was a drunk, I had to
Leave the country. Oh and I'm undocumented. I'm ready to join the deportation force of america
Yea she got into Yale. But Yale has turned into a complete an utter liberal mess.
One of the more recent stories.
>From the petition:
>It’s time for the English major to decolonize — not diversify — its course offerings. A 21st century education is a diverse education: we write to you today inspired by student activism across the university, and to make sure that you know that the English department is not immune from the collective call to action.
>It is our understanding that the faculty must vote in order to reconsider the major’s requirements — considering the concerns expressed here and elsewhere by undergraduate students, we believe it would be unethical for any member of the faculty, no matter their stance on these issues, to vote against beginning the reevaluation process. It is your responsibility as educators to listen to student voices. We have spoken. We are speaking. Pay attention.
Fucking brats. You wouldn't want to go to that fucking awful college anyway. But yea it really does suck.
Obama will probably tweet at her and invite her over for dinner.
you stupid fucks don't even know how to market yourselves properly. First it's "we do the jobs no decently educated person wants to do" now you're playing the "we're just like good, achieving americans even when we're illegal scum" If you're not even going to pick the fucking fruit anymore what, exactly, is supposed to be the motivation to let you leech off of us and educate your horde of fucking kids?
>No one gets deported anymore. I don't even know why ICE exists.
Friend called 3 times said they didn't make an effort to pretend to care.