Previous thread Dolores was made for bullying edition
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Someone please post the shopped image from this with young Ford's head and the Bad Robot copyright indicia. I forgot to save it when it was posted several threads back.
damn son
Stop it
does this look like anything to someone
I'm not american, I don't care about american politics, I don't know if he's the good guy or the bad guy.
but he looks goofy as fuck
So that was really Ford role playing as Bernard's wife? What happened when they cybered?
>99% bra
Her tits are actually pretty nonexistent, are you by any chance an underage fag
no he wasn't, were you even watching the show?
You notice how you just don't bring up Maeve's race and gender despite the fact she has a tragic backstory of her kid being shot by MiB and her drawings of tank men, and all you care about is her being a "black womyn"?
>mfw Ford is outwitted and killed by Maeve intercut with shots of piano playing itself
I was. She kept saying repeating lines Ford was saying.
yes it was. fords voice was being dubbed over.
Alright, alright, here's one final (you) for ya. Cherish it.
>mfw the exact opposite happens
no it wasn't, it was just Ford talking to him as he was tripping balls which made him think the nigress was talking.
Oh you got me there spergy. Oh and Dolores is a boring mary sue character.
>Dolores asking Ford if they are old friends
>"I wouldn't call us that, no"
>mfw Dolores killed his best friend and is now trying to keep those smarter and stronger robots inside a controlled world
Why didnt he command Clementine to take the gun out of his hand?
That doesn't stop it from being a nice webm though
Not him but, what does her being a black womyn have to do with anything?
>Hosts are made of white foam/muscle/polymer shit.
>Delores has gears and pistons in her gut.
>.22 caliber
He'll be fine.
stupid question coming thourgh. I do believe there are two timelines, young Will/MiB with old model Dolores and old Will/MiB looking for the maze and Dolores reliving memories in her blue dress.
So how come she is dressed like cowboy Dolores (from the old timeline) when she meets present time MiB? Did I miss a change of clothes? or is she realizing Will is the MiB?
>NEW hosts are made of white foam/muscle/polymer shit
>OLD hosts from 30 years back were gears and pistons
Keep up.
>literally not paying attention
go back
>what does her being a black womyn have to do with anything?
It doesn't. That's what the other guy brought up, when people discuss Maeve they don't discuss her backstory or whatever it's always the fact that she's a "black womyn" that makes their peepee hurt, but Dolores is just a great character despite the fact that they're both essentially going through the same thing.
Giving how shitty and obvious the writers are I highly doubt they were going with that.
Ford backdoored Clem. She wouldnt respond to Bernard any longer
>clementine wouldn't answer to him any longer
>why didn't he command her to do anything
why don't just you go watch some disney stuff
Pls don't insult mai w-waifu!
My Mom is convinced that Delores = Wyatt
She's not making any argument for it though, how could this be possible? Or alternatively, tell me why this is absolutely ridiculous
>Ford backdoored Clem
Who hasn't
So how about the fucked up square face fish-eye genetics going on with these two?
Both pretty hot when they were younger but now the fetal alcohol syndrome seems to be kicking in hard.
>Implying Maeve has any chance of winning
>Implying Ford can be killed
>Implying he hasn't uploaded his mind everywhere
>Implying Ford doesn't plan his keikakus in a room with 12 other Fords
She's been in the cowboy outfit since the heist. You can tell because she's standing in the train alone with the box branded with the maze icon, even though in the previous cut, it shows she should have been there with will and lawrence. this was episode 4 or something bro
>the innsmouth look.png
because she shoots herself at the town
Ford's master plan is to use mauves bot rebellion to crash the board with no survivors
>No Bernard all Hosts actually have a backdoor so you can never win lmao
Such an asspull.
oh okay I think i see now. Reading comment threads can be confusing as fuck sorry.
I enjoy both characters
nice post
You know they played vampire bf/gf in the last Twilight movie, right?
no, Ford just told her to stop. Bernard never attempted to command her again.
>Implying Ford can be killed
we now know thanks to Bernard that the best parts of code on the Hosts are not written by Ford. So, he is smart and he can backstab you but it seems he can't code for shit. In fact Bernarnold can code better and has been better at finding flaws and workarounds on hosts that even Ford ended using to backdoored everyone including Bernarnold.
he doesn't look like clem, he looks more like emma stone.
and both of them look like the rarest of pepes
What is it? It doesn't look like anything to me user
No, hosts becoming able to overcome all barriers like Maeve is the bullshit
It makes perfect sense that the guy who literally built you from the ground up is always going to have the upper hand
>mfw Maeve is outwitted and killed by Ford intercut with shots of a man playing a piano.
Fuck you, thats the only way Ford is gonna be able to stop Maeve at the last second sending the kahleesi crowd into suicides sweet suffering embrace
Yes, and they also rub genitals IRL.
I'm just worried about the offspring
So... does Ford have a backup Host Ford in case something happens to him?
I mean, he clearly is chasing after immortality since he is pretty much god.
holy shit
>MiB said he killed the black kid to check if he could do something truly evil
>he is supposed to be the William who killed and ripped in pieces ~30 people
This is why MiB = Logan
Immortality? He just wants to tell his stories...
he didn't tell her to do shit.
>Bernard says "pull the trigger clementine"
>Clementine doesn't do shit
she just wasn't listening to him anymore, Bernard clarifies "you built a backdoor into her code"
>I'm just worried about the offspring
I think she cant hurt Ford. Literally no host can. Its hardwired into them all.
Logan has brown eyes.
Both William and mob have blue.
just as they are hardwired to not hurt guests.
or to take it a step further, their ACTUAL creator, Arnold, and yet he was killed by a host.
Clementine was reprogrammed to hurt people, that's why Bernard was using her.
Until they become 'extra super duper conscious' and find a way.
>just as they are hardwired to not hurt guests.
I dont think hosts can even touch Ford.
the park ones can slap guests, restrain them, etc.
Everybody but him, the board and the guests is a Host.
Calling it now.
Hopkins will recreate himself as a younger host.
the 30 people he killed were supposed to be bad people, were keeping him prisoner and hurt her waifu.
the kid was just a kid.
Wait, I thought they made up and became bros.
good of you to ignore the fact that they killed their actual creator, which isn't Ford.
>ywn bully Dolores
>tfw there will never be a gay sex scene with Hector and Logan
What's the point of even watching this show?
i'm only talking about ford
He was rusing Logan. He's tired as fuck of Logan
So Maeve has a backdoor too? During the rebellion Ford just gonna say "freeze your pussy functions" and everything comes to his control again
do you actually speak english?
if they killed their actual creator, why wouldn't they be able to hurt Ford?
they're SUPPOSED to not be able to hurt people, that's about it.
Clementine was literally reprogrammed to hurt people.
This show looks depressing and hysterical as shit. I rather watch the original movie with yul brynner.
Teddy will definitely go mad if he remembers everything right?
Having known a few people like Logan in real life, this is exactly what they deserve.
No because her bulk appreciation is now 57 because of the stronk black womyn multiplier
Also they completely glossed over how he killed all those hosts. Just fucking
>I learned to play the game. Nothing personal, kid
To me it shows that Ford only has higher admin privileges. Same happened with Maeve, she could also stop Bernard at will.
We yet have to see if the backdoor was patched by Maeve using her new sudo skills
I know you are making a joke, but it's still scary.
>tfw it was all true, all of it.
>There's a deeper flight plan filed with the Agency, and you're going to help me find it big guy
what did Nolan mean by this?
Both Will and MiB have interacted with Maeve while she was the matron of the brothel, right? Either that proves the multiple timeline theory wrong, or it means Maeve's story is meaningless because she has only been the matron for a year when she becomes super smart.
Which heist? Do you mean the one for the explosives? Because that's in the past. When did she change clothes in the present? I get the train part but when she originally put on her cowgirl outfit it was when she first met Lawrence, but since then she would've changed back into the blue dress, as the flashbacks with MiB show, but now she's wearing the cowgirl outfit again.
I was seriously riot if maeve outwits Ford. Her whole story feels like a giant plothole so far.
>Both Will and MiB have interacted with Maeve while she was the matron of the brothel, right?
wrong. Will only meets Clem1.0
It could still happen. You gotta keep dreamin dem dreamz
>The big guy is not meant for you
Dam son, sorry to hear that
My general perception is most normal people are like logan lol
No because they put her INT at max and she changed her own core code.
Please Nolan
Have Ford BTFO that smug whore and make the finale 10/10
Except Ford didn't do the most important parts of the building -- Bernard did.
Ford relied on Bernard to keep the hosts in line, but Bernard is dead now.
So Ford is weakened.
>DW stands too close to Elsie.jpg
Why would she change back? there's no point where it shows her changing back except in the old old time when she sat down in that chamber waiting for arnold
Ford has a lot in his hands, a host rebellion could happen after Maeve keeps it silently, and she will since she amped up her intelligence.
It depends if the board decides that they don't like how little money the new storyline gives them
What stops him from building a new Bernarnold?
Only this could save the show.