72 year old man goes to Reykjavík for the first time

Calls reykjavík traffic chaos

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>Ástæða þess að Guðmundur fór loksins til Reykjavíkur er sú að kýr sló halanum í augað á honum fyrir um mánuði síðan og blæddi mikið inn á augað

So the cow's tail hit him in the eye and he began bleeding profusely?

Reading this is a mind-fuck.

How does someone live in Iceland their whole life (where you can drive anywhere in the country in basically 2 days) and never go to the capital/biggest city?

t. just spent 2 weeks driving around Iceland

hmm, how many fucks should i give about this my dude?

Are there any old buildings in Reykjavik? Like the old towns we have in our cities

what is considered old? anything over 100 is being torn down for tourist hotels

How bad is the tourist-situation now? Are they everywhere you go?

absolutely everywhere
more rental cars than normal car on the road

Took a dump at the bathroom in your botanical garden. So if you go there and take a dump too we can be poo brothers :)

Ratio of Burgers to Chinks?

>anything over 100 is being torn down for tourist hotels
why are you doing this to yourself



RIP in peace, m80

landabois matrix was good thats it

Thanks lad

Damn that sucks, chinese tourists are the worst

surely the ones that can afford to fly to iceland and rent a car aren't so bad?

Nope, they are all shit. Mao systematically rid them of any culture of public decency.

Chinese tourists are literally the worst. It's enough to make you want to shoot up a market full of Chinese tourists stopping in the middle of the street to take pictures, leaving their trash everywhere, blowing their cigarette smoke in people's faces, and shoving people to get where they want to go.

He despises city people

A man of excellent taste.

You should really go take a dump in the botanical gardens bathroom so we can be poo brothers (see above). x

I have my own bathroom 150m away from that shitty public one

How did you like Island burgerman? Traffic chaos? I've never been there.

Yeah but I haven't pooed in your bathroom.

Very very nice if you like camping and hiking. Lots of nice things to see. I would recommend it.

Did you see a diesel benz with the exhaust out of the hood?
that was me

Also traffic isn't bad compared to where I live and once you get into the east there aren't a lot of cars anywhere. Lots of French and German tourists.


Also that Brynja ice cream place. A+, would eat again.

>Dfn jeg forstår islandsk
Det er håp for meg. K-kanskje jeg kan kalle meg nordmann likevel.


he would not like London

most likely not