>A 17-year-old girl managed to escape being raped by fighting off her attacker as he ripped off her clothing. Now police say she will be charged with a crime for defending herself.

>The teenager was attacked around 10p.m. by a man described as “dark-skinned” in central Sonderborg, Denmark.

>She told police her attacker struck her, threw her to the ground and began forcibly removing her clothes.

>Using a canister of pepper spray, the 17-year-old was able to fight him off and escape the attack.

>Now that tool of self defense is going to leave her as the only person charged with a crime in the incident.

>“It is illegal to possess and use pepper spray, so she will likely be charged for that,” local police spokesman Knud Kirsten said, as cited by TV Syd.

So progressive


Its shit like this that is going to cause the death of people. When bombs start going off in Denmark and all over the so called "greater European Union", its gonna be on big cluster fuck. Hell, my friend is going to Canada, and the prime minister just allowed a law for bestiality.

We do need to legalize pepper spray but this story is bs

I wonder if the feminism fucksticks will mention this at all.

Probably not, considering it's arguably an actual injustice against a woman and not some made-up shit.

Denmark YES!


WWIII is happening right now I guess. Fought passively with subversion for not only your body, but of your soul.

Humanity is beyond redemption. Hear my prayers, Kek, and just fucking end it all.

>allowed a law for bestiary

The courts ruled that within the current framework penetration is still illegal

How long have you had this waiting for the right moment to use it?

>just give up your guns
>you don't NEED guns
>6 gorillion babies die every year to guns, isn't it time to give them up?

A couple of weeks.

I don't get it, isn't the attacker going to be at least charged with assault? What the fuck man please let this article just be sensationalist racebaiting bullshit.

How could they really even enforce that, though? Unless someone is taking pictures, there's no way to know that wifey isn't crawling around on all fours for the great dane while you're at work.

Make it stop.

Danish politicians would rather you be raped than defend yourself, even from a foreign invader.

That is how little your politicians care about you.

ayy lmao
im pretty sure bikers will fuck them up at one point

Please let this be fake, if this is real, kill yourselves already.

Some people refrain from doing certain things simply because it's illegal. Whether they get caught or not is irrelevant. I know that mentality is hard to understand for an amoral atheist though.

No one insults Denmark except Sweden. Go back to the jungle, you monkey.

>white guy fingers a girl
REEEE why didn't he get 15 years???
>mudslime attempts rape
REEEE why did you defend yourself?


BS as in fake? Cause I sure hope so.

Hahahaha made me crack up more than it should

how about delegalize "dark-skinned" men. This way you can save your pepper spray law.

>Sweden insulting anyone

What about Iceland?

You've been waiting for this moment, haven't you?


Why would Iceland insult Denmark?

>I know that mentality is hard to understand for an amoral atheist though.
>said the Swede

Do they teach you anything about judicial review in America? This is more like brown v board of Ed or similar; judge said current laws don't apply to a specific case. No new law was made and this happens all the time. Parliament will probably close the loophole, one of weedman's party already introduced a bill.


Pfft, alright, Felix, I get it, you're angry that Achmed is fucking your wife but you don't have to lash out.

you guys are just going to have to fight fire with fire
thats right rape the rapefugees. ahmed its the current year and your rejection uf muh benis is unacceptable you have to lay there an take it or is crime


How does what you just said make sense? A normal person wouldn't have sex with animals even if it was legal, since it's quite obviously immoral. On the other hand, a person who has no morals would probably not be afraid of violating a toothless law.

Because Denmark didn't name their towns after smashing their faces on keyboards.

They should imprison the swarthy fella for private monetization, and then deport him when his sentence is done.

Isn't this from last year or some shit?

At least we're still infinitely better than the Swedes though. A man got convicted in Sweden for self-defense against Iraqi muggers with a gun; while the girl here was only charge for possession of the pepperspray and not its use.

Why Sweden is so racist in this thread.

The tanned dane strikes again!

Mfw Im going to Sonderborg in a week.

Allah created women for serve men. women have no right to reject sex offer.
prove me wrong

Haven't heard that one before.

2016 was supposed to be a fun year. The memes were supposed to only be memes.

When your enemies rape you, you win.

It is pretty old anyway

I also realized those are the colours of fucking LATVIA, Sweden.

Get that Somali jizz out your eyes you fucking bullpreppers and your shoops won't be so shit.

>You will never play Gary's Mod again like it was all those years ago

A lot of Icelandic people I've met are really mean ;_;

I don't want them hurting anyone else's feelings.

>it's illegal to possess and use pepper spray
Are you fucking serious?


We need more shit like this.

The more that shit happens, the more normies will start realising just how fucked our countries are.

Shock therapy is what we need.

>At least we're still infinitely better than the Swedes though.
Let's not forget who lost 50% of their landmass in a war they started, danecuck.


The Law of the Roach doesn't apply to humans.

Save that hate for the Money Printers who push mass race mixing on everyone else.

They have to have mass race mixing or normal societies will not accept mass immigration (cheap labor.)

Tell your children! Tell everyone you know!

Well, there is exactly one proper course of action you should take: find the attorney who is responsible for charging the poor girl of a criminal act and murder him. Continue for all successors who try the same.

Good, now you know. Happy to help.

kek i cant believe people still think europe will survive

>I also realized those are the colours of fucking LATVIA, Sweden.
Why are you allowing Latvia to use your colors? You disgrace the north, my danish friend.

Thanks Sweden. You are alright.


What? It's illegal in some places in the US, too, like all of NY state.





Why the fuck is pepper spray illegal?

We allready had a thread about this when the story hit.

She doesnt gets charged because she defended herself, but because she had a iligal item you fat NA fuck.

What's immoral about fucking fluffy?

Everyone involved is happy.

The dick should be cut on that image desu

Never actually met one. Do they often come to Britain?

Meanwhile the rapist doesn't get charged with anything...

>You know your country is shit when Sweden is making fun of you.

Like that in most of Europe... If you get caught using it for self defense you'll only get a slap on the wrist though, at least in this country. Like a fine or probabtion. IIRC possession of an illegal weapon isn't even a felony in this country.

Are arabs and blacks good at ice hockey?

Because the powers that be don't like citizens to be able to defend themselves, and would prefer that they are raped and murdered at the hands of criminals? Citizens are to be kept fearful and dependent on the government for protection.

can you translate this gif for me?


I KNOW RIGHT. I miss the good old days. The new update ruined everything

You can't have effective self defense tools when you are forcing mass race mixing and mass immigration (cheap labor) on a normal population.

Pepper spray works far more often than not, so it must be banned.

>Meanwhile the rapist doesn't get charged with anything...

Because he wasn't caught... People don't tend to get charged if they're not caught, user.

Europe is pure fucking evil holy shit. They will punish her for narrowly escaping rape cause she used pepper spray. You Euros need to start getting serious about what's going on.

That would make Canada the blackest country on the planet. You tell me.

I had one in my high school class. She was a qt and said that Icelandic people like danes alot and something about their supermarkets having "dane-days" or some shit.

Can anybody confirm?

> Pepper Spray being illegal

What. the. fuck.

Progressive as fuck. Even more progressive are the european faggots who allow this shit to happen.
My country might be full of monkeys but at least they behave like proper males.


Srsly... Apply yourself.

Okay, here 2 ways, either we legalize weapons (most unlikely) or i´ll fuck off this continent to join a happy life of freedom in America

Danecucks and Swedecucks need to be ruled by ancient kangz again.

I don't know, but I'm curious.


Aren't your weapon laws pretty lenient? From what I've read you can buy a shotgun or rifle with little more effort than it would take to get an airgun or a crossbow..

Source seems dubious.
Any dane to confirm the story ?


She will be charged with not getting raped, ffs never ending ride.

this desu

finland is the only hope for the area

So let's say she had a kitchen knife. Let's say she stabbed him with a kitchen knife. Let's say he died.
She'd get away with that, right? Stupid fucking law.

Right, so instead of trying to find the rapist they charge a 17 year old rape-survivor with a fine.

You can't spin this cuck. You're all fucked.

In order
>Sverige = Sweden
>Danskjäveln = Danefuck
>Kötbullar =Meatballs
>Älg = Moose
>FIKA = Tea and biscuit time
>Välfärd= Social security
>Carl XVI Gustav = Swedish King

Thanks to your god damn government, the EU is going to tighten the gun laws and give us all the finger.