The UK. The end of it all

The UK is doomed

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Eternal Anglo bit off more than he could chew, eh? Kek.

Sad man. Jew bankers destroyed the British Empire.

The UK is screwed if we don't vote to leave the EU on 23rd June

I love 6:05. Truly a thing of beauty, a true empire.

This is true.
If we do not vote to leave, part of me thinks we deserve everything we get. If the general population does not choose self-determination, if it has so little faith in its own ability to manage its affairs and shape its future in a positive way, then surely it deserves to be damned.
How far have we fallen?
How much national spirit has been drained?
I guess we are about to find out.

its already too late

demography is destiny
also, voting for gibs is what is killing the west, democracy wont survive much longer

200 max like the other guy sad, is the limite to democracy

People hate their own country. They hate everything it stood for. They hate the civilisations it help build. They hate the UK and don't care what happens to it. Most young people don't even know the English traditional songs, poetry and literature. We're doomed.

Listening to this right now. Just taking it in

You'll deserve everything you get when Schäuble downgrades your country to WTO tier. EU membership is too good for you Brexiteers.

Thanks for the video op, will be sharing it with my red pilled friends.

What would Enoch say? Or Mosley?
What about Samuel Pepys, or Shakespeare?
Or Brunel or Rhodes?
My god.

Welcome. It made me cry a little.


I'm referring to the new millennial generation. MY generation. People used to care

You are enslaved.
You have forgotten what it is to conduct your own affairs. Perhaps it is for the best, perhaps your young people are as thick and poorly educated as our own. Perhaps it is better they not be given any real ability to select who governs them and the rules by which they must live.

This hurts.

What the video or that picture?

Made me feel rage and despair

Mainly sadness and misery for me.

Your generation is so fucked up you don't even have proper reading comprehension.

You had your chance.

Nice metaphor for the west


I think as whole you guys bit off too many idealogical high-ground parts than you could chew

to be fair, at least britain wont crash as hard as europe, lul

Another one for you lads

>What would Enoch say? Or Mosley?

don't care

>What about Samuel Pepys,

Pepys lived at a time when the UK was at war with Holland so i think he would have been an outie

>or Shakespeare?

an innie, i reckon. a lot of his plays are set in europe

>Or Brunel

IK Brunel's dad was an immigrant so i reckon he would have been an innie. he would probably have built the channel tunnel a hundred years ago if it had been possible.

>or Rhodes?

innie as long as there are resources to exploit in the poor parts of europe

>My god.

doesn't exist

pic unrelated

Is there a way to stop this, or are most white young Brits irreversibly brainwashed and indoctrinated?

Best wishes from your friends from the US, June 23rd will be Britain's Independence Day.


you caught us out matey. we're all 100 years old

australian shitposting is in fine form today i see

The worst thing the EU ever did was donning the semblance of democracy. It is not a democratic institution, nor should it be. Any dreams of federalism were killed by France and the Netherlands.

The fact that your government is even able to hold this retarded referendum is proof of your sovereignty. And trust me, we know well how important it is to conduct our own affairs. Wouldn't want you lot making the decision to pull us away from Europe.

>I used to rule the world...

We read shit, we know no poetry, have no moral values or virtues and don't sing hymns or anthems

what is stopping you doing any of those things apart from your own apathy?

Thanks. You have a chance too

i'm certain 99% of Aussie posters are really JIDF on a proxy

I do, do all these things. I merely outlining the education system doesn't any more.

Most young Brits (white or otherwise) are indoctrinated by the state education system.
I am an employer, I hire them, I cannot tell you how stupid most of them are, even after so many years of compulsory schooling.

Not only do they frequently not seem to know anything ("oh that wasnt in the exam and we only learned what we were gonna be tested on") but increasingly I've found that they do not even know how to _think_. They cant reason, they cant deduce.

Quality of written and spoken english is universally poor.

We have had 20 years of grade inflation in the state education system here (finally ended by based Gove, which is why teachers hate him) which resulted in kids leaving school with 15 grade "As" and still somehow being as dumb as a rock.

We'll be ok, we have our chavs and council estates, those fuckers ain't pc sjw genderkins


The British Empire taught the zionists everything they knew. That is one of the reasons they are as successful as they are today. The Jewish underclass bounced between western communities that wanted nothing to do with them. Studious as they are, they picked up on strategies and wisdom of the white man and applied it for their own to form Israel. If you compare the tactics of the British Empire to that of the zionists that stole the Palestinians ground you will see a remarkable degree of similarities.

I will say that the gravest error in humanitys culture was to rule jobs like banking immoral. Because they were considered immoral those jobs were pushed onto the less desired people, Jews, and gave them a springboard to propell themselves into the position they are today.

It is something worth keeping in mind for multiculturalists that use "they will do all the jobs that we and our kids don't want to do" as an argument for immigration. If you give them control over one of the pillars of society it is going to cost you dearly.

Now to add more salt to your wounds

Potatokike still posting under the British flag, eh? Must be humiliating

Accurate. I'm 16 and everyone is thick and they have no aspiration or reasoning skills.

Fuck off you yellow rat loving cunt.


This is not happening...

>putting Enoch and Mosley on the same mantle

Enoch despised fascism and rightfully so

>turn on german tv
>commercial that tells me the uk shouldnt leave the eu
like i had a word in this

Oh no, you filthy rosbifs.
The uk isn't doomed.
The whole west is doomed.
And there is no escape. Everyone want the west's doom.

The left ? More votes ! Yeeees !
The right ? Borders are in the way of short term monetary gain !
The people ? Either too busy paying attention to the latest fad or fearing for his livelihood by being brandished a racist.
The foreigners ? Happy to suckle on the west's teats, oblivious for what is coming.
The elites ? All to maintain the status quo if even one day longer, no matter if nations or even civilisation herself is destroyed in the process.

WHO want the west to survive ?
WHO !?

How do young white brits compare to non-whites?

I didn't need to feel like this.

The best thing you can do is not abandon Christ, not abandon the Bible, traditional Christian values are a DETERRENT against this Jewish regime.

But acting like a Christian is racist, goy

Part of the problem with education, was the privatisation of the exam boards, which then competed with one-another to sell school exams, once prices had levelled their competitive urge compelled them to dumb-down their exams. Buy our exams, they are easier! Buy our exams, you will get a better pass %. Then followed mergers and near-monopoly. It was a race to the bottom.

For the schools part, they switched to simply coaching students to pass exams, rather than teaching a subject.

Kids, who I can forgive for being naive, were then sold the University meme, and a pile of debt. I deal with the end product. I try to hire bright and enthusiastic people, if you can think and you have enthusiasm then I can fill-in the gaps.

Why should we leave?
I dont like change

Yet both would be dismayed at the state of things today. What does that tell us?

I miss all our Paki bashers.

stop feeling sorry for us

I am bummed.

Asian (Chinese etc) are brightest and have the work ethic.
White brits are often poorly educated, dont have a good attitude or know how to behave.

Indians, there are 2 types. The kind that have a completely fictional CV and are liars, cannot take criticism (no matter how constructive) and cannot cope with confrontation/disagreements, often dont work well with others. 2nd kind is more like the Chinese, often very bright, knows how to behave, properly educated.

Blacks, well, I would just never hire one. If they dont have problems in their suitability for doing work, then they have problems in their private lives which I know will end up impacting work.

Of course these are huge generalisations, but are generally true in my experience. There are exceptions to every rule. The last person I hired, had no meaningful experience like most of the rest, but had done DoE Awards, so I figured probably came from a good family.
I was of course correct and they worked out fine.

How do you feel about the political parties in Britain? And the taxation system?

What are your thoughts on Brexit?

UKIP - Based

Conservatives - Corrupt

Labour - Communists

Lib Dems - Cucks

Greens - Downs syndrome

BNP - Controlled opposition

>UKIP - cucked by the kremlin
fixed that for you

t. Sinn Fein voter

>pull us away from Europe

We do not propose moving the British Isles out into the Atlantic. Merely untangling ourselves from the failed political project of those in Brussels.

We wish to distance ourselves from their scheme to rinse the population of its income and use it to secure obedience through the award of grants, hand-outs, and funded initiatives.

VERY good channel

BNP is a lot better than UKIP on the whole. UKIP are more like controlled opposition. Please listen to this interview in full

Politics and most political parties are now simply engaged in a game of promising ever more to the electorate, like some giant game of poker where the bet is raised and re-raised until it approaches the point where one party or other is able to call the ridiculous unfunded commitment.

Personally I think people who are in receipt of benefits should not be given a vote.

What do you think of Labour and UKIP?

The only thing he could be is Northern Ireland if he were potato, and if memory serves the only reason Ireland isn't 100% free is because the northern Irish wanted to be part of our still

Labour has lost the plot currently. The only reason why there is no more in-fighting and back-stabbing in their party currently is because:
1) They are praying the Tories destroy themselves over Europe
2) They understand that under Corbyn they have no chance of power, so are content to let things roll for a bit

The Blair brand became so toxic that they had to drink a pint of Corbyn just to take the taste away. When in 10 years time Labour is in the running for power again, the talk will be of "crazy Corbyn" and not of war criminal Blair, and that will suit their spin doctors and election message.

UKIP, well I have been following their development since Jimmy Goldsmith & Co were on the scene and sent out their video. They have come a long way in a relatively short space of time.