Very high T Chris Cantwell almost coming to blows with feminists in New Hampshire
Very high T Chris Cantwell almost coming to blows with feminists in New Hampshire
This video makes me uncomfortable. He's kind of abusive.
>ok, good, then don't fucking speak, just stand there and shut the fuck up
This is just wrong. The women were polite, not behaving inappropriately, and this obese chinbeard starts hurling abuse at them.
Yes, they may be annoying --and probably stupid-- feminists, but they didn't deserve this.
So, if I politely accused you of being a rapist, it's ok?
Take a lil of Mr Cantwell's advice and STFU you stupid whore...
Cantwell is a real life smug frog fighting the reptilians
>zero regard to for how his enemies feel
>hardcore idealist
>screams at women in public like a champ
>literally has a KEK statue on his desk
He's been dog whistling this for far too long. We must whistle back
Leave it to one of the Free Kean assholes to make feminazis look reasonable by comparison. That's no easy feat, good job.
>Rape culture
>In New Hampshire
Oh I'm laffin
What a spergy little manlet. This doesn't help at all.
Radical Agenda is the best show on the Internet.
>That moment when they held hands to withstand the verbal onslaught.
>Women protesting the patriarchy and male oppression
>Oafish working-class loudmouth calls them whores and shouts them down in a threatening manner.
Yep, he sure proved them wrong lmao!
Damn I was about to move to NH for work.
Any NH bros want to fill me in up there? I know it always goes blue, but is it really that bad?
Oh, cool. This in in keene nh!
This dude is a fucking psycho that probably murders people.
Don't spread this, it makes us look bad.
>pls dnt repe k?
its like he downloaded all pol memes at once
You're a fucking weak cunt. The left and feminists have been doing this to us forever. If every feminist rally had guys like this show up, there'd be no more feminist rallies. Feminists are bullies who only like to fight people who can't fight back. They are spoiled children who need a spanking.
>rape is not a sport
Can we please get this rolling for Brazil 2016?
NH reporting, if you're asking about the protesting bullshit, it's next to nonexistent. Just steer clear of Manchester and Nashua, that's where all the minorities dwell, and avoid Portsmouth where all the liberals are really centralised.
Concord here. Can confirm.
Ayy dude, same. What part of Concord?
I'm on the heights. What you up to on this windy friday?
Enjoying the lack of suffocating temperatures, and avoiding having to go to Loudon Rd as much as possible.
What a dope
He could have had a proper argument but instead he chose to start spazzing out like a retard
Now these Women have their beliefs reinforced because that's the kind of guy that disagrees with them
It's not as bad as the clusterfuck known as downtown. The minortites have fucking exploded here in the past 13 years I've been out of HS. My old bus stop at 7-11 on Loudon rd used to be 7 whites and a 4 or so minorities. Now, there is about 7 whites and about 30+ more non-whites. I don't see why they are dumped in NH of all places. We don't have the resources to deal with all these different ethnic groups and I'm shit out of luck for any sort of affordable housing.
As for the heat. the last time it was hot I just dropped the cash on an AC as the winter was mild, I expect the summer to be scorching. I work overnight, sleep during the day, and at times on the 2nd floor is unbearable. My PC gives off a lot of heat which is fine in the winter keeping my bills down, but it is shit in the summer.
And just look at the comments on the video, a bunch of faggots with swastika avatars talking about how their little dicks got wet seeing scared women.
No fucking wonder the feminists are winning.
Having a polite argument with feminists doesn't work.
It's best to just berate them and verbally abuse them.
I have to keep pausing it and watch a few seconds at a time. oy vey...
Concord-Penacook is a fuckfest, the shitty Meadowbrook apartment complex is full of fucking didindus, white trash, nepalis (which aren't as bad, just smell like curry powder) and fuckloads of pakis.
I fucking hate being brown in this state, all the other browns try to sell me whatever shit they have on hand.
Where in NH was this? I don't recognize it. I want to say Concord but...
Keene by the looks of it.
Never been to Keene, but I'm in the Wolfeboro area every summer. We have a little lake house there.
I'd love to meet this guy.
lol I think I bought some weed at that complex like five years ago, but yeah. I didn't think it would be so bad, until I took a stroll through the gardens. That, to me, has turned into a no-go-zone for me as it looks like a 3rd world country.
I suppose the other brown people attempt to rely on each other, but I see you want no part in that, and it seems not to get any better the more north you go and how less likely you'll run into a New Hampsurian that isn't white.
With that being said, you want to get an Uber to a high class restaurant on the 2nd floor of Downtown?
It's keene. Right on the border to vermont so it's a liberal shithole. Easy triggering for Cantwell. If it were Concord, they would be at the state house and a big gold dome being under construction.
They'll be okay goy, it's just some verbal abuse.
think he got a little out of hand with the T and possibly the Jack D
He sounds like camera guy from facial abuse.
Or is that him?
The camera guy from FF is Duke Skywalker.
Ah true, thanx.
Thanks for the offer man, but I'll have to pass
People are losing control of themselves. So this is what the culture war has come down to? A race to the bottom of a barrel full of niggers? Wonderful.
Fuck I love Cantwell.
I'm ready to move down to NewHampshire and join the 14/33 Helicopter Brigade.
I mean he's right but i'm still cringing while watching this shit.
fucking owned
this guy is a hero
This guy is just as bad as the stupid liberals who throw eggs and tip over cop cars
Back to tumbler pussy we don't need you little bitches on this board please go die so you don't spread your genes while you are it.
>acting like an ape in public space is acceptable
>like the video
>think the guy is based as fuck
>check his channel
Sup Forums is full of cunts
Not just nationalists or people who are 'red pilled', but just brutish, thuggish people who are more than happy to play the smirking concentration camp guard as they take comfort in numbers.
The man in this video is a weak cunt. He's fucking pathetic. Yes the women are also pathetic, but there's no need to speak to them like that. Get control of yourself you animalistic beta.
Fuck off you little twats. I'd gladly put a slug in both your heads so you don't carry your pathetic genes onto another generation.
>Brutish thugs
That's rich coming from a limp wrist limey bitch.
Like I said go back to fucking tumbler you filthy feminist loving cowards.
There is no conversing with those people and faggots like you so all you will get is a fist and some lead.
As the political divide deepens, and something as fundamental as a perception of reality continues to part between opposing sides, rational discourse will slip farther into futility. Yes Cantwell comes off as aggressive and abusive. Yes that might be a little upsetting to watch. Put aside your fee-fee's at seeing someone getting yelled at for a second and think about the alternative: he could have stood there and dispassionately mulled over their argument in a monotone voice, pointing out fallacies or providing a counterargument, and do you really think it would have resonated with them? Do you not think the (((academic elites))) haven't already intellectually locked down these useful idiots anyway?
Rationality is ultimately safeguarded by force; it's not the other way around.
Such a gentleman, Nigel.
I think the left deserves a bit of vitriol, meself.
Guy grew up in a Catholic household so I see where the resentment comes from.
Calm down Pajeet.
That's what I fucking thought you little bitch.
I'm 6'2 and of proud Scottish ancestry so go fuck yourself you little beta bird.
When the day comes and I run into people like you it will be nothing but pure domination.
Calm down, autistic lanklet.
>I'm 6'2 and of proud Scottish ancestry
He's 6"2 AND has Scottish ancestry. Watch out guys.
He's a fucking asshole.
Just how autistic can you get?
Woah, he's absolutely out of his fucking mind.
Kill yourself faggot
You little girls are going to get rapped and pillaged in this fight bud.
Summertime faggot
this man has been falsley accused of rape in the past
>I mean he's right but i'm still cringing while watching this shit.
no, no he isn't. There's no need to stick up for this guy in anyway.
I'd love to see you try little man.
Anytime if you're in the GTA.
T.White knight
what's weak about him? how often do you see someone attach overt wrongthink to their real identities?
Nah, we're at the point where niceties toward the left are unnecessary. They need a little jolt to wake them up. Women nowdays will misconstrue anything as rape. That ties up the court systems so they can play out this victim culture, and prevents actual rapes from being brought to justice.
is this fat faggot with a receding chin really what Sup Forums thinks is masculine?
He's just giving them ammunition...
They'll just spin this to say "oh look how abusive he is, rape culture rape culture, please protect me, white knights"
This shit doesn't help.
you need to die
compared to what?
compared to those cunts hes a kind and well mannered person
he is giving them better than their collective crusade against innocents has been giving sane people, since its inception
You act like I care what a bunch of internet neets think.
6'2 210, gun license and well stocked while living on a good plot of land in the country while you little babies twiddle your peckers with each other never amounting to anything.
He needs to frame his argument in a way that his audience will understand, does he think that these radfems have sufficient understanding of communism and Trotskyism to grasp what he's trying to say? He made overtures to the real core of this issue - which is that no one really supports rape, and the "consent" debate is both distracting and unhelpful - but he didn't frame his argument in a way that intersectional victim-feminists would understand. if he actually wants to reach them then this nigga needs to read some camille paglia, some christina hoff summers, who are feminists who dismantle the kind of bullshit these sign-wavers espouse
>linking to comments that weren't written to you
what a faggot
you sound like you got a lot to prove to some internet NEETs you care nothing about, faggot.
>compared to those cunts hes a kind and well mannered person
you must be blind and deaf. How are you typing?
>he is giving them better than their collective crusade against innocents has been giving sane people, since its inception
It's kinda hard to cross that line into rape. If you're straddling that line often, I suggest not having sex.
All those women were doing was saying "rape is wrong, don't rape people".
To be fair he called them whores for no reason.
>brutish, thuggish people
Like feminists?
>if he actually wants to reach them
he said he doesn't want to reach them, he wants to scream at them. he says that in the beginning of the video. he doesn't need your fucking argument tips. shut up.
Your perception is what it is. I can log off and go hunting or fishing while you are stuck here for life bud.
Have fun being a bonafide bitch.
Wouldn't it be funny if he got raped by like 5 guys right then.
>He needs to frame his argument in a way that his audience will understand, does he think that these radfems have sufficient understanding of communism and Trotskyism to grasp what he's trying to say?
It has nothing to do with "communism". This guy in an idiot. Communism is just a boogeyman word that's interchangeable to "bad" with people like this. It makes the word useless.
suck my dick gayboy, you mad?
and "cunts" and screamed at them.
why are you hitting on me, pervert? get back to reading paglia and shut up.
>I can log off and go hunting or fishing while you are stuck here for life bud.
>projecting this hard
>bragging this hard on the internet
I feel bad for you, tbqh.
Yeah. He could have won the debate but he went off for some reason
yeah you mad lol
Everyone in New Hampshire is an asshole.
GOD anytime my hometown keene is in the news its for such embarrassing shit
first the pumpkin riots at pumpkin festival (literally all drunk out of staters)
now this
>Bragging about having a hunting license and fishing license
Those are statements of truth you just feel belittled because your a basement dwelling neet.
These are just women that don't like rape. I can't blame them for feeling that way. They feel strongly about it and felt like "demonstrating", as they weren't protesting anything.
I really don't know what argument you can have against them. "Rape is bad" "Don't rape people" are very reasonable statements. The women even calmly explained that "GRABBING SOMEONE BY THE DICK" would be sexual assault and they wouldn't want to do that to someone.
>Everyone in New Hampshire is an asshole.
Is it a community goal to be the biggest asshole of all? Why is this guy trying this hard.
LOG OFF!!!! YOU FILTY NIGGER!!!!! LOG OFF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
this is fucking hilarious
this guy has balls of steel
when did Sup Forums turn into beta faggots?
>my fee fees hes so mean :(
kill yourselves losers