Most violent country in the world, leading in homicides number

>most violent country in the world, leading in homicides number
>most corrupt country in the world, every president since 1986 is being indicted for corruption
>undergoing deepest recession in history
>only jobs available are minimum wage for cashier at supermarkets
>minimum wage is 300 dollars/month
>every electronic is at least double the price than in USA because of tariffs/taxes
>rampant degeneracy, most women are whores and 10% of the male population is gay/bisexual
>can't even post on Sup Forums or Sup Forums without 10 people telling me I live in a shithole

Brazil is literally the worst country ever created. Next time you guys think about suiciding, just tell yourselves "Hey, at least I'm not a brazilian!"

You have some of The thiccest and most attractive women in The world

>not the most violent
>not the most corrupt
>minimum wage is higher than in most of the countries

Why is 10% gay a bad thing?

atleast it's not india.

>has a big cool jungle full of crazy animals
That alone makes brazil a 10/10 country

At least you're not Mexico.

Just one word


Beautiful beaches with happy attractive people playing football

You are living in paradise asshole

Same may apply to Russia, China
Salvador, Guatemala have higher homicide rate


This is a trap thread now

But those are small countries

Tell me one thing in which brazil is better than mexico, there is none


Am I fucked in the head for wanting to kill a Brazilian criminal like those off-duty cops do on liveleak (without getting caught, of course)? Just think about it, I'd be doing the world such a huge favor and the local Brazilian gene-pool would improve as well.

post your mentally ill men elsewhere


pls usa colonize us

Someone pls answer

whenever we try to help latin american countries you guys call us evil

yeah, it would be totally cool bro

only dumb leftists says that

Better looking people

Just do what the government want you to do, forget what happens around you, and you will be the happiest person in world

OP are something like 300 out of 500 of your elected politicians under investigation for fraud?

>rampant degeneracy, most women are whores
Post more details my monkey friend
Maybe some greentext