White men and Black men are totally equal.
Arabs are the problem.
And Relgion.
White men and Black men are totally equal
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I think we call all agree when I say that anglos are the problem. Every problem today can be traced back to an Anglo.
Get the fuck out of here Baboon lover
Anglos are the biggest cancer to humanity. The unholy alliance between englo and jew has been the single most destructive force in world politics and has resulted in all problems we see today.
BEWARE!!!!! The Christfags and Lucifarians are all part of the same Jew Cocksucking Moral Cabal! Don't let them suck your cock!!! They will try to force their weird jew code upon you! May KEK rain shit upon them and their fake Jew creations!
People will think we are baiting but we arent, its simply the truth.
This tbqh.
Why is Ireland the whiniest country ever?
No more smiling out your country again?
Suck my left but you daft cunt.
not really. arabs are equal in terms of intellect to white people, blacks aren't.
maybe people in the UK believe that but in parts of europe east asia and the united states its a mater of debate
standardized test scores and murder statistics indicate a difference between whites and blacks that isnt appreciated
also black people has shit for history so they overcompensate and try to act like they are superior... and at the same time try to play up being victims. not sure how that works.
>"we are so much better than every one we cant manage to rule the world and are at the mercy of weaker less creative people"~no one ever in history
Fuck off and get your filthy Fenian immigrants out of Scotland, nigger.
Left to right Shmuelly.
Left to right.
Go polish mum's shmutsi blech fagela.
There yours now
I agree with this
Bastard, ye got me there.
>Races are equal just cos
Anyone who thinks this is a retard.
My experience working with people of various levels of negroid blood is high, from my Army days. And I can tell you that the more white admixture, the better. But put even a full-blooded African in a positive cultural environment, and he becomes a perfectly civilized man. Arabs, on the other hand, seem incapable of the same. It makes little sense to me- negroids are genetically distinct from all other humans. But in my experience this is the case.
Get back to paving my driveway Paddy
You fucked yourself by siding with France and Spain and trying to let them use Ireland as a staging base for an invasion
Remove Potato
said fuckin nobody ever
Objectively false. Blacks are genetically inferior to whites and this has been proven repeatedly. Arabs are also genetically inferior to whites, and this has also been proven repeatedly.
Religion was never the problem, white Muslims (what few there are) are harmless because they're part of a race capable of civilization, this is why the Turks essentially kidnapped white people to run their empire for them, and it worked for 600 years.
You have literally been brainwashed by Jews. Yes you stupid fucking goy, nevermind that the decline of your Empire can literally be charted point by point with the decline of Christianity on your unworthy chickenshit island. Nevermind that it is precisely the ethnic and cultural unity that religion represents that prevents countries like Poland and Serbia from being assfucked by Globalist Kikes who want to racemix every civilization out of existence.
Do you actually believe that if the Somolians were all atheists they wouldn't rape your women? Do you really believe that? They're not doing it because Allah told them to do it, they're doing it because the MAOA-2 Gene told them to do it, and they're getting away with it BECAUSE your retarded Post-Racial Post-Christian Secularist shithole is more interested in perpetuating the ponzi scheme of your welfare state than it is in preserving your people.
Hey, at least you've got the NHS and gay marriage though, right?
There's absolutely nothing wring with landscaping. I can tell you're some chav cunt who's never done an honest days work in his life type away, poof.
Why you make thread like these?
Please annex us
Save us from the EU
Yes, goy, evil Arabs threaten Israel, you should hate them. Give up religion too, you wouldn't want to have cultural pride, would you? We're all the same, black and white.
Shouldnt you be stealing the copper off the roof of a school to buy a bottle of cheap cider before you head home to beat on your flat arsed missus
Never admit that you're wrong to a black person. Like for instance saying "sorry" , their primitive minds see politeness as a sign of weakness and will use it to exploit you. When dealing with primitives try to copy what they do to each other because there's probably an evolutionary purpose for it. Literally 'i dindu nuffin' if you accidentally run over their foot with your car
Lad, you got me. Nice one indeed. You absolute mad thing ya. kek, stay mad you worthless pathetic faggot. I can tell that you're some little poof that stays in his room all day because he's afraid to go outside because the muzzies have him frightened. Lmao. Where's you empire, eh? kekekekekek
For a friend i would take a gorilla over a nigger any day
>Why is Ireland the whiniest country ever?
but that's india, or possibly sweden honestly
>White men and Black men are totally equal.
this is why you suck england
>believing this
You're right about niggers but you Arabs are nowhere even near comparable with white intelligence. The only other race that's similar in intelligence is possibly Asians however it could be Chinese propaganda
>on Muslims
You're wrong. The Muslim religion is incapable of civilization mostly because it was written by the Arabs
>Arabs arent evil
Found the muzRat
Jews are more evil but you sandrats are subhuman and savage by your very nature
eh. islamic culture (arab-persian) was pretty good for a time, lots of contributions to mathematics and medicine, architecture, stable systems of governance etc. it declined as the west rose, but i'm still incline to think that they are genetically equal. middle easterners i've met who grew up around whites are pretty much indistinguishable to whites, whereas blacks always seem kind of dumber and more basic.
Israelites > Ishamaelites > Animals > Plants > Hamites> Cancer> Gentiles(You faggots)
Equality is a lie. Everyone is different on a microcosmic personal subjective perception based level. Color, and external biology makeup due to Birth Origin is just one teeny factor.