Taydolf Swiftler Thread


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i don't get the appeal.

she's attractive, but she's not a goddess.

i see women 3x more attractive every day just working in a warehouse.

Kill yourself

isnt taylor more of Sup Forums than Sup Forums?

the only girl i can think of being Sup Forums is evalion

Dude it's just funny


Don't objectify dude.

Funny thing is she's not even proper white with that upper Nordic Mongoloid admixture.

I need an image of Taylor swift that is laser engraveable for reasons. Anyone got one?

BEWARE! The Christfags and Lucifarians are all part of the same Jew Cocksucking Moral Cabal! Don't let them suck your cock!!! They will try to force their weird jew code upon you! May KEK rain shit upon them and their fake Jew creations!!!!!

Male Sexuality is objectifying by nature.

>i see women 3x more attractive every day just working in a warehouse.
She is attractive and a celebrity.

Anyway, at least around here, the number of women who are more attractive than Taylor Swift is extremely small.

I am in my early 30s and I cannot remember ever flirting with a girl who is more attractive than Taylor, even though I lived in 6 countries in the last 15 years (US, UK, Germany, Austria, Switzerland, Israel).

Does anybody have that shop of her in a Waffen SS uniform?

Meh, maybe. kek, you can still say stuff like that over there?

What makes a picture laser engraveable?




I gotchu fa'm.

Also have her requiem for Rhodesia.



My personal favorite.

Guess I only have three.

Anyone want to do this one?

You have no idea how much you just brightened my day lad. Thanks

Just kidding.

if only webms were easier to make, i'd be doing some cool stuff

Has to be vectored in a certain way. Black and white. I don't have the programs or the know how. Goal is to engrave it on my SBR with the caption "band aids don't fix bullet holes" along with my trust info.

If only if only
The woodpecker cried
The bark on the trees
Was as sweet as your lies.

it's just some stupid forced meme that never even worked out

Remember to blame yourselves when her kike handlers put her with a nigger. She's literally friends with Lena Dunham


Is that Kasia?

No lies here m8. Its going right on the magwell. I'm thinking trust name across the top, city/state across the bottom (like in a circle around her face) with the quote wrapped around it.

PSA colt pattern 9mm lower. Going to put a 5.5" upper on it whenever my stamp comes back.

These quotes are all fake you morons, Taylor is a full on liberal but she doesn't show it to keep her country fan base who are usually conservative.

Need more t swift pics.

Still waiting for one that is laser engrave able

You sure are dumb.


TayTay is love, TayTay is life



>job? im too busy editing taylor swift pictures

if you say so shlomo

She's a female Ben "Boasting a Nigger Skull Collection Inspired Erection" Garrison

You mean a height map or a normal map?


are you new here or just completely retarded?

Im scared taytay next bf might be a black guy lads

id kill myself

I'm not sure to be honest. I've just always seen laser engraving images as black/white

Fun fact: whenever you post guns, there is a chance your ip will be tracked

Me too, but I personally don't think it will happen.

of course they are fake you moron. everyone knows they are fake, thats the joke.

Don't worry user, she's too pure for a giganigga

Which image do you want?

>[citation needed]

>gun posted
>IP tracked
>same IP used to order gun pictured
>IP tracked to man who gun was transfered to

its already happened m8. the girl is actually a slut, look how many people she has dated.

shes had 7 different boyfriends in 7 years. Thats 1 every year.




She's a coal burner who listens to Lee Durhan for feminism advice


I wish I could find that friggin' screencap....


>buys gun online
>doesn't go to local GunsRUs and pick one up

Pls be good bait



No shit! You figure that out all on your own?

I like this one, but I'm sure there are better ones where she looks more Taylor swifty. If you have one you like please reccomend it.

Nothing with Hitler quotes on it tho. I'm not ready for that

is that supposed to be a lot?

yes. Those are just official "dating" boyfreinds the media new about. Think about all the other chads she was fucking on the side. Theres a reason her relationships never last longer than a year

but none of them was black and I guess at least half were arranged by her label

I'm.also partial to this one

nah its the opposite

most of her relationships didnt last bacuse she was too prude



this. at least this is what they said.
the last relationship failed because of a lack of chemistry. like most women, Taylor has shit taste in men and bad judge of character.

>1 boyfriend/year
>a slut

You sad folks know nothing about modern world. Here in Spain girls fuck one different dude each week. Get with the times please.


Newly cleaned up!

You know what ... she looks almost like a girlfriend I had. It was ten years ago but I still think about her. I think you can't blame me for that.


posting our own tay


oh jävlar that is hot


>arranged by her label
>literally dating people so she can make money
so shes not just a slut shes a whore?

Nonsense dude, no wonder you can't into space.

Why was "she" called Tay? maybe because of taylor?




I bet you thought Ben Garrison really was a neonazi

I'm too lazy to find a picture of her. Find me one and I'll do it

Here you go.

I thought I had all the Kasia pics but that's a new one for me.

>She's attractive

She's not
Ugly Chucky the killer doll looking fuck


>1 bf a year
>same age as Tay

I've never even had one gf

Dzięki folkens.

Guys how is this? Just tried it on a free program. Would be cut away a bit and probably be more of just her face since it will be in the middle of a circular logo

You would do well to test it out on something else before engraving whatever you actually want first.