Make my disgusting christian family watch this every christmas in an attempt to redpill them

>make my disgusting christian family watch this every christmas in an attempt to redpill them
>they sit through it but don't pay too much attention
>afterwards they bring out the eggnog and cookies and start watching garbage like christmas story or christmas vacation
>grab some cookies and go watch anime in my room because their taste is awful

Who else hates the holidays. Family's suck.

there's no way an actual atheist could be this autistic

How many devout christian autists do you know?
Autists are just about the most logical people around.

>force family to watch 2nd rate """movie""" while chilling during the holidays
>complain when they start to watch things related to the season
>confines himself to his room with nothing but cookies and anime to comfort him
Only a triple bypass could save this user from the autism clogging his arteries

this is pretty much every atheist I've met.

user, don't worry. Even if you do not believe God's love will save you.

>attempt to redpill them

Atheism isn't redpilled you dumb faggot.

>all atheists are autismos
proud to be a Christfag

Nigga normal people just want to enjoy life and be as oblivious to stupid shit that dosent matter as possible.

digits confirm
op is always a faggot

shit that never happened: the post

have a (You).

>visit family
>watch Die Hard
>Nightmare Before Christmas
>Grinch, Rudolph and co.
>Christmas Vacation
>Jingle All the Way
>Home Alone
>Bad Santa because my dad loves it
>watch the Black Mirror Christmas episode by myself because I don't think they'd like it much

I actually can't wait.

>bill maher

I'm an atheist who lives in the bible belt that went to a christian school for my first 7 years, usually when someone starts talking about jesus or whatnot I just go along with it

>Sup Forums spergs

>>watch the Black Mirror Christmas episode by myself because I don't think they'd like it much
congrats for not being autistic

This is a funny caricature of the fedora edgebaron, but it's not fair enough to be really incisive - I give it 5/10.

Don't judge all atheists as autistic; the evangelical atheists that get in your face about it are an obnoxious minority. Lots of people are atheist without feeling the need to proselytize constantly.

>implying Sup Forums isn't just Sup Forums:the second one

Boy, that flick sure sucked. I wanted Billy to BTFO fundies but it was so fucking bland and boring I don't remember a signle thing about it.

>atheism is so bluepilled kikes had to stop using God sockpuppet and started brainwashing goyim directly in colleges
What the fuck did his mean by this?

>>all atheists are autismos
That's not even close to what I said but your flawed logic comes as no surprise, Christfag.

watch's a ball

I think we can agree that if you're still an "atheist" by 20, you're probably genuinely on the spectrum.

People I know who were mouthy atheists like myself either found some sort of quasi-spirituality in philosophy or simply describe themselves as agnostic or nonreligious.

Yeah I would feel quite uncomfortable making them sit through that. My dad especially.

>For a long time, the conventional wisdom was that the Jesuits were retrograde enforcers of orthodoxy. But Feingold taught me that in the 17th century, the Jesuits were actually on the cutting edge of intellectual and scientific life. They were devoted to Catholic theology, of course, and the Catholic authorities strictly controlled which ideas were permitted and which were forbidden. But the Jesuit fathers at the Royal College knew a great deal about mathematics and science and contemporary philosophy—even heretical philosophy.
>Hume had said that Descartes, Nicolas Malebranche, and Pierre Bayle inspired the Treatise. Descartes, I learned, graduated from the Royal College, and Malebranche’s most dedicated students had taught there, although the most-fervent Malebranchistes were eventually dismissed. Books by Descartes, Malebranche, and Bayle were in the college library—although they were on the Index, the Vatican’s list of forbidden books. (Hume’s Treatise would join them later.)
>La Flèche was also startlingly global. In the 1700s, alumni and teachers from the Royal College could be found in Paraguay, Martinique, the Dominican Republic, and Canada, and they were ubiquitous in India and China. In fact, the sleepy little town in France was one of the very few places in Europe where there were scholars who knew about both contemporary philosophy and Asian religion.
>The Jesuits documented everything, Feingold told me. If I wanted to know who had talked with Hume at La Flèche, I could go to Rome to find out.
>Toward the end of my Caltech stay, I gave a talk at one of those TED-like conferences where successful people from different fields gather to inspire the young and impress one another. A large, striking, white-haired man in the audience nodded and laughed in an especially enthusiastic way during my talk. He turned out to be Alvy Ray Smith, a co-founder of Pixar.

>90 year old grandma comes over for the holidays
>wants to say grace like the fundie
>snort loudly and roll my eyes, begin eating
>ultra religious uncle suplexes me through the dining room window

fuck the holidays

>directed by jodie foster
>holly hunter and rdj
is it any good?

>devoted to Catholic theology
the meme to meme all memes, truly it will never die

it's excellent

and spot on for dysfunctional families...( which who's isn't ) ?

i'm still an atheist, but i'm trying to latch onto the term anti-theist instead. my real problem is the theism, not the harmless belief in a falsehood.

nobody cares

when it comes time

you'll see

>autistic atheist attempts to shame normal people who happen to be atheists into feeling his shame

Why are internet autists so obsessed with atheists? How butthurt do you need to be to get this upset that someone doesn't believe in God?

As a fellow Atheist, I have to ask... what's so wrong with your family believing in something you don't? Why not just let them be? I'd ask my family to extend me the same courtesy, and they do.

>believing the redpill does something

lol rdj looks so fucked up in that poster

Full autist

you sound like the biggest no fun allowed faggot.

>Thanksgiving dinner at noon with family
>mention how I'm looking forward to the football games
>wife shoots me the death stare
>dinner ends
>afterwards wife tells me I have to keep an eye on her son
>have to stay upstairs with him while he watches Peppa Pig
>meanwhile she drives to the store to buy antifreeze (says we're out)
>rest of family watches football on the living room big screen

Eh, I just know she's going to pull the same shit this Christmas. Don't ever get married, lads.


subtle, I expect this to get some (you)'s

>Sup Forums - Television & Film

>family gets together for Christmas
>uncles and cousins gather in the finished off garage
>watch Sopranos Christmas episodes
>watch Goodfellas
>watch Godfather part I and II
>enjoy loaded eggnog, whisky, scotch, beers, bowls and cigars

fucking love Christmastime

> anime

>implying Sup Forums is a hivemind

>tfw the last time I had Christmas with my family was over a decade ago

>senpai gets together
>we watch Charlie Brown Christmas, Frosty the Snowman, etc like we did when me and my brother were children
>watch at least a handful of Christmas Story when it's on its 24h marathon
>will go to my room with brother and watch the Fat Albert Quanta special
Good times

>visit family
>tolerate each other while we eat an awful meal made by my mother
>listen to my lib-tard sister spout bullshit about how everything is my fault because I'm a white male
>listen to my parents argue with each other over inane bullshit
>listen to my cousin babble about whatever fad bullshit she is currently invested in at the moment, or which shade of brown person she is fucking this month
>after dinner Dad breaks out the liquor and drinks too much, and attempts to grope my wife's tits
>wife and I go downstairs and watch movies on netflix while my sister smokes weed and cries in the next room over
>wife is mad at me because we have to spend time with my shit family, instead of going over to her parent's house immediately
>I attempt to justify spending one day at my parents house, and one day at her parents house even though I have a much better time at her parents house
>tfw her mother has acted more like a mother to me than my own
>tfw her dad is teaching me to play the banjo and we play together on the holidays
>tfw her family is superior to mine in every single way

I am so conflicted about the holidays.

Woah user... looks like You're not the "Smart one" after ALL

Like 3. Actually, every autist I know is from church, and the one I knew from school was the son of a pastor

Growing up in an atheist household sure is great, now I only have to put up with stupid Christmas shit because I like it, not because of some devotion to a deity.

Gross, you're a cringy atheist AND you don't like Christmas Vacation? Whaddaya got, shit for brains? Or are you just 13?

>Watch Home Alone for the 50th time with family on christmas day
>Its still a fun entertaining movie

Donald is in this.

google "sonic Christian fan art" and then tell me autists aren't devout Christians

Shadow sure is well hung.


I remember seeing this in theatres when it first came out and thinking it was great. Rewatched it recently and it's pretty shite. Didn't know much about Bill Maher before seeing the movie either but now that I know more about he's one of the smuggest whiniest fucking cunts I've ever seen. His smug ass attitude before the election and eventual breakdown when based Trump won were cathartic at least

Thats why its so good

This is now a Christmas Kino thread.

I forward Die Hard.

I'll decorate the christmas tree, eat cod fish with my family, go to midnight mass and then somewhere to celebrate. I'll wake up hungover, unwrap few Axe/Old Spice packages and then watch Christmas movies or Christmas Episode of Only Fools and Horses. Atleast that's how it been for past 5 years

Jingle All The Way

Muppets Christmas Carol.

Makes Christian family watch smarmy antitheist documentary that makes fun of Christian values.
Expecting Bill Maher to make your argument for you rather than have a discussion about beliefs with family.
Probably silently fuming when they don't pay proper attention because they are busy socialising. At Christmas time.
Shocked when 2 hours of preaching to the atheist choir hasn't changed your family's deeply held religious convictions.
Get pissy when famalam puts on decent and reasonably secular Xmas comedies.
Goes off to watch anime alone.

You suck.

I would never show this to my family member during Christmas? What the fuck is wrong with you?

>watch anime

>he doesn't watch christmas rom-coms

Lethal Weapon

I love the atheist meme.
Christmas is objectively the happiest, most comfy time of year and only the dead could not enjoy the seasonal cheer.
Merry Christmas to you all, anons.

>2 weeks vacation approved
>no plans whatosever

I'm gonna be a lazy piece of shit for two weaks straight. Watching a bunch of movies and shows while lying in my warm and comfy bed with my gf. It's gonna be great. That's gonna be great.

>Hate christmas because it means spending my dollars on shit no one cares about
>Would rather just drink and not worry about presents
>Work in retail
>Everyone becomes entitled and miserable.
>Always forced to watch "It's a wonderful life" at christmas
>No die hard, grinch, nightmare before christmas, Home alone, love actually or jingle all the way.
>Always guilt tripped for not going to uni

Stupid time of the year I want nothing to do with

Listening to stories like these makes me happy that some time ago my country's government was sensible enough to make New Year the main holiday and celebrate it in exactly the same way as Christmas.
>no arguing over religion
>no people splitting into groups over which holiday they're celebrating
>no annoying caroling
>no people guilt-tripping themselves over what this holiday is meant to represent and if they're following Jesus' teachings
>everyone's just having fun

You do realise that Christmas time has the most suicides, right? Like, every single year more people top themselves at Christmas than at any other point.

It isn't the objectively the happiest. Furthermore, Hospitals hate Christmas time, as so many people end up drunk out of their heads, with injuries due to it, drink driving, food poisoning and fight wounds due to arguments with family.

So shut the fuck up.

What is your comfiest Christmas movie?
Gremlins for me.

Jingle all the way, probably.

how's it going, wagecuck? that's life every week for me ;-)

Is there any christmas anime?

Tokyo Godfathers


This bait sucks. You aren't even trying dude.

Only the fedora tippers get depressed at Christmas, since they live in a constant state of meaningless existential crisis and cannot fathom the idea of being happy over non-material blessings. In fact, everyone elses happiness only drives them deeper into dispare since it highlights the stark contrast between their own empty, meaningless lives and the lives of those around them.

In England most people aren't religious and we don't label ourselves as atheist to feel special. I weirdly like religion, give me those people over absolute degenerates any day. The fact remains though that most normal people in the western world are not religious and there'es nothing edgy about it, it's fucking normal. It seems that the religious lot here assume that every athesit is a fat fedora tipping meme. That's not the case at all.

Based bill. True kino documentary.

Yes it is. Stay buttmad christ fag.

>Only the fedora tippers get depressed at Christmas

I heard what you were saying! You know nothing of my Christmas! You mean the whole Christmas fallacy is wrong. How you got to this board to post anything is totally amazing!


As an atheist and someone who actually kind of likes Bill Mahr, I thought this movie was completely obnoxious and unfair to people who are religious.

>(((Bill "Millennials don't like Hillary because they don't know anything" Maher)))

As an atheist myself, faggots like you are fucking embarrassing.

>I might believe in magic and people made from dust and ribs but you wear unfashionable hats so I'm right

>autists are the most logical people around




Probably should have taken a toke of your sister's weed and chill out a bit

"Their findings demonstrate that both male and female suicide rates tend to be higher during the spring and summer months (combined gender inference of: April ~ 27.24; May ~ 30.04; June ~ 28.86; July ~ 27.83) compared to winter (Nov. ~ 25.77; Dec. ~ 23.17; Jan. ~ 24.07; Feb. ~ 23.16)."



>people are still pushing this "die hard is a christmas movie" shit




>most normal people in the western world are not religious and there'es nothing edgy about it, it's fucking normal

The word you are looking for is "secular".

You are describing the majority f people living in first world countries. They will identify themselves as Christians but that is in name only.

They like the idea of Santa and Jesus "for the sake of the kids" but they don't go to church or pray or give faith any thought whatsoever in their day to day lives. They still consider themselves to be Christians and some go to church twice a year (Easter and Christmas) to keep up family traditions.

They know their grandmother went to church regularly but could not tell you if she was Anglican, Lutheran, Methodist, or baptist (but they are pretty sure they were not catholic). Odds are the church they went to was "whatever church was closest to grandma's house".

Fewer than 37% of Americans claim to attend church regularly (some studies put this at closer to 20%) and that number drops even lower in other first world countries. Canada is below 20% and in the UK is under 10%. The church of England attendance has dropped below 800,000 and is still plummeting.

As mainstream churches die off, the "alternative" churches are growing. The Later-day Saints and the Jehovah witnesses are the fastest growing groups. Evangelicals in America are also doing well.


My professor made us all watch this in college along with Fast Food Nation and a gay rights documentary.

It was in foundations class, a required general knowlege class for all incoming freshman.

Should I have complained to the school board?

Evangelicals are the conservative equivalent of liberals for the democrats.

They can't be reasoned with and it's their way or the high way. And every single republican candidate is forced to cater to them and shape their agenda around them because they make up a solid 30-something percent of the base.

I'm a practicing Christian by the way, but I'm not daft enough to pretend everything the bible says is the only way to run the US and anyone that disagrees should not be met with compromise.

For example, a great way to tackle the abortion dilemma and reach compromise with leftists would be to work to make birth control readily available to teens in public schools, but the evangelicals get so fucking triggered with this and as a result tens of thousands of teens get pregnant.

This is how I feel during Black History Month.

>garbage like christmas story
>christmas story
What did he mean by this?