Does Sup Forums give money to beggars?
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Only to white beggars.
Only if they're white.
No, bury them in the wall or force them to do community service for food stipends.
is he white tho?
Sometimes yes.
fuck no.
there's plenty of shelters, soup kitchens, and out reach programs in my city. the homeless can easily get help is they truly want it.
any beggar i see is without a doubt gonna just buy drugs with the money.
If they're white and old.
>working for money
>giving it away for people who do nothing
no, fuck all of them
Offered to buy another guy lunch but he refused, he wanted money to travel
I've given food to 2
Given change to one or two maybe
Now I just refuse completely.
I carry a stick to beat bums.
Yellow pine master race
I force them to answer riddles. Each riddle is harder than the last and the prize money gets better as well.
Had a really clever hobo that got to the point where I had to give him a $20 (ran out of riddles, bugger solved 5 in a row).
Sup Forums in a nutshell
Nice, I'm gonna start doing this
Yes I pay my taxes.
I will if I find them sleeping in a barrel and or engage in sexual acts in public.
If they do these things I would know they are worth my money.
What is gold, has a head, a tail, but has no legs?
What's muh prize?
A coin. Easy
>beggar asks for mo' change
>ask him to show his arms
>"nevuh mind mayne"
>every time
>tramp selling newspapers, performing, doing odd jobs
Definitely. Unregulated and contractual labor must be promoted if the international Jew is to be thrown out of our society.
No, there's way too many of these bastards here. Drive any major street and get to an intersection in my county and there's another one just standing there in the middle of the cars begging for money. If you ask me, the local governments here need to clean this shit up so I can drive and walk the streets in peace.
Your first shekel.
What kind of coat is always wet when you put it on?
>tee hee my hobo friend, I have a riddle for ye!
>What walks on four legs in the morning, two legs in the afternoon, and
Only if they speak French.
paint retard
This is fun. You're fun.
Yep, always. But only if they're Romanians. We have lots of Romanian beggars here all over the floor in every city center and subway station.
A gold fish? A coin?
Correct, we're up to two shekels.
Which month has 28 days?
Of course.
You're only ever a terrible year away from it.
I probably would, but I don't live in a shithole, so I never see any homeless. I have given money to a few I've seen in cities.
Haha that's awesome
All of em!
fucking nigger just asked me "AYO YOUNG THUUUUG CAN YOU HELP ME OUT WIT A DOLLA" 10 minutes ago coming out of the paki corner store. I was like "nah im broke man" with a bag full of food and drinks in front of him, lmfao he got pissed as hell heard him say "muhfuckin bitch ass cracka fuckin white devil mothafucka" i swear to god this just happened. could not stop laughing
Beggars are either scammers, or mentally ill. Churches and homeless shelters are a thing; you'd basically have to be retarded to not have food in your belly, and a roof over your head, at least some of the time. These types shouldn't be on streets anyways, rather, in a care facility getting the help they really need so that they might learn how to integrate into society properly.
Oh ho, they usually fuck that one up (and I don't give them any money).
Next one is for 3 shekels.
I am a five letter word. You eat me. If you remove my first letter, I become a crime. If you remove my first two letters, I become an animal. If you remove my first and last letter, I become a type of music, composed by the animal above. What am I?
Never money, sometimes water or leftovers if I'm on my way out of a restaurant.
No. Might give a smoke to a drugaddict or alcoholic if they ask me but thats it.
why do you live near niggers?
Bruh it's not always so cut and dry like that. A decent number of them are war vets who, instead of getting to come home and work through the ptsd crap with a supportive family who helps then readjust, come home to a wife who cheated and wants a divorce and then the family courts fuck them into desitution and they don't get to see their kids and just go full misery mode.
All beggars are playing you. Every. Single. One.
Bah, destitution*
>Giving money to crackheads and drunks
If you were a hobo, you'd be on your way to the prize. This one is for five shekels.
It is greater than God and more evil than the Devil. The poor have it, the rich need it and if you eat it then you’ll die. What is it?
>I don't live in a shithole
The reason you don't see any beggar is precisely because you live in a shithole
War vets with PTSD are mentally ill, though.
Not bad at all.
The last one nets 10 shekels for a total of 20 (have had a hobo actually win this).
When set loose I fly away, I'm never so cursed as when I go astray. What am I?
Mostly because I was homeless as a kid and I know that it's tough.
Indeed. My point was simply that not every homeless person is such because they were lazy fucks who just wanted to get high all the time and couldn't into personal responsibility.
What are you doing on pol Mr. Nigma?
I used to. Then they started getting a bit too uppity
>Mother is out shopping in the winter
>Sees homeless guy sitting their
>Buys him a nice hot pasty
>Gives him it
>"I don't like them ones"
>Shoves the entire thing in his face
Same thing happened with a grill I knew who bought one a pizza and a friend who gave one a load of biscuits and he demanded a different kind because he was sick of them. Surely it's proof of the current year when beggars can literally be choosers.
Fug we were stuck on this one for like 2 days haha, I don't think we ever figured it out either. Hmm. Can haz hint? Is it a tangible thing or an intangible concept?
Generally, no. They usually use the money for cigarettes/alcohol anyway. Very few beggars are truly destitute and deserving of help.
This. And every "I'm just trying to get home," "I never do this but my cat broke down," "Can you help me with some gas money," and "I'm trying to catch a bus" story are all the same fake scams. The people who actually deserve/want help are not the ones peddling this shit, only the ones who want alcohol/drugs money.
Fuck no wait!!
This is an incredible idea.
Thought is my answer.
It's unfortunately very tangible.
No. It encourages them.
A small bird
Fuck no!
You get ticketed in Canada for giving to the homeless.
Sorry you keep getting passed up, Ignacio.
No, I can't consciously reward failure and feel good about it.
No money for either of you - sucks, I know, but it's an all or nothing game.
The answer is: a fart (old english riddle).
Well fuck. Hair? Spiders?
Ha, that's a good one.
Son of a...
I'm legit disappoint in myself for not getting that of all things lol.
Thanks for the game, user!
Only if they're elderly, otherwise no(gypsies excluded ofc).
That's true. There was a based one here, who everyone liked
>Never bothered anyone
>If he was sitting on a bench and you sat next to him he would apologise and ask if you wanted him to move
>Stopped a load of crimes purely because he was mooching around all night and disturbed people up to no good
>Thunderstorm few years back that he died in
>People start trying to find out more about him
>His family come forward and tell how when he was younger his mother (and I think sister or brother) had died and he just couldn't cope so he left
>They used to try and coax him back home, but he would never go back so they just use to give him provisions
>He was only in his 50s
I still miss based Tommy.
There is a huge difference between a person with children who is living in a shelter and doing what they can, and a person on the corner just begging for money. Not sure which side you were on though.
My gf worked at a legal aid office for people with low/no income. There are a TON of resources for homeless people in our city, it's a very liberal city. The problem is, those shelters and resources have rules, curfews, etc. people don't want to follow the rules, so they stay out on the street and get money from everyone who does follow the rules.
Yeah, only if they are old people.
coming out of liquor store, get in may car, windows down
dirty old white man, skinny as fuck, wet butt, shit or something on his pants that dont fit him.
maybe a drug addict, I dont really care
asks me for 25c to or something cant make it out, has no teeth
give him 5 bucks, goes right into store
I wanted to buy him booze or whatever he wanted but was in a hurry
2days later see him sleeping near dumpster,
he sure seems like he is living the good life. I'm so jealous
I'd rather give money to some drug addicted homeless person then to some charity that is going to keep 80-90% of it for " administrative expenses "
That's sad as fuck. RIP Tommy.
Lot of those places are also riddled with bedbugs and other nastiness. Not to mention getting what little shit you have jacked by someone else in the middle of the night. As I understand it, many homeless folks prefer to take their chances out on the streets because the conditions can actually be better out there.
Only if they are old, I have no respect for young hobos
My older sister who graduated from a med school asked me for $500 yesterday till she gets he bonus told her hell no
They don't play any good music on their shitty flutes.
If one was playing the Morrowing theme I would slap him down 5 coins of our realm
Those are shit tier charities. Plenty of organizations that actually operate with integrity though. Doesn't take much time to do your homework on the ones in your area. Regardless, your approach has the right sort of mindset behind it. People taking it upon themselves to take care of their own because they have a well tended & valued sense of community > people whining for gubment to put programs in place that do it for them because they're all babbies and think the average individual is evil and only out for himself (but the gubment is somehow fine).
I always give money to beggars. If they are decent and want to do better they buy food, and that's better than corrupt government robbing me via tax to skim the top before creating vote slaves.
If they are degenerates, my $5.00 may buy them the hot dose that ends their existence.
Win win win
Never give to beggars and bums, give them hot lead instead.
I used to, back in college were I volunteered at a couple homeless shelters and food banks.
Now I spend half my time at work either calling the police on them or cleaning up their shit after they trash areas and I fucking hate them all
As a homeless man working full time to get my own place again
I shiggy diggy the foo who gives more fucking welfare to leaches
>giving money to roms