Why do people dislike turkish people

Not a turk (inb4 muhammad) just curious here Sup Forums, enlighten me

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t. Ahmed

They're Muslims with IQs averaging 90.

Cause you niggers slaughtered my people.

t. Aziz

Never change Sup Forums

Those fuckers stink up the bus with thier nasty pit smell.

Gtfo of here.. you are not refugees, stop claiming kurdish refugee status you smelly fucks.

They are Muslim and brown. Also 1453.

I guess Im translating here for a turk or something who refuses to post on Sup Forums cus he uses 8ch but he says thats kurdish people who arent really turkish

I don't give a fuck, just get the fuck out. Kebabs are played out. Nobody gives a fuck that you can wrap meat and veggies on a tortilla.

The fall of the roman empire seems a silly reason to hate a country 600 years on, also pretty hypocritical as its a bit like the jews making you apologise for the shoah

There are still a ton of Assyrians here. No problems with them.

Just take your sand niggers back. We dont care for your kebabs. GTFO

1. Turkish people are stupid/low Iq never contributed to society else than facism.
2. Turkish people glorify Islam and Goat fucking ideology
3. Turkish people are genocidal.
4. Turkish people are mostly Criminals when they come into soft law countries like Germany, because in Turkey they are punished badly.
5. Turkish people are horny creeps that want to fuck anything and they have 5 children without any possiblity to support them.
6. Turkish people have no concept of morals, they would sell their own mother, child for few shekels.
7. Turkroaches are filthy and have no sense of hygene.
8 Turkroaches love getting fucked in ass by dictators like Erdogan.
Most IMPORTANT Turkroaches Hate FREEDOM

t. angry indian

Its a horrible thing to wish someone a civil war in his country.
But nobody on earth deserves it more than turkey and usa. Turkey more.

1.Look up how socialist and free nomadic turks were and look up how tolerant ottomans/seljuks were towards the westerners they conquered compared to the europeans. we were fair towards our women when we were still nomads and we were among the first countries to let women vote
2.not all of us but yes islamism is a parasite to this country
3.no we are not keep believing that western propaganda used for a war almost a century ago. besides a single event doesnt make us genocidal
4.cant comment about that but we hate turks like that as much as you do
5.again, not as much dont treat kurds like turks.
6.our traditions are based on morality and justice especially when we used to be nomads and its usually arab loving cunts who have no morals.
7.when you westerners were living in shit we had hamams(roman baths) and it was mandatory in islam to take regular showers. hell even the army had portable baths brought with them to war.
8.only dumbfucks love erdoğan plenty of us hate that cunt. its like saying all brits love david cameron the pig fucker because he speaks the loudest

and last but not least, we fought for our independence against the imperialists and won which inspired many nations under vassalization like india to rise up against their rulers so how does that make us hate freedom? old turkish tradition is based on freedom

try harder you croatian git, only times you were relevant in history was when you were being conquered or were killing each other in a civil war

as much as I wish to see the government toppled and a proper turkish leader who isnt an arab loving dickhead in power, a civil war would send this country to hell at this point. we need a more diplomatic revolution

Erdowaaaahn is a douche.

A more diplomatic revolution is actually a civil war. I hope you are aware of that. And in your case, a civil war means ISIS and other groups will jump in.

>when you westerners were living in shit we had hamams(roman baths)

>you westerners
>we had hamams(roman baths)

exactly, this country is extremely divided that if it were to turn into a bloody civil war it would be like the syriian civil war with all sorts of people wanting to join in on the struggle for their own gains and it would push us back 50 years

dunno man,just going with the flow...

We love turkish people.

We just hate turkroaches.

Like this guy.

keep in mind roman baths were used by romans when roman empire was still a thing I'm talking about medieval era and beyond here when the only romans that existed were a weakened byzantine empire

Is pic related haram?

You fucked it up. You could have been what Kemal Ataturk wanted, but you ruined it with bullshit coups every decades since menderes in the 60s and things have just kept getting worse. I'm not even a ataturk fan like everyone seems to be on Sup Forums, the guy was in the young turks revolution and later fought a war against the allies from muh independence and muh irredentism...but at least, he could fucking think and reassess the problem if that meant getting proper results. Turkey has the AKP now and doesn't even seem to care, pretty fucking sad. I know some of your kurds like the PKK are a shit, but it's just shamefur dispray all across the board atm tbqh senpai

get rid of that erdogan cunt bag already

Because they shot down a Russian jet and have fallen victim to memes.

Constantinople belongs to the greeks

For thousands of years they raped and enslaved Europeans and now they fund ISIS and let migrants pour in. They deserve nothing less than a nuclear holocaust, only it actually happens.

I like you

nope, we hate those cunts too. they're the biggest shitstain on turkish history though a more accurate picture would be all of them sucking erdoğans dick

depends on how you look at it, rape happens in every war except we havent exactly "enslaved" unless you mean devshirme system to which I say

what is better, to be an oppressed peasant under some lord or the navy seals of the age or a scholar/artist/scientist if you werent fit for combat?

Why do turkish people hate erdogan exactly?

I have an opinion on this matter. In the fields I employ turks and indians. Indian men are fast workers and so are turkish women. The turkish men only complain so we dont enlist them. Also no morocans because they are much lazier than your average turk. Turks do like to come back on the original agreement and say they worked more hours for example so its very important to know every detail and every worked hour.

except it does not since it used to be byzantium and before it was conquered by romans. ROMANS. the way you say it constantinople belongs to romans who are italians today and by that logic london most of england belongs to the kelts. stop being so butthurt it doesnt involve you. everyone conquers each other yet you never see anyone saying shit like this for any other nation but turks

he's like an islamist merkel. he likes sandniggers and ruined this country culturally making everyone think we're just as religiously bigoted as that dumb ass is. he's also an orwellian-tier dictator as well

>They're Muslims
That's a funny way of saying "about half of them are Dönmeh".

Because their leader, E-Dragon, has sex with goats.

I agree, islamists like erdoğan ruin this country and what it stood for when it was first created. The problem is however, just because of erdoğan and the armenian genocide everyone treats centuries worth of turkish history like all we did was kill people. nobody says such things for vikings however while ignoring the existence of nomadic turks...

either way yes, years of conservatives getting into power and ruining of economy and love for the east is the bane of turkish history. I wish we had stayed with tengri.

Think they are the policemen of the middle east.
Literally hated by every nation in the middle east especially ex-ottomans.
Love extremist groups.
Desperate to enter eurozone for some bullshit reason

because they're browns that don't recognize their place is to either be ground under america's bootheel or dead in a ditch is what pol would say


except turkic is white. we're not those stinking sandniggers

>because they want to fight you with their 50 brothers and cousins everytime
>we have security at the swimming pool thanks to the hundreds of turkish fucktards harassment

because Islam

Hey man, lets not forget the mass starvation in the levant under ottoman rule. And ur attempts to turkify the entire empire. Bothing good came out of ur empire.

as much as islamism does ruin this country its still pretty tame compared to countries in the middle east as its secular by law(though erdoğan and his cunt followers tend to ignore that law)

ppl on Sup Forums shouldn't hate him, he is a Donald Trump on the loose, he has no limits, Drumpf will never be such a based leader

>I'ma let you finish, but it's worth pointing out Turks are such shitty Muslims they have their own national liquor. Ain't no Saudi whiskey.

>Invade other countries and wave around their flags while committing crime and going on welfare
>Tried to kill all their Neighbors
>Killed the Roman Empire
>Turned one of the most important sites in Christianity into a Mosque
>Only reason the new world was discovered is to get away from Turks
>Worship a barbaric religion and want to turn into Saudi Arabia
>Have a history of abducting and raping boys
>Directly insult world leaders for no reason
>Actively try to destroy the legacy of the only semi-decent Turk
>Sexual deviants who try to molest women and force them to wear burka (like all sandniggers)
>Directly fund terrorists
>Useless fucking ally in WW1

I'm sure there are many more.
We should give the Kurds more weapons so they can use them on Turks desu.

you're talking about the time when ottoman empire had turned into a dystopian shithole after all the losses in wars and shitty sultans. the time after the golden age in which life was bad for everyone does not represent roughly 700 years of existence. thats like saying england was always a barbarian homeland with hovels and dirt and feudalism in its entire existance

another thing, ottomans had viewed all of its citizens as "ottomans" so you cant call it "turkifying" that only happened near the end of the empire

Kek some of you have the same view on turkey as liberals have on america


>implying insulting merkels a bad thing

Remember that faggot who noobtubed in mw2?
>was a turk roach

Remember that asshole using the Merc in Rocket League?
>was a turk roach

Remember that asshole who team killed you?
>was a turk roach

Remember that faggot who rammed you in War Thunder?
>was a turk roach

I could go on but you get the point.

Islam. They should give back anatolia to Greece. That or secede, keep only the coastline, become orthodox and then I'm ok to discuss integration or even friendliness.

Note that this will never happen.

says the american. we hate saudis too and nothing wrong with conquering an empire. you should see it as a great feat rather than something bad considering the culture wasnt lost.

you never see italians being hated on for sacking constantinople cowardly by entering in peace and stealing all that culture back to venice

turkish gamers are the worst I agree with you there

"give anatolia back to greece" how about you give france back to celts then? everyone took lands from each other in history. besides unlike your greek loving circlejerk bias greeks werent the only owners of anatolia.

>we hate saudis too
Then why do you try to imitate them and fund terrorists together?

The French are Latinized Celts actually.
Most people don't wipe out a civilized culture and build their homeland on it.

erdoğan doesnt represent turks as a whole. most people hate saudis here. I've never met a person who likes saudis here so far and I've met alot of people. then again I live in the leftist part of town who follows the ideals of Atatürk and not islamist pricks like erdoğan but even so, we're not a minority

they didn't finish the job

except many peoples have conquered places in the past. we managed to stay here the longest. this place is ours now by right of conquest and we havent wiped out any culture considering tourism over here is high because of the amount of cultural artifacts you can find over here.

If everyone hated him, then there would be a coup or something.
I find it more likely that Turks on the internet are a vocal minority and most Turks are hardcore muslims and like their Jihadi leader.



The french celts willingly integrated Rome and respected it, for the most part.

We didn't kill all the ancestors, repress them for centuries under your rule (though based greeks infiltrated your gummint because you turks are too stupid to manage money etc), then eventually send what was left when they get a tiny part of land back.

neither have we. dont look up biased history from our enemies. for the most part we've been pretty tolerant towards foreigners with the only oppression being jizya and foreigners not taking part in the army unless they're devshirme which is actually a really esteemed station.

Do you not know who Vercingetorix is? he fought the romans to keep his people free and when he lost, romans shamed him

romans did plenty of good and bad just like the ottomans yet people like you always look on the good things romans did and the bad things ottomans did. nice bias there


boards.Sup Forums.org/pol/thread/76737959#top



The Romans are the basis of western civilization.
The Turks are the basis of killing western civilization.

No, I genuinely made this thread because I was curious on where Sup Forums dislike for turks came from other than that turk posting the eternal anglo shit. Go kill yourself americlap, infact dont because its only a matter of time before someone shoots up your neighbourhood anyway.

Why are the t. Roaches playing with Duduk which is an Armenian instrument?

Do Turkroaches even have a culture?

What about the jews then? Or are they the victim here goy

Parasites obviously, they can't survive without the goyim.

what damage have we done to western civilization?

Mehmed the conqueror was really interested in byzantine culture. when he conquered constantinople he was the one to stop the sacking.

Was it not venetians that had done an irreversible damage to constantinople at the 4th crusade by sacking the city?

tell me what western culture has been lost to this, big, bad turk?

Because they tend to be assholes. And their current president isn't helping matters any.

we have plenty of our culture as well all you need to do is to look it up

although I admit that music video shows all that is wrong with turks. I never understood why people here adore ottomans like that honestly

we have plenty of our culture as well all you need to do is to look it up

although I admit that music video shows all that is wrong with turks. I never understood why people here adore ottomans like that honestly when we have much better factions in our history when we used to be nomads

There is absolutely nothing wrong with Turks who stay in Turkey. I only hate the ones who come to Europe.

They're Muslim. That's literally all you need to justify gassing someone. Subhuman rats.

Pro-Erdogan Turkish diaspora.

They are fucking unbearable.

>Nobody gives a fuck that you can wrap meat and veggies on a tortilla.

My sides

Entire Asia Minor used to be filled with Civilized Europeans
Destroyed Roman Empire
Fucked up Balkans (still aren't fixed today)
Bosnians and Albanians wouldn't be stupid Muslims and might be decent people if it weren't for Turks.
Almost wiped out Armenians (honorary westerners)

No making tourism money off someone else's ruins and turning churches into mosques is not saving culture.
Just go back to Mongolia or where ever, literally none of your neighbors like you.

my sides x 2

>not a roach
>Ahahaha mad my roach infestation because you're Indian!

t. Gökhan

Well the fact that their President is open about Turkish women being biological weapon is one reason.

replace my with at

>Angela Merkel will defend this man to the death


waaaay tamer than most muslims are. hell in fact many muslims here barely follow the muslim ideology or read the quran or become heathens like me. ones who do are islamists that are hated here as well(except by the government supporting sheep)

>Suck Israeli dick
>Support ISIS and other Sunni nigger moderate jihadist rebel factions
>Closet gays
>Muddied southern Europe with Turk semen
>Crypto Jews
>Armenian genocide

thats not even what a kebab actually is you dumb chink thats döner you're talking about

I guess because they're disgusting

turks are a mixed bag 2bh. i work with 2 and they're both bro tier. they speak the language well and don't give a fuck about islam one of them even eats pork ffs. However there was a third one who has quit by now, he was a total religious nutjob also he was constantly riding Erdonigger's dick. I don't hate them but i will still call them roaches and sandniggers but i don't mean it also I really love muh anzu desu

>inb4 emre mehmet


Hey Turkroach, this isn't the fucking 12th century, why the fuck are you talking about baths and and oil wresting with young men?

No wonder your country is a shithole

Ataturk was a roach too bud, he banned all other languages except turkish, killed armenians, etc.

>trying to defend turkey against some western stormfront kiddies

Because they are stupid low iq genocidal muslim filth

>The problem is however, just because of erdoğan and the armenian genocide everyone treats centuries worth of turkish history like all we did was kill people. nobody says such things for vikings however while ignoring the existence of nomadic turks...
It's just bants lad, welcome to pol. Your current government is pretty unpopular abroad, even among its "allies" so obviously that's gonna taint the reception you get a little. Also that and the Anglo BLOOD shitposter.

turks are my niggas haters gtfo