I just watched the 1969 version for the first time. I've seen the 2010 version three times before, and everyone told me the old one was better because it has John Wayne in it. John Wayne is great, but honestly, I think I liked the new one better. Mattie seems way more bitchy and stupid in the original, and these two scenes are pure gold (mostly because of music and better camera work):
Did she lose her arm in the original? I thought that was savage.
Owen Watson
i honestly think coen's is a better crafted movie.
not taking anything away from the original but as far as remakes go it's jeff buckley on leonard cohen
Luis Sanchez
No, but the man from Texas died, which I don't think happens in the remake. John Wayne also wasn't shot during the battle in the original, but his character was in the remake. Also, in the original he just steals a cart to get her home after little blackie collapses. In the remake he carries her.
Anthony Gutierrez
Its not a remake. Coens said to ignore the movie from '69 and rely only on the book.
Blake Morales
Sorry. Wrong terminology. From what I've read, it has significant differences from the book though.
Eli Young
Well, I thought the coens version better of the 2 movies because the pacing and acting were top notch and it has a different atmosphere about it, more poignant if that makes any sense.
Christian Thomas
The old one fucking sucks. Sorry.
Ian Rodriguez
Why? John Wayne is great. Robert Duvall is great.
Brody Ortiz
The modern True Grit has some of my favorite dialogue. Really great and genuinely funny insults going back and forth.
Eli Robinson
My memory is fuzzy, but I'm pretty sure she does loose the arm.
Carson Powell
Just watched it. It ends with the arm in a sling.
Jaxson Smith
What's funny is that both the old and new managed to stay pretty damn close to what I assume where lines from the book.
Eli Morris
WAY better than the original imo. Underrated in the Coens' filmography too.
Joshua Ortiz
I really should read the original book and watch the original film adaption at some point
Cameron Watson
What the fuck happened at the end. Did Cogburn give her the old Rooster? She trips balls on the horse, shit gets weird, and then she makes some offhand comment about how she was never with another man after that.
Zachary Watson
They both have their merits but I gotta say in the '69 version the final shootout starts with them comically close together.
Though they did handle the Texan's one in a million shot better in the old version, you really do get the impression he won't try to make the shot and they never show him lining it up. In the new one they show too much and it detracts from the tension.
Robert Wright
Isn't it based on a book?
Thats the only time a remake does it better, if they are trying get closer to the source material.
Ryder Price
both are good but I prefer the original.
Adrian Baker
I remember watching the 2010 version and when Josh Brolin's character went batshit, saying to a friend "This was Bruce Dern in the original, wasn't it." That's impressive homage.
I have to read the book, I bought it years ago and put it somewhere.
Logan Rogers
>Watch original >Expect 60s qt >This manface shows up
Yeah, the remake is better.
Eli Phillips
Yes, the new version is better than the original
Jonathan Barnes
I think the two compliment eachother pretty well.
Alexander Foster
Shitty snorefest of a movie. Half of it is just a drunk Jeff Bridges rambling incoherently. Probably the worst Coens movie. Only good part was the underage pussy