Japanese Militarism on the Rise

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Hope they liberate Korea, Manchuria and Taiwan again and make Easy Asia great again

doubt it
unless they unveil new superweapon, or decide women have no more rights and turn them into fuck machines getting to imperial-japan populations would be nigh implausible

Nuke em.


Make China great again


>What do Sup Forums?

Enjoy your anime while it lasts.


We'll need 'em in the next race war.

That's cute

too soon

Who cares? Japanese militarism has currently risen about as much as the average chink dick. It's got a long way to go before we even notice it exists.

too soon, delete this

I never got the point of this pic, what is it?

Countries are getting sick of the US and our enormous military and therefore our influence.

That's why EU is putting together a military. Now Japan wants out from under us too.

Gonna be WWII all over again. One world government just isn't cutting it.

Iirc it's why necrophilia will soon be legalized in Canada.

Encourage it.

so she's dead? is there a story to this or something?

No, the EU wants military so it can push its agendas by force if necessary. It will send its mercenaries to squash rebellions and populist/nationalist uprisings (since the native military probably doesn't want to shoot their own countrymen).

>implying Japan can do anything without America's explicit approval

don't ask, you're better off not knowing

Very low mate. Keep this fucked up shit in Sup Forums

They will NEVER again have any military, their men are just too cucked.

Plus the moment they try to start shit with anyone China will repay them in full.

Mecha-Tengu ready for orders.

How about this for a policy; start a campaign to buy sperm from japanese men, buy eggs from japanese women then use broke indian and african women as brood mares to pump out massive numbers of pure breed IVF-conceived Japanese kids. Raise them in massive automated institutions in the Japanese countryside. And train them all to be Gundam pilots.

This is an old old meme. It was just some girls sexy pic set but she has this blank doll like look, almost as if she's dead. The meme is for someone to post a picture from the set, and everyone comments "too soon" or "you've gone too far" etc. New users don't get it so they ask, or they try to be a internet tough guy and criticize others for drawing a line.

Sadly this meme won't go away and it's still posted constantly on b.

The Japanese are our friends. The best Asians by far.

like we would just let china do anything with their paper army

good, it might give us someone to fight again.

Nanking 2.0 when?

The Japanese have an above average Air Force to go along with their impressive Navy. However being in the stagnant economical era they are in, it may be very hard for Japan to mobilize it's troops.

Although I do remember reading that the Japanese has a considerable amount of dough in their Foreign Exchange reserve. Too bad yen isn't worth a shit at the moment.

see, it ruins it if you have to explain it.

Weaboo detected

why arent you in bed, mate?

It hasn't been funny for at least 9 years man.

[citation needed]



>retards not realizing it's a Girls und Panzer event

Jap military is about as useful as their dick - tiny and flimsy

panzer vor!


Mm hm

praise the God emperor of the world, Emperor of Japan is the world! his will is true! only through him can your will exist!


>America can do shit
fat ass jew slaves are weak.


Yes, all dead people have red cheeks.

thank kamisama

Applaud. Japan needs it's nuts back.

I'm pretty sure that's an actual gundam plot, not for any of the main series, but definitely a manga.

Israel is chosen of God >:^ greatest ally a strong israel is a strong america, Israels right to exist is non negociable, if you are against israel you are against America t. America

bad stomach aches.

This nigger Argentinian literally used an event for an anime movie for his narrative against militarism against Japan.

Oh, my god.


I would sign up if they let me

>Explaining memes to newfags

You're the cancer that kills everything.


Top kek.

I was here when that girl was killed by her bf and he posted her pics before going on the run.

One of the best nights on Sup Forums


To be fair, it's not an anime event, it's an annual Ooarai goosefish festival. They just did some GuP collaborations that attracted more visitors than ever.

Make China Japan again.

I tought people would realize its just a fucking anime event

> new superweapon

Credit where credit's due.
You are right, and so i was mistaked.

Still, pretty bad he uses this as an input for his subject.
That video looks so comfy. I wish i could learn moonrunes and visit it once.


Fuck off

Never. China stronk. Apolojuice.


Join them in glorious conquest. Imagine, Japanese and American navies operating together, conquering the seas.

move to Japan

Have fun getting bombed in Darwin and torpedoed in Sydney.

If you don't have nukes, you ain't shit

It's a fucking Girls und Panzer tank from the Ankou event AKA weeb festival

It just so happened that one of the most successful franchises today is a family friendly show about girls riding tanks. They also used a real location in Japan for the anime so everyone flocks to Ooarai to see GuP shit.

I know



That's a sweet looking replica, i hate moe/cute/harem/other bullshit anime since it's cancer but if there's one thing i like about Girls und Panzer is tanks, still rest of the show is autistic.
>tfw no cool anime about air, land and see battles of WWII without fucking maids, highschool girls or other bullshit.