What are some films about pick up artists?

What are some films about pick up artists?

all those bavarian sluts are ready for the big brown d

>big dicks


You mean you don't call them a whore and smash them in the head with a rock?

Why don't white girls like white guys anymore? Is this the end of the white race as we know it?

>It's a Mystery has a breakdown on Facebook episode

they all seem like nice dudes

hnn i could go for some big thick juicy muslim diq

t. femanon tbqh

yes, its the jewish final solution.

Liberal white women don't

Conservative women will always stay loyal to the white man

Man hitler really fucked Germany over for 70 years damn. When will these people realize multiculturalism is a terrible idea and won't work.
>these niggers will now be the new face of Germany

non-white men just do it better. white men are just boring desu.

>try this pick up artist shit
>it actually works
My last remaining ounce of respect for women died with this.
I can't actually be with someone who falls for this shit, christ. How do I go back into the embrace of the shadows of ignorance?

Women are incredibly susceptible to trends and fads, especially those perpetrated by the media.
If jumping off of bridges was suddenly "in", you would witness mass suicides of young at an unprecedented rate.

>tfw moved to asian women and never looked back

why do you faggots always blame the women

Why is Europe so focused on trying to get refugees to integrate in their society, they care more about these scum then they do about their own people.

>>try this pick up artist shit
>>it actually works

you lie.

make it into a tv show when you can win something, you can probably get a whole family to participate

Not in my experience. Liberal white women make a huge noise about being into all races, but tend to go for white guys unless they want to make a point or upset their parents.

Conservative women see beyond skin colour and look to values/personality.

is that a rethorical question or you dont know (((why))) things are like they are?

For some reason nationalism is considered to be bad nowadays

Meanwhile I've gone 22 years without so much as a kiss.

because it's literally them who chose this, with their open borders and legs for refugees program bullshit.
how would the white guys be at fault? no being tall enough? not being aggressive and angry enough? not having a big enough dick?
how in the fuck is this white guys' fault?
oh wait! you're a stupid bitch who already left the thread.

chill user chill

>22 years

im like 2 years kiss and sexless, its alright i guess.

>shilling against Jews
>an explanation for anything

I don't know about PUA stuff specifically, but when I started acting more emotionally abusive and manipulative with women, the more luck I had with them. I get laid way more often than I ever did when I tried to be myself and wore my heart on my sleeve. It just depresses me that I have to be purposefully evil to even have a chance at companionship.

Sure is strange how there is no demand for the female "refugee's" to learn how to date right?

Surely as they are 100% real authentic refugees there would be an equal amount of male and female refugees right?

Why would the kikes want to destroy Europe with all this refugee shit, what do the Jews get out of it

Can you be more specific? I want to know how to talk with women.

be more specific, what do you do different now that works?

haha don't worry user, all the refugees in this picture are female engineers and children doctors.

Oy Vey!

Tell her she has a smelly cunt and you wouldn't even touch it with Tim's dick.

Tim Heidecker?

>there are actual people on this board who think the fact they're lonely virgins is because of a cultural marxist conspiracy and not their poor hygiene, lack of social skills, and lack of romantic value

I feel bad for you guys

This. I don't know why boring people even bother trying to get girlfriends. How can you blame them for not being attracted to some bland literally vanillia small-dicked white dude? Just B.E. yourself.

Not that guy but I know what he's saying. Basically girls like guys who are nice, but not too nice. Girls like a challenge not some guy who is desperate. Girls find desperation and insecurity unattractive. Be yourself, be confident about your good qualities and try to fix your not so good ones if you can. But leave a little mystery in your interactions. Be interested, but don't be too interested. Girls are hypocrites and never will admit to it, but it's true.

Every single Tim and most Erics as well.

Ok just don't get angry at me becoming a NEET instead of supporting you and your 2 FAS kids.

white men have weird looking tiny dicks. any sane woman would pick the BBC over that.

>>an explanation for anything
>everyone i disagree with is Sup Forums!

you just played urself buddy.

nationalism is what unites people beyond personal differences. if you destroy that, you have an atomized homogenized society. in a smaller scale think of what happened to the traditional family when the fathers authority got undermined for decades.

Its called circumcision, its a large part of the reason their dicks aren't filled with cheese and STDs.

Keep their self esteem at an absolute minimum through a bunch of different ways. Things like sly comments or being near women far prettier than them. Let them know you can trade up at any time and that they would have a hard time trading up. Occasionally carrot-on-a-stick them with some faux emotional depth and romantic value. They'll think "oh underneath the rough exterior, he's actually so sweet".

Basically, emotionally cripple them so they become dependent.

I did this the first time completely by accident and then I realized this is pretty much the only way for me to get women. Being myself never worked.

I don't get it. I'm not a "nice guy" but I definitely can't get girls either. Being myself isn't possible either.

This. You have to make yourself interesting. Invest time in improving yourself through diet/exercise, counseling, picking up a hobby/skill, etc. You will suck at first but in due time you will have built yourself as better and have a better chance of being relationship material. And honestly the only way to get better at dating is to date lots of people.] to figure out what works and what does not.

Being yourself only works if who you are is something women are attracted to.
For everyone else, you have to fake it till you make it. Women only like a very small range of personality. It sucks, but that's reality.

i used to be able to get women, but nowadays im just undesirable. shit sucks.

they blame white people for what happened to them in WWII despite forgetting the fact that a lot of white people fought to free them from the evil concentration camps and even illegally imparted them a piece of worthless land for their apartheid state that would give birth to megalomaniacs and mass murderers parading under the guise of some retarded bronze age cult

>I don't know why boring people even bother trying to get girlfriends
They have dicks and want to use them, it's not rocket science. But yeah, I learned early on I have nothing to contribute except a big white penis and some smoke. So I look for girls that like big white penis and smoke.

The episode White Christmas from Black Mirror has a plotline about Jon Hamm as a pick up artist

There has to be a reason behind this. Either something in your personality or your looks. For the former there's counseling, joining clubs, new hobbies, etc. For the latter there's diet and exercise. There isn't some grand mystery. There has to be some way you can work on yourself to improve what you have.

>mrw I'm 25 half black and basically socially retarded but have still had sex with 31 women most of which were white through the power of alcohol

Don't worry pathetic virgins of this board, I'll finish what you can't lmao

>this absurd succession of lies

My favorite is when shills refer to Israel as "apartheid" even though it has a lower percentage of Jews than America does Christians, and has a Palestinian population with full rights, making it objectively not apartheid. Only Sup Forums shills lie this shamelessly.

>Being yourself only works if who you are is something women are attracted to.
>For everyone else, you have to fake it till you make it.

This is true. But everyone has some good qualities that make them attractive to others. You hold onto those and change the others. Put yourself into situations that emphasize our pros and minimize your cons.

>Women only like a very small range of personality
I think the reality is that there are a lot of different types of women in the world. And some guys appeal to certain types more than others. So you work to figure out the types that are into you and then work from there to find an attractive version of that type.

Thank reddit tourist

Counseling, clubs and new hobbies won't change who I am in any meaningful way, and I'm /fit/. The truth is is that I have a mediocre to ugly looking face and an odd personality that would require completely destroying who I am just to get a gf, all the while being unhappy become I have to constantly be someone I'm not.

It's alright, I have already accepted that people like me can't find love but it was still worth a shot hearing some advice.

>fat as hell growing up
>people always said I had a caustic, cynical, overbearing personality and that's why people didn't like me
>start working out and become fit
>now my shitty personality is now "funny, clever, strong willed, etc etc"
>girls and people in general now actively try to be my friend

This is just a reminder for all of you that personality does not matter. Anyone who says it does is retarded.
Any possible negative trait you have will be positive as long as you're attractive.
Anyone here telling you to "be yourself" is brain dead.

>I think the reality is that there are a lot of different types of women in the world.

thats fucking wrong dude. there are two types of women: the ones that manage to get the chad, and the bitter ones that settle with the beta cuck. but they all would be with chad if given the opportunity. all of them.

>and has a Palestinian population with full rights
yeah but not the rest of those palestinians that aren't living in a Jewish urban development scheme.

I wouldn't have a beef with Israel is they didn't insist on occuping the tiny bits of Palestine that the UN decided Palestinians should keep.

But Israel is a disgusting theocracy, and will not stop until they own every mudslime nation in the Holy Lands.

>can't vote in elections unless you were born in Israel before 1948
>no freedom of movement
>massive walls between your community and Israel
yeah that's totally full rights

There are maybe 3-4 personality categories for women. I have never encountered a woman that didn't fit into these. It depresses me, but it's the truth.
Once you know what category she belongs to, it's auto pilot after that.

>Counseling, clubs and new hobbies won't change who I am in any meaningful way,
Not with that attitude, user

>The truth is is that I have a mediocre to ugly looking face and an odd personality that would require completely destroying who I am just to get a gf

Nah, someone will want to fuck you if you are actually /fit/. I'm weird as fuck, but have been able to date plenty of good girls who are attractive. As long as you're not acerbic/off-putting because you're rude or an asshole or creepy then it's possible. And if you are those things change them if you care so much.

>romantic value

And what would you deem romantic value? Being able to pound pussy like an unwanted stepson?
Most of the faggots women fall head over heels for don't have a romantic bone in their bodies.

I am creepy but it's not because I chose to be, it's because I am who I am and more importantly because I have an ugly face. If getting a gf means always hiding behind a mask of normalcy then what's the point of sharing my life with someone? I'd be miserable.

Whenever a guy says he's "socially retarded" but still had sex, I can't believe for one second or even tell if you know what that actually means. Social retardation drives people away, not bring them in. You need charisma to get girls

Any possible negative trait you have will be positive as long as you're attractive.
That's not true.

>Anyone here telling you to "be yourself" is brain dead.
But you were yourself, user.
Stop hanging out on /r9k/

Do you actually have an ugly face or have you surrounded yourself with people who told you that you have an ugly face?

Women have zero interest in Arab guys, they have no fucking chance outside rape

Sure a select few might have an interest in black guys thanks to music and movies idolising them, but arabs have no such appeal

Expect activists demanding more arab romantic leads to help 'diversity'

What does that even mean? Yes I've surrounded myself with people who told me I have an ugly face by fucking going outside. What sort of question is that?

Being myself was a bad thing when I was fat and unattractive. People always said my personality was offputting and drove people away.

Being myself became a good thing when my body changed. And the personality became a draw.

Do you understand? Personality is the thing that doesn't matter in this whole equation.

The halo effect governs nearly everything about the way women act.

>That's not true.
but it is. violent studs get reframed as "passionate" just because they are hot.

what r9k you dumb faggot, it happens like that, people want to be with high value attractive people, its not rocket science. the only women that like losers are losers themselves with low selfsteem that think dont deserve better.

Feminism told white men to change, except deep down female nature dislike that change.

That's not true. I know plenty of middle eastern guys that pound pussy. They're also athletic and good looking and successful. That matters more than being of any one race. There are girls who genuinely aren't attracted to guys of certain races so just avoid those people.

Lmao a cutlet

Being social and having sex can be mutually exclusive, online dating makes it pretty easy. I have no friends and failed to make any in 3 years of class but I still managed to get laid with the internet. Mostly because of luck, if you message a neet slut at the right time you can fuck her in one night of awkward messaging.

It's also the fault of men for being so stupid and desperate for sex that they let themselves get cucked and refuse to learn how to be strong and dominant

You can blame women for doing all these things, but it's also men's fault for being little bitches and not acting on it. As the saying goes, evil prevails when good men fail to act. The race of men has been reduced to savages and emasculated nu-males

Water and pulling back the skin, literally the easiest thing to do
Circumcision decreases SOME STD's by MAYBE 5%, except everyone thinks it males them bulletproof and they end up just fucking everything raw and increasing their chances of getting something. Literally a 20c condom is infinitely better than a snip.

People in public directly tell you that you're ugly?
The thing is you likely became more confident when you got a better body. The confidence was the halo. Being attractive helps a bunch too. But plenty of attractive guys have no confidence and drive people away after initial interest.
It completely depends on the type of women you're talking about. I agree that high value attractive people are who end up with the best outcomes. But dividing people into alpha chads and beta cucks does nothing. That's the kind of shit that beta cucks do on /r9k/. Do you think Alpha guys banging 10/10 sorority girls spend their days thinking about alphas vs betas? No. You genuinely just sound really bitter.

What sucks for me is that I love passionate and autistic enthusiasm. I've listened to some guy talk about fridge repair for 2 hours because you could tell this guy loved his hobby and has dedicated so much of himself to it.
I get enthralled by this stuff. I could listen to people ramble about their passions forever when their eyes just light up.

Where my issue comes in is that I've never met a woman with that kind of passion about anything.

I always had the same level of confidence. I never started working out for vanity, I did it as a health thing.
My personality has remained absolutely static.

Classic Sup Forums :^)

That is all you need to do with regular ones every time you shower, with cheese traps you need to do that shit every hour and hold it until it dries if you don't want it smelling like garbage.

>getting this mad
Calm down boy

>People in public directly tell you that you're ugly?
It's not like strangers boo me like I'm elephant man but through all my social engagements, like school and work and the circles that formed within them me being ugly was always taken for granted among people, whether it's from girls laughing at me in middle school, girls saying they'd never date me to others in high school, and straight up being called ugly by a woman at work it's more than obvious that I'm ugly.

Why are you trying to deny this so much? You have your success story, I don't. That's all there is to it.

>The confidence was the halo.

lol you are it getting all backwards. his confidence was mistaken as rudeness because he was ugly. then he is more attractive and voila hes so confident so hot.

>Do you think Alpha guys banging 10/10 sorority girls spend their days thinking about alphas vs betas?

do you think dictators think about the oppresed and the oppressors? of course not you dumbass, they just count the money and rejoice in the power, but that doesnt mean such categories dont exist. thats called statu quo, its just reality for them, how things are.

If you can call it a cheese trap, then that's something they're just not treating, BS that's remotely normal.

women are sheep garbage. they get to listen to the music you listen even if its horrid noise, just because they dont have an opinion on their own.

I think a lot of men are ready to fight back, it's just that they're biding their time. Either because they want the women to pay for their insolence through instances of shitskin-induced rape and murder, or they are trying to gather their numbers so they don't get zerg rushed by the brown horde.
Yes there are also a lot of nu-male cuck faggots and retards who pray to demons for the eradication of white men from the face of the earth and they too will be dealt with in time.
White men are tactical masters. It would be foolhardy to charge in headlong against an army that excels at brute force and blind aggression.
The only problem is the jews. Those fucks are almost super natural when it comes to matters of strategy and well versed in the ability of having men meticulously plot their own demise.
Fool me twice etc.

Look up the penis cleaning instruction online, they are that much more complicated for poor people who can't afford the minor hygiene surgery and when the penis head is covered like that its basically as dirty as a vagina.

I'm a black Atlantan and I can confirm this.

Not that I agree with them but I've hooked up with trump supporters before, even a literal altright girl who loved that fucking Milo guy. But walk over to my college and even the black liberal girls prefer a "woke" white guy over you know, an actual black dude. It's kind of mind boggling

>whether it's from girls laughing at me in middle school, girls saying they'd never date me to others in high school, and straight up being called ugly by a woman at work it's more than obvious that I'm ugly.

idk man I've had that type of shit happen to me before too, and I've been able to date more or less successfully. I'm just saying don't give up on yourself.

Man, you sound really bitter. Who hurt you?


At least it's not as bad as that one guy, jesus, I sometimes see him on Sup Forums every once in a while.

A girl straight up tells him
>if only I could put your personality in the body of someone who is actually attractive.

Always feel bad after he tells the story.


Would have preferred to have that happen to me rather than a group of girls telling me I'll never get a girlfriend while laughing at me.

>Conservative women
textbook example of an oxymoron

hey it worked for the guy on pic related