>no white characters at all in the new series
New season containing exclusively black powerpuff girls
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The girls look cute. Also all black is preferable to mixed, since the Jews inevitably use the show to push WFBM race mixing.
Literally nothing wrong with that
its fucking nothing
At least its just a VA pushing for it, and not the actual creator Craig McCracken
why don't they push BFWM race mixing
>The Powerpuff girls was an awesome show and I think having an african american,hispanic, asian or any other ethnicity power puff girl would have made the show that much greater! I think it would have shown kids that no matter what skin color we are, we are all created equal!
>an african american,hispanic, asian or any other ethnicity power puff girl would have made the show that much greater!
>no matter what skin color we are, we are all created equal
>Other races would be better!
>Doesn't matter what race you are
>Created equal
Hypocrisy at its greatest. Honestly, I think the producers are catching up the fact their audience isn't mostly white anymore so they're trying to appeal to their viewers.
>black scientist
I'm surprised they didn't make Buttercup the only black girl out of them and make Bubbles into an ultra slutty blonde that has multiple black boyfriends throughout the show.
black intellect
It's a cartoon.
It's not supposed to be realistic.
Now It make sense that the powerpuff girls are accidents.
top lel
who gives le fuck
>Hey Arnold was successful because of Diversity
>Not because it shows the life of an average boy who lives in a city dealing with a crazy family amongst other issues of urban living.
maximum diversity
((( Tara Strong,)))
Fuckin great. Piss on you whitey Soon we wont show one pale ugly face on tv at all.
No I'm pretty sure the new powerpuff girls are from finland.
Top kek Muhammad
>watching cartoons
Too hot for T.V.
They do
cuz black men get upset by it cuz is racist
Thanks Jamal. Say hi to your boy Obama when u see him!
this is bait for all the angry manchild criticizers of the new powerpuff girls. they just want the purists to even question the inclusion of a black character with why so they can write off all the people shitting on the new show as racist/bigots/whatever.
I've already watched a few episodes of the new powerpuff girls and its definitely shit and I'm just too old for cartoons. they can do whatever they want with the show.
more like finngols.
>they have a father
At least make it realistic.
>All black
>the professor is still a man
...wish fulfillment.
Who is she...kinda cute to say the least. Wouldn't mind spreading my pure genes with her
I have no idea.
>knows how to handle a piece of wood
>insane blowing skills
This is perfection in a woman if I do say so
>black powerpuff girls
>posting mexican powerpuffs instead
>tara strong
i knew, mlp rots your brain and she's an example
What a shitty photoshop.
>blue eyes
Doesn't promote poverty.
Because that is a surprisingly more stable pairing and the jew feeds on the weak. See the relationship between single moms and welfare usage as an example.
He's just a nigger who stole a lab coat.