China is literally national-socialist country.
So all the chinamen are still free to marry their white European qts, the ones losing from this are creepy white dudes who won't get their yellow fever satisfied.
Counter productive.
Why is china so based while europe is so cucked?
Not at all - the man spreads the seed. Africa is going to end up a Chinese colony.
>every country in the world favours their own ethnicity with zero criticism from everyone else
>EU completely open about wanting to destroy European ethnicities and you're villified if you have a problem with that
Jessu fucking Christ, what a world we live in. I hope we see the EU bastards hang in our lifetime.
wtf, does this include white people? Are they stupid? Why do they want to keep themselves inferior?
I'm ok with this.
yellow fever BTFO
Because they don't let the nation's least informed women voters dictate policy like we do here in the west.
I pray we move one step closer in 13 days Henk
I know and it's beautiful.
North Korea also seems to basically be going NatSoc, I think it's the future of Asia since they don't have "MEAN NAZI D:
It's because china doesn't GIVE A FUCK about criticism. People get uppity if you care/allow them. If Europeans didn't give a fuck about others who would step up LEL ? We're being cucked from the interior.
... this is a good thing though. It'd be nice to see the deblackization of africa
more like their nigger brides looted from africa.
This is Fucking great
I approve this
Maybe these communists are not too bad after all
The Chinese will become slaves to Blacks and Arabs alike. True Arabs not the faggot white rich weirdos
its fake news fags, chill
they have to ban women from marrying outside their race. they have no women left cuz they ship em all off to amerifats for raping...
>EUROPEAN country does this next
>riots in 40 countries
>UN calls for sanctions
>rapefugees ficki ficki all over over Europe
>China does it
>nothing happens
Who cares lets talk about important issues like misgendered bathrooms.
>tfw when african migrants actually is refugees, thanks to chinese colonization
If true it's alpha as fuck. White boys could never find the strength to enact policies like this.
>“Because we have such a shortage of women in China, we need to make sure Chinese men have as many opportunities as possible to find a bride.”
Maybe because you keep giving the females to dumb whites
Good job, chinks!
I sincerely hope so. And I also hope you will succeed in cleansing the leftist blight from your country.
Well, yes. But those are the babyboomers and their social revolution. Once they gained power, they consolidated. We're now at a point where our leaders belong to a new form of aristocracy. And while it is not literally incestuous, it is certainly intellecually incestuous, going so far as to ban the common folk not only from participation, but from voicing any opinions that do not agree with their upper class hugbox version of events.
but it's perfectly logical toothpaste friend
krauts fucked up so all Europe has to suffer
It makes me very HAPAy
Or you know, because of a failed 1 child policy.
No, you only think so because you assume the "socialist" in national socialist is referring to economic socialism, when it is actually in reference to the idea that the state is focused on the health of the society, ie the race. National Socialism in practice was actually a usury free version of a free market.
I thought the aussies were pretty much china owned already too, no?
They're certainly buying up american and Canadian real estate as fast as they can.
Are you sure this is real though?
I've been seeing a lot of gender equality bullshit in China lately and this is a bit unbelievable
>The Chinese will become slaves to Blacks and Arabs alike. True Arabs not the faggot white rich weirdos
That's like a dog trying to walk a human.
That actually makes sense given the overabundance of males.
>white euro qts
ahmed gets those, spic. these chinks are going to be taking back their black african kweens mane
>Literally no sources
>Literally can find anything else on web concerning this
>Sup Forums once again swallows some fake news for face value
It's like you guys are genuinely stupid
There was a small protest in the western Muslim area of China and they responded with a hardcore crackdown with a fucking legion of counter insurgency soldiers which arrested and silenced everyone involved, openly calling them Western backed dissidents.
They're really smart because they address problems way before they even have the potential to get out of hand, and they're such a big and powerful country they can take any criticism and shrug it off.
Youre not wrong
But what happens when the old officials die?
And the rich spoiled liberal Chinese grew up in your degenerate countries return to China and want to see it change?
What if they want democracy in the future?
Kek, this mainly effects American and European men who go to China looking for cheap whores.
No more yellow fever for you.
Best news in this shitty decade politics wise.
Finally something good. Stay strong ching-chongs!
Based China.
That's because China has long term goal of breeding out Negroids and if they bring Negresses back to China and ban men from interracial marrage, it puts a huge damper on their plans.
>China is banning jews from infiltrating and taking over the Inner Party
Smart move, China
very smart move.
need to make it retroactive to get globalist zionists like Zuckerberg out of there, though.
lolno, only the chinks working in Africa are getting negresses. The smart chinks from the cities get the Aussie/Canadian/American/European girls.
its fake news you faggots, dont get too excited
Based China, they don't give a fuck about PC nonsense and actually do what is in their own best interest.
you still can't legislate away your 50M deficit of women
I bet your women consider themselves way way above any average Chinese bloke
I hate chinks. They obviously want us to collapse.
Good. Preserving national identity without encroaching on the rights of others unless absolutely necessary should be every nation's ultimate goal. It's these dumbass neoliberal socialist fucks who think otherwise.
Diversity has never worked in nature. It won't work even when you force it on the populace. Deal with it.
Not really. Chinese women are still allowed to leave the country and American or European men who go to China looking for a wife obviously don't plan on staying and getting married in China, you dumbass.
They can only do something about it if you let them. China does not let them... What are they going to do? China has a rather large dick to swing. So does the US but they refuse to act like it.
You will know what to do...
Are you a chink or something? literally no white girls like chinks lol.
>Literally google search
They fucking do
And it's fucking infuriating considering how ugly the average women is here
I wish robot waifus who can have my children to be here already, I don't want to deal with women and especially not Chinese women
This. Honestly China could have a beta uprising.
yeah, they are working behind the scenes causing as much damage as they can but they do it quietly so nobody notices.
wonder why the housing market in Canada and California is becoming so toxic?
Mr. Chang is the one buying it all up.
>ahmed gets those
Nice americuck meme. Achmed is a scrawny manlet who smells and has never spoken to a woman other than his mother.
>discourage parents from having baby girls.
>hurrr why aren't there enough women?
- plan economy.
> literally no white girls like chinks lol.
Invoking the AMWF shitposter, he'll prove you wrong, bitch-ass whiteboi.
does this actually happen? who tf would want to marry someone in china??
Why is China more supermely based than us in the west? How did it get to this?
I can't find a single article on this apart from the linked one. Can I get another source? Preferably one in Chinese so I can show it to my Chinafriend who is in disbelief.
Maybe I'm just beta as fuck but for the 8years I spent in the UK I feel like white women just hate Asian men or something
I think I'm above average in Asian standards, I'm 183 cm tall and pretty built just a but chub on the edge
Shame the article is fake news
the chinks will inherit the earth.
sad truth.
so they're trying to prevent the white man from inseminating their women?
Yeah can I get a Chinese article on the news?
>ching chong wing pong
male attractiveness goes
White > latino (whiter med kind not ugly ameridian kind) > black > chink > indians
no one likes chinks except weird girls obsessed with anime.
wtf i love china now
im coming for your women Wang, reeeeeeeeeeeee
>tfw you will never have to go abroad to find a qt3.14 Asian gf
>tfw I'm degenerate as fuck but I can't be stopped
>tfw the Swiss are buttmad
My brother got lucky, he and his c-waifu pushed getting married a few months ago instead of this summer.
To be honest though, this makes a lot of sense considering how much the one child policy screwed over their population pyramid.
He always posts the same handful of white chicks.
Soon the hoards of Asian women that crave white men will rise up.
There are none
It's fake, I checked baidu to be sure
Fuck off you burger it's always you burgers accusing me of proxy
Not quite
You seriously think modern day Swedes are superior to the Han-Chinese?! no offence br but come on, drop your ego and be honest.
>achieving anything
Nice meme noseberg, we all know they are incompetent shits
Shortage of women.
>prevent whites to marry Chinese because most yellow fever fags are beta as fuck who will probably race beta hapa liberal children
>prevents shit skin of all sorts
>prolong the asian race
Actually the problem is once again niggers who have been muh dik-ing chink females all throughout western China.
Fake. Onion tier.
Look at the other articles by the same author.
Gag news.
The West will never return to nationalism like the far East has remained for thousands of years
I mean, normally I'd agree with you, except finding cock to suck is one of the things women actually do well at. Granted, that's because it's so easy, but...
Welp, this cement's it.
The future is east asian.
>prolong the asian race
my chinese girlfriend prolongs my dick
I think party elite go to special schools.
Likely a chink on a proxy