What does Sup Forums think about iran?
What does Sup Forums think about iran?
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sikhs are bro tier
Burn it
third world shit hole.
some people think iranians/persians are cool 'cause america got the top 1% who were smart enough to escape the country.
They will fall back under goyim wing. They crave western lifestyle and USA will deliver with proxies. Well that in exchange for natural resource. Just like before 1979.
as long as they don't fuck with Europe they're pretty cool I guess.
Islam is always a problem though.
+No Rothschild central bank
-Muslim theocratic dictatorship
Islamic shithole.
Becomes more and more powerful as the west fights amongst each other.
They seem to have surprisingly high standards of living over there. They would have us believe it's a third world shithole, but it doesn't look like it. Crazy ass theocracy though.
Master race of Muslims. There's a reason why you don't see very many Iranian immigrants to the West. Their country is actually not a bad place by Mudslime standards.
Who do you hate more Hellas.
Persian or t*rk?
iranians are indistinguishable from arabs by now, they are practically the same shithole as any other country in the region. I always get a chuckle when people claim to be "persian"
Iran so far away
Iranian here. Persian culture is dead, the mullahs succeeded in erasing the Iranian identity. Iranians today have this vapid sense of pride and an obsession with appearing successful and ahead even when they aren't. Remnants of our intellectual values linger on in our very best which is why we immigrate and integrate so successfully.
Take it from someone who's had his culture overtaken by muslims Germany, you don't want to let the muslims in.
I don't think about Iran.
Brain drainage is serious issue in Iran.
Also so many Parsis I met in Austria and Germany while working there praise the american puppet you had before the Parisian goatfucker.
Like,is it so tough for Iranians to think of secular parliamentary democracy and neutral position in global view?
Would be nice if it was still called Persia and didn't follow the towel religion.
Never met an Iranian who's acting like a nigger gangster.
I like them.
They started calling themselves Persian after the Revolution. Seemed less Iranian, I suppose, and being Iranian wasn't exactly what you wanted to be in the 80s in the USA.
The Arabs really fucked with Iran. The Iranians held fast for a while with the original customs, but it seems according to Leaf
that they too are falling by the wayside.
I know the Mullahs wanted to outlaw Now Ruz but failed. Right?
One of the few enemies of the ZOG in the Middle East.
it's the biggest threat to our best ally
Persians are admirable enemies of the past.
The T*rk is human scum on earth.
Iranian baby boomers are just as awful, if not worse than the ones you find in the west. They don't want to admit how shit their life was from the moment Russia started hacking off bits and pieces of their country. So they need to romanticize the immediate past in order to not be consumed by the overwhelming shame of letting a once massive empire collapse into nothing.
>iranians today: Gee, the 60's sure were nice. If only we could go back in time and reclaim our greatness.
>Iranians in the 60's: Gee the 19th century sure was nice. If only we could go back in time and reclaim our greatness.
It never ends.
>pic related, what used to be iran
Persians are cool Iran is based standing against zionism and western influences in the region and 100 times more moderate than Saudi incest niggers. I attended ashura in karbala in 2011 (im christian) there were thousands of christians, zorostrians and others there. Iranians and Shia's are bro tier. Iranians are white compared to nigger inbred sand nigger arabs
Wish Obama had supported the uprising against the Theocracy. Young Iranians seem pretty cool, they hate the Islamist overlords.
Historicaly based but cuked by *cringe* worthy government
That's like an american saying "sure they took our liberty and freedom but at least we still get flag day, right?"
To be fair, people will always try to rationalize a shitty situation, otherwise why even live.
The only in-depth thing I've watched on Iran, is it semi-accurate in portraying normal people under a more extreme governance, or is it biased in your opinion?
I wonder what would be of Iran if it became 16th republic of USSR in 1979.