Hey Sup Forums what do you politically consider yourself. I'm not asking what your political test results came back as I want to know what you consider yourself personally.
Hey Sup Forums what do you politically consider yourself...
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wtf is alt left?
left I guess, I admire Bakunin
where is centrism?
>No option for "A fucking white male"
Centrism is to broad, egalitarian might be close
Used to be hard left, then soft left, now i'd probably says Centre Right, Right wing enough to care about immigration and economic policies (as well as nationalism), but still care about women's and gay rights (although I still have issues with these to a degree)
I believe strongly in equality, however I believe we are far past that point now. Women getting jobs simply because they're women, Trans being treated as equal and not a mental illness, rapefugees being defended, it's all bullshit
No one is sliding your stupid thread. Back in the 80s Hillary was practically trump
statist cucks
Damn how'd you get that score
Reason and arguments.
I'm for free market when it comes to economy. And im semi republican when it comes to society
Makes no sense, the state and capital are intertwined. When capitalism fails, the state bails it out, and when socialism arises, the state crushes it, like in the Paris Commune.
>Not including the best one
Nice m8, you a communist?
moron detected