Low testosterone music thread


I listen to the same exact shit I did before starting TRT.

Ur a fag


Estrogen in audio form

maybe you've always been a low test soyboy


Keaton henson
>I'm just so shy and vulnerable and despondent
Also huge red flag if ur girl likes this or music like this

fucked three girls to this album over the summer

>masturbated 3 times in a role to this album over the summer

>being a dudebro unironically is now a thing
How did it become to this?

>implying I haven't been doing nofap

I like him. Yes, it's really wimpy music, and the whole constant wimpy sadness thing can get really annoying, but he's a talented songwriter and when you feel like shit, his stuff can be nice.

Being on Sup Forums is basically a gamma-male activity yet you fucks still like to posture about your deluded masculinity.

Estrogen makes people more emotionally sensitive, soft, and inclined to bonding

Neutral Milk Hotel appeals to people with a low test disposition because it is soft, emotionally sensitive music about bonding

You have no argument that what I say isn't biologically true

What a fascinating worldview

This is your brain on Sup Forums lel
Ironically this guy is probably an outcast of society and a beta that's why he's here :^}

You call this beard low test????!

he has a badass beard tho ngl, also kronos is his highest test song

I dunno I think the main issue I see is that
a) If what you say is true, then what? What am I supposed to do with that information?
b) Isn't it a little boring to think of music enjoyment as being linked to hormones? Like doesn't that take any fun out of talking about music or engaging with it in any sort of rational way if your approach ostensibly limits enjoyment to some biological response?
c) Can you give me some examples of supposedly high testosterone music?

lol you get your BRAIN FORCE (tm) in today?!


No. Estrogen does not affect sensitivity or softness.

Testosterone is associated with aggressive and intensity. In men, it may strengthen linear logical thinking, as evidenced by more centralized brain activity in gray matter areas.

Estrogen is associated with social awareness and perceptiveness. Women are better at reading body language and understanding other's emotions. Cognitively, it may help with multi-tasking, as women exhibit more scattered brain activity, and stronger activity in white matter parts of the brain.

Women with higher testosterone exhibit greater aggressiveness. Men with lower testosterone may exhibit greater social awareness. Social awareness does not mean empathy, because empathy is about feeling, while awareness is about understanding.

It's /metal/lers trying to make us believe they're manly for listening to their chugga chugga crap.

Gamma-males are creative types though

fuck off, this is a low T board.

OP just listens to Limp Bizkit

>someone made this

low t

A) nothing just acknowledge it

B) I don't "choose" world views based on what would be "fun" to believe, I believe what empirical evidence says is true, because I have dignity

C) Extreme forms of metal and hardcore gangsta rap are high test music. They're aggressive, heavy genres whose live audiences are >90% male for this reason. Compare to pop, emo, singer-songwriter or any sweet, melodic, sensitive music genre where the audience is majority female and gay guys.