Should countries ban golddigging marriage scammers?

Amber Heard will suck the idiot Johnny Depp dry in the divorce. They only married in 2014. Why the hell are there economic considerations at all? They have only been married for 2 years. They have no kids. How can she demand anything from Depp?

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American Law is made by retards

>Ban golddigging

Kek, do you know that since less and less young men want to marry some politicians want to make relationship cohabitation the legal equivalent of marriage after few years ?


You don't want to submit to the racket that marraige became ?
We don't care, we will still come to fuck you in the ass.
That's the next battle of liberal women.

Just make divorce so that it depends on a fault. You cannot divorce just fro the money in that case.

>make relationship cohabitation the legal equivalent of marriage after few years

It has been like this since at least 20 years ago grandpa. Educate yourself.




Stop spamming the board.

>Amber Heard will suck the idiot Johnny Depp dry in the divorce

i doubt it their was no evidence of violence

>We don't care, we will still come to fuck you in the ass.

The only way to keep your money then is to live on your own.

FUCK OFF YOU SPERGY ELECTION TRASH, THAT THREAD WAS FUCKING POSTED YESTERDAY, its not even the orignal video you fucking nigger.

stick with hookers then, the only thing they can suck dry is your dick

if you wanna ban golddigging, you should also ban sex outside of marriage

No it's fucking not, maybe in your shithole but not here or in UK.

In US common law is only recognized in 9 states and DC, avoid those places and you're fine

men are less likely to be litigious. it behooves lawyers that these courts favor women, thus provoking the man into acquiring representation in defense. so jew lawyers keep this system in place.


>what is common law marriage

underage effeminate faggot detected

Just wait for the bachelor tax then. You know it's going to happen in this case.

Synthetic wombs and quality VR (much easier to do than sexbots) can't come soon enough.

Stop thinking you are the fucking center of the world amerifat.
By the way It's not even applicated in 4/5 of your states.

>Girlsfriends suing ex-boyfriends for money to maintain them at the lifestyle to which they've become accustomed.

That's called "palimony" and it has existed for decades in the US.

Already like this in Norway. I think it is two years of living together.

Well, I pay 19,550€ to my ex-wife monthly, don't see a big deal. We had good four years together.

>American Law is made by kikes


>We had good four years together.
I hope you got 3 kids that she has to feed and send to gold plated schools with that money. Otherwise, WTF? Why???

Unless the judge just nullifies the prenup.

Even kikes are screwed in the process.

She is hot and a good person. I want her to have a good life. Money wise I am like Bono, except much younger.

No, but we should put a 23% wage gap tax on men and distribute that among the 18+ female population.

>tfw pedo jew finally got rich