This is going to be too easy

He's recycling Obama's anti-Hillary ads.

Other urls found in this thread:

Trump is going to loose we all know it, even the Americans hero; Michael Moore knows it

Why waste money when there is already tons of negative media on Hillary?

Divide and Conquer

Best strategy known to mankind, Drump is smart

Oh great, that Finnish shill is back.

Donald trump cares so about the enviroment, he even recycles old political media

>"do you support her"
>doesn't commit, instead says "she has a nice personality"

>mfw he wins just using recycled footage and doesn't waste a dime making OC footage


You must be a muzzie. You pray Trump doesn't win. The media you watch owns your brain. Trump is crushing Hillary. The media here can't even spin the numbers to,show her winning. They would if they could. Same thing going Carter vs Reagan. Media had them dead heat. The crushing of islam has already begun. Crushing! We will use the bricks of mosque to line the floors of our pork slaughter houses. Hope it doesn't make our pigs sick.

Is this why the Hillary camp recently put out that video of obama supporting her?

Just wait til this comes up at the debates. This would be an instant final nail.

>SJWs losing their shit trying to spin it, failing, giving up
>Mask comes off
>Just start randomly attacking, spewing venom
>The whole world witnesses what we just avoided by Making America Great Again

What's he loose about

Sure buddy. Twitter charges so much. I bet this cost alone will bankrupt him.

Are Hillary shills usually this retarded?

Trump posted it after Obama endorsed her

Whats up with the 666 in corner? Was that in his ad or added on later?

How do these people delude themselves into thinking they are against hatred when they are some of the most openly anti-white people themselves?

learn me sōme ynglish

Fuck you, Pekka. Go correct the record behind the sauna

She's got a pocket Cleric. What's the problem?

> them dislikes

streuth cobber.

>save before Cuckerbergle DELET THIS

Fucking retarded snow gook

Hillarys gonna win.
Who excited for a female president here?

>recycling Obama's anti-Hillary ads
true business man
if it was about getting the most delegates for the money spend he already won

All I got out of that video is that Trump's policies are very similar to Obama's. He's such a tard lmao

Kill yourself. Now.

It's certainly going to be intents, really depends on how angry constituents become at the corruption.
Who is this gentleman?

I am now #MentallyHill

michael moore looks like a trans sex offender.

kek is here

We all know he will win.

>Michael Moore is gonna announce it's transition soon.