ITT: Gaycore essentials


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I am straight and I like this album.

Or anything from the Smiths, really





hella gay incoming

why do gays like such shitty, primitive music

why do blacks?

Which is the gayest Coil album?

I have news for you, user

This is such a fucking good album.

my 3x3 this week is pretty gaycore

how did this get here? How is Still gay?

being gay and depressed thats how it got there

The new Arca album is incredible


does this mean gays are true patricians

any pet shop boys album

Thanks user. This is turning out to be a good listen.

bump pls post more i need some gay music to cry to


Kylie Minogue
Pansy Division
The B-52's

Especially this one

>Kylie Minogue
Can't stop listening that song LA LA LA
Where is she now?

Working on some new music apparently



Panda Bear - Tomboy
Panda Bear - Panda Bear Meets the Grim Reaper

I talked to someone on this board who said that that Chrome album wasn't industrial.

Fuck I hope he reads this and realizes how fucking retarded he was.

As a straight man, also my favorite album of all time


Kevin himself is straight too, his music is pretty queer in every sense of the word, in a good way. The gayest periods are the few albums after that one, and then also the Faberge trilogy

Didn't Sufjan write two new songs for Call Me By Your Name?

my fav :')

First two magnetic fields albums, ys, xiu xiu, arthur russell, bjork. any lgbt person who goes on Sup Forums or rym is guaranteed to have one of them fived

Big Thief

All gay core

Forgot perfume genius is ultimate gay core


That whole fucking last row is pretty straight
I can see an argument for Souvlaki being pretty fucking gay but I beg to differ
I also really like Brave Little Abacus

Souvlaki is hella gay. Souvlaki Space Station and when the sun hits are gay

True, and obviously Hissing Fauna which is literally a concept album about a massive transition in sexualiy/gender. I lived in Athens for years and have met and spoken to him multiple times, and he says it just makes him laugh that people that don’t know better assume he’s gay. A lot of his role playing and characterizations are created to parody such stereotypes


It's easily her least-gay album.

is this music for gay people or music that IS gay

why not both

I'm not sure if it qualifies as an essential, but I like Scissor Sisters a lot.
Also I'm not [spoiler]that[/spoiler] gay
