Transgenders should be force-fed Pimozide

You seem to be under the delusion that taking hormones and removing your cock makes you a real woman. This is physically impossible. Transgender are dangerous and mentally ill, and need to be forced to take Pimozide 2mg daily or else they are a threat to society and themselves.

>b-but there's no evidence that they're a threat, user


Other urls found in this thread: Comorbidity Of Gender Identity Disorders.pdf


its not impossible

just not plausible yet

until the day gene therapy can xxxy every cell in a person's body

Why specifically Pimozide?

but why not the much more suited botulism enzyme?

there is an event that happens during pregnancy that masculizines your brain, If it doesn't happen for some reason, your brain develops as if it was a brain of a woman
the same goes for females, when this event happen even if it shouldn't
they are basically born with the brain of the opposite gender

2mg of Pimozide daily has been shown to dissipate transgender feelings among patients.

yeah really OP answer this

How dare you go against the hivemind.

that hivemind has a metaphorical cancer

I'm transgender. I transitioned three years ago.
Taking hormones and have surgery will never make me a real woman.
It is physically impossible.

What now faggot?

I'm a free thinker

Complete bullshit fed to you by people with a Doctorate in Privilege Checking.

>literally citing a CASE STUDY in which a borderline mentally retarded man was treated using pimozide

lt may seem promising, but it is nowhere near evidence that pimozide "dissipates transgender feelings among patients", especially when this was only performed on one person.

Also, here's this:
"When, after 1 year, the dose was reduced to 1 mg daily, there was a rapid return of the cross-dressing and the wish for sex reassignment."

Shit doesn't even fix the problem.

Ibogaine would work as well.

Psychology has been usurped by the Civil Rights movement for decades, though.

This all goes away when we defund universities offering worthless social activism degrees.

I don't know why are you so opposed to it, is it just because you feel threatened by that idea?
maybe if we researched this a little bit more we could actually prevent it from happening

Your dumb, gongratultions

Even then not every organ
will suddenly take on the form of the opposite gender.

Ibogaine works on gender dysphoria?
I wonder what else works.
Why won't they research for a pharmaceutical cure?


sauce on this

>literally citing multiple case studies
Tell the truth, faggot.

give the source then bitch, because all I can find is one study.

Google "gender dysphoria schizophrenia comorbidity". Every time they treat schizophrenics also suffering from transexualism for their schzophrenia, the transexualism dissipates. Seriously, you couldn't fucking google something so obvious? Tons of literature talking about schizophrenia and gender dysphoria being comorbid, how did you not notice or think of seraching that?



> Comorbidity Of Gender Identity Disorders.pdf

>in these cases Pimozide is shown to fix the problem
>Shit doesn't even fix the problem.

>The potential diagnostic confusion is illustrated by a case history of a male schizophrenic patient. This patient had been treated hormonally for transsexualism for years before acute psychotic decompensation occurred. Neuroleptic treatment of the psychosis rapidly reduced the psychotic symptoms. In retrospect, the patient regards his transsexual period as a 'mistake'.
Studies like these are everywhere, what kind of idiot can't find them?

Holy shit you are brain dead as is evident by your total lack of understanding of medical science and medical literature.


That's bullshit, show me another "successful" pimozide study. So far your entire claim revolves around a single case study involving a sample size of 1.

dumb nigger.

>It is believed that during the intrauterine period the fetal brain develops in the male direction through a direct action of testosterone on the developing nerve cells, or in the female direction through the absence of this hormone surge. According to this concept, our gender identity (the conviction of belonging to the male or female gender) and sexual orientation should be programmed into our brain structures when we are still in the womb. However, since sexual differentiation of the genitals takes place in the first two months of pregnancy and sexual differentiation of the brain starts in the second half of pregnancy, these two processes can be influenced independently, which may result in transsexuality. This also means that in the event of ambiguous sex at birth, the degree of masculinization of the genitals may not reflect the degree of masculinization of the brain. There is no proof that social environment after birth has an effect on gender identity or sexual orientation.

Convenient to ignore dozens of well controlled empirical studies that illustrate the nature of transgender individuals huh?

KEK. You want multiple studies?

Bentz "A polymorphism of the CYP17 gene related to sex steroid metabolism is associated with female-to-male but not male-to-female transsexualism." CYP17 -34 T>C SNP allele frequencies were statistically significantly divergent between FtM transgender people and cisfemale controls; genotype distributions were also divergent in a statistically significant manner.

Kruijver "Male-to-female transsexuals have female neuron numbers in a limbic nucleus." BSTc somatostatin-expressing neuron counts - twice as high in cismen and transmen as in ciswomen and transwomen. More intense Zhou.

Hare "Androgen receptor repeat length polymorphism associated wth male-to-female transsexualism." Genes involved in sex steroidogenesis are components to transgenderism and gender dysphoria; specifically, androgen receptor repeat length polymorphisms were observed in an MtF-transgender population, but not a cismale population; this warrants the conclusion that male gender identity is mediated by the androgen receptor.

Swaab "Sexual differentiation of the human brain: relevance for gender identity, transsexualism, and sexual orientation." Analysis of prenatal androgen exposure similar to Gooren, but notes that neurological testosterone availability in MtF trans people is deficient, causing transgenderism or non-heterosexualism.

Garcia-Falgueras "A sex difference in the hypothalamic uncinate nucleus: relationship to gender identity." The structure of the anterior hypothalamus plays a strong role in the development of transgenderism; INAH3 volume in transwomen resembles ciswomen, and INAH3 volume in transmen resembles cismen.

Luders "Regional gray matter variation in male-to-female transsexualism." MtF transgender people were analyzed by fMRI; gray matter variation throughout the brain more closely resembled the layout of a cisfeminine brain, rather than that of a cismasculine brain, implying gender identity depends on cerebral layout.

more kek

Rametti "White matter microstructure in female to male transsexuals before cross-sex hormonal treatment. A diffusion tensor imaging study." By diffusion-tensor-imaging MRI and fractional anisotropy analysis of various transgender and cisgender people, FtM transgender people more closely resembled a masculine-structured brain than a feminine- structured brain, noted by the study in the structures of the right superior longitudinal fasciculus, the foreceps minor, and the corticospinal tract. White matter microstructure therefore plays a role in gender identity.

Burke "Hypothalamic response to the chemo-signal androstadienone in gender dysphoric children and adolescents". Androstadienone, a particularly fragrant chemosignal responsible for sex-based differences in hypothalamic microstructure; children with gender dysphoria were observed to express differences in hypothalamic activation in accordance with identified gender, rather than assigned gender.

Bao, Hahn, Kranz, Kaufmann "Structural Connectivity Networks of Transgender People". 94 subjects, 23 FtM, 21 MtF, 25 cisFemale, 25 cisMale: average age 26. Transsexual subjects did not fulfill criteria for current comorbidities but 9 reported history of depression (n = 2), specific phobias (n = 3), obsessive compulsive disorder (n = 1), anorexia nervosa (n = 2), and substance abuse (n = 4). All patients reported subjective feelings to belong to the other gender before or at puberty. Investigating structural networks in female-to-male and male-to-female transsexuals, we observed differences in hemispheric and lobar connectivity as well as local efficiencies when compared with healthy controls.

Zhou "A sex difference in the human brain and its relation to transsexuality." BSTc size in transwomen resembles that of ciswomen and is independent of sexual orientation.

Berglund "Berglund, H. et al. “Male-to-Female Transsexuals Show Sex-Atypical Hypothalamus Activation When Smelling Odorous Steroids". A positron emission tomography (PET) study showed that smelling androgens (male pheromones) caused transwomen to respond in the hypothalamus region of their brain in a manner similar to XX karyotype women. However, smelling estrogen-based pheromones also caused them to respond in the hypothalamus region in a manner similar to XY karyotype men. This combination of results suggests that transwomen occupy an “intermediate position with predominantly female features” in the way the hypothalamus reacted.

Yokota, Y. et al “Callosal Shapes at the Midsagittal Plane: MRI Differences of Normal Males, Normal Females, and GID”. An MRI study of 22 transwomen and 28 transmen examined the shape of the corpus callosum in the brain at a specific cross-sectional plane, and compared this shape with that observed in 211 XY karyotype males and 211 XX karyotype females. Their results demonstrated that not only could the sex of the patient be determined with 74% accuracy from the MRI picture, but the shapes of the brains in the transsexuals strongly reflected their gender, and not their biological sex.

Zubiaurre “Cortical Thickness in Untreated Transsexuals”. A 2012 study examined cortical thickness in the brain between 29 XY karyotype males, 23 XX karyotype females, 24 transmen, and 18 transwomen. None of the transsexual subjects had received any hormone treatment prior to the study. Using an MRI, the researchers found that the transwomen had more cortical thickness than the XY males in three regions of the brain. The transmen showed evidence of masculinization of their grey matter. In all transsexuals studied, the key differences from their biological sex were found in the right hemisphere. On a graph, transpeople statistically fell in the middle between the XX and XY karyotypes.

>Holy shit you are brain dead

if you cant post without opening with
>lel ur retard lel
I'm not gonna waste my time
You got epicly BTFO ITT, just look at all these studies, btfo'ing anything you could say, tranny faggot degenerate fuck. Back to your loony bin, staring at your jock with a razor in one hand and hormone pills in the other.

Yup, proving it's mental illness, likely due to hormonal or birth defects. Correct the defect, cure the disease -- but its still a disease. Enjoy your cancer.

you know he posted more studies than you, right? you didn't even bother to look at them, and yet you did the very same thing you accused him of while ignoring all his evidence

it's okay to be mad, but not that mad

if it'll calm down your incoherent rage, i too agree that a cure should be looked for. It's not at all clear what it should even be, though.

>Transgenders should be force-fed Pimozide

Based on one case study? Yeah no. Stop pretending like you know anything about medicine. Currently, transition is the only treatment which lowers suicide rates. They're still very high, but it's mostly because of people like you.

Want to help transgender people? Stop being a bigot.


It's kind to offer drugs instead of shooting them in the head.

>didn't even read

pimozide "fixes" the problem, but it doesn't fix the problem.

Transgenderism is a mental illness
Here's some examples

These people throw their lives away and literally believe they actually look like women