Help me out Sup Forums! I keep getting called racist for simply Acknowledging the difference between people based on race and believing that certain races are genetically or culturally predisposed to have various strengths and weaknesses. Many blacks are known to be stronger but lack certain spacial reasoning abilities. Asians are known to be good at math but are generally smaller and physically weaker. Ect. I do not advocate or even believe in the supremacy of one race over the other. Is there a word to use for people who see the differences but are not racist?
Help me out Sup Forums! I keep getting called racist for simply Acknowledging the difference between people based on...
>Is there a word to use for people who see the differences but are not racist?
French "extreme" right coined the word ethno-differentialism. Wikipedia traduces it as ethnopluralism:
Dear OP, you need to stop revealing your power level to unlike minded people. Some people are not ready to be red-pilled.
You need to learn how to plant seeds of doubt in peoples minds, by confirming what they believe and making them come to a conclusion themselves that they are wrong.
This is hard to do, but basically be like me.
People around me think I support their philosophy, they have no idea. And yet I say things to them that make them question things, without ever knowing what I really believe.
And yet still, there are a few around me who I understand have the capacity for the full red pill, and I share it with them.
Be subtle, stop being a fag.
And remember there comes a point, when someone is so far gone leftist brainwashed, that they cannot be brought back.
You don't have to respond to those accusations. You don't need to justify speaking your mind if you're not intentionally being a dick. The best way to deal with people like this is to stand your ground and have zero fear. It also helps a lot to be as honest as possible about your positions. Demonstrate your understanding of the other side's arguments and feelings as well as your compassion for humanity, but prioritize truth and understanding above all that. If you stand strong you will rally support from those who quietly share your views and passions. STOP BEING A BITCH.
This advice sucks. Subtlety can work, but it doesn't hold a candle to showing people that there's literally nothing they can do about you speaking your opinions. Stand tall and proud, act instead of reacting, don't get drawn into petty bickering matches, and make sure to use subtlety only when you're at a clear disadvantage.
Manipulation when you're weak, intimidation when you're strong. Just don't be cancerous about it.
Yeah I don't back down. I try to use football and other sports analogies. The fastest people are used to run the ball down the field while the biggest people block. They are both important, have different skills, and work as a team. If the skinny fast dude tries to block he will get crushed. If the big guy tries to run the ball he will be too slow to get anywhere.
People have to problems accepting this argument but fail to believe that races are different and would be better if they worked together as a team. Fuck my ass.
And I never hide my power level. I say whatever I want whenever I want.
A 70 IQ black could drive a car, live a normal life and converse with people
A 70 IQ white person is an unorginized dumbass
This nigga knows what's up, OP. What you describe is racist, BUT it's not wrong. Racist is just used as a silencing tactic- they rarely or never attack the validity of what you're saying
do you even know what this word means?
Don't worry, be happy.
How about adequate or sane? Sounds right to me
>believing that certain races are genetically or culturally predisposed to have various strengths and weaknesses.
that is nearly the definition of racism
>Many blacks are known to be stronger but lack certain spacial reasoning abilities.
my organic chemistry professor was black
organic chemistry is one of the biggest scientific fields which requires spatial reasoning
in b4 "muh bell curves"
Then you're doing fine. People try to decisively win against these people by addressing everything they say, but when they start doing that they are just playing the liberals' game. Your interactions with lefties and sjw's is about showing them that their tactics aren't effective, and that your tactics are effective. They depend on crowds of sycophants to reinforce them, and the reason they garner these crowds is because they choose entertainment as their primary weapon, while their more intelligent opposition flops because they just spit dry, factual arguments. If you can come off as cool and more witty and dominant than the liberals, you can start to verbally ass fuck them with a mix of wit and provocation (these people are pussies). Add a genuine concern for the converting the people on the fence and you can steal a crowd right away from the loudmouthed liberals and shut them the fuck down.
You found some anecdotal evidence. Good job.
Except that is literally what you are, a racist. I mean, think about the word for a second you doofus. Your judge a person based solely on his race. That is as racist as it gets. See, you should take the opportunity to think about your conceptions because you're living proof that a white man can have a nigger's brain.
I love how the word "racist" is defined as whatever you want it to mean at the time. It's a bullshit word used only to slander people.
Here are three videos from the same channel:
The best video to redpill even the most bluepilled on genetics of IQ with indisputable, easily understandable study (5 minutes):
A study that cleverly proved some cultures are more violent than others (7 minutes):
A clip that shows the insanity of the current migration policy and offers a proposal on how to fix it. Excellent to redpill even the most bluepilled on the current migration madness (3 minutes).
>Is there a word to use for people who see the differences but are not racist?
>race realist
Always have the textbook definition of racism by hand and make the jewslaves explain how you are discriminating other people!
Have you not delt with people on the left? Even slightly left?
Say anything counter to their world view that everything is puppies and butterflies, and they immediately start to detract from you. They will literally make zero points and just disengage from you if you try to Red pill too hard.
He's right, you have to be subtle at this point, we may turn the tides at some point where it will be easier to red pill. But right now we are being treated like niggers in the 50's.
You have to let them draw their own conclusions so they think their ideas are theirs, not yours.
It's similar to what I do to people.
>Did you see the news about that 17 year old that fended off a rapist and is being charged for defending herself?
>What, no way user, how did that happen.
Then they open you up to give them the red pill details, be careful how you deliver it, make sure to deliver it as just Information.
It's really easy, to point out how ridiculous it is, it will basically show them how absurd everything has gotten on its own. If it doesn't, they are a lost cause.
you are already being cucked you are bending your own self to bottle feed babies.Dont.Being called racist is bullshit and part of their program.
study aboriginals in aus. and show pics of them and ask if they think race is a social construct.
i dont see race as an identifier either.I grade it on cognitive ability and ability to successfully evolve a society into a functioning and thriving civilization.
niggers cant do it.On the whole their aggro and dogshit elements drag themselves down to always be shit tier.
whites have same problem but we have a very very imporrant diffrence,we downgrade and shun the lesser of us so that the better of us are not dragged down into shit tier with rednecks.
crime rates of whites throughout history vs blacks of any society and you see an rxtremely clear color is the easy identifier but look at cognitive ability and you find the reason for the disparaging crime statistics.niggers arent profiled they turn to crime when poor.white on majority,dont.
You are a realist not a racist
>Say anything counter to their world view that everything is puppies and butterflies, and they immediately start to detract from you. They will literally make zero points and just disengage from you if you try to Red pill too hard.
Only if you're engaging with one or two of them, and that's if they're not very invested in the left. If you're, say, sitting in a classroom and someone makes a joke out loud against Donald Trump and a few people laugh, you can just say out loud "Trump is the best chance for America's future" and they'll lose it. In this case, you can actually gain a lot if you assert yourself and don't just let the crowd verbally run you over, but to do this you need to appear strong. After your comment they'll start spewing what they've heard from other liberals in order to preserve their identity in the face of this ideological threat. This means they start regurgitating lies that we on the right have dealt with countless times. If you're prepared to defend your initial comment against this horde, you can make them all look stupid to those on the fence, and they're the ones you're really trying to reach. When making your points, turn to look at the people who are being quiet from time to time. Get these idiots to hollar and look retarded while you calmly, yet entertainingly give the other people someone to rally behind.
>believing that certain races are genetically or culturally predisposed to have various strengths and weaknesses
That's what the word 'racist' was invented for.
If you judge people based on race instead of merit you're an idiot, but recognizing patterns and thinking about them objectively will make you realize it's all about class and culture, not genetics. Although genetics are interesting they are not relevant in the simplistic video game way you imagine (Asians getting +2 wisdom, Blacks getting +2 strength, etc - don't be dumb, look at how complex it really is, pic related)