Michael Moore BTFO Brexit and Trump



"Britain asking to leave the EU is like a premiere league team asking to be relegated."

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wow really makes you think

It'll be so satisfying watching this unwarranted self important asshole be shamed to the point of silence.
You just know that he will state publically 'I'm moving to Canada if Trump wins.' But fag out.
Cocksucker liberal faggot

wrong board faggot

michael moore is so fat and fucking stupid. He reminds me of every liberal obese older woman I knew in my life. This a guy who makes money making documentary for school children educated people.

Fuck off OP ~ Trump 2016 and go Brexit

>>>sage in options

The funny thing about bowling for columbine is that he even parelleled how america and canada have similar gun legislation but canada has far less gun violence.

And he just couldn't name the problem which made me look into it and in a way, Michael Moore is why I'm a conservative.

Grats to him for making more conservatives than more liberals. Since anyone watching his shit and doesn't come away with more questions than answers was already an idiot.

funny that he promotes all this shit that directly fucks him over.
if that fat fuck had kids hed realize what liberal womens rights and nigger influence have done to the family in this country.

Is he taking hormones? He looks like he is """"""""transitioning""""""""

It's because of all the niggers, right?

he did point to it with white fear and media exposure always pressing fear of terrorism and the next bog threat.In that respect he has a point but his end game is bullshit.immigration needs to be stopped here completely until this country stabilizes.muslim love and milticultralism isnt going to save the world.his focus on corporations is also flawed because if cheap labor isnt available corps cant use it.Same thing with unions,mexicants became the ultimate scabs.

Holy Shit he thinks Trump will win
at 5:20

>Buk Buk

Wow, guess i'm a #Moorman now

>comparing the EU to the Premier League

man is micheal moore retarded, the EU is basically falling apart

>13% of the population 50% of all homocides

so fucking arrogant for this fat-ass american with poor self control and discipline to tell the british people how do forge their destiny.


>you black males below 30

Make that ~3% of the population.


Those nogs sure are a contentious people.

At least he's honest about being overjoyed by white genocide
Most leftists are more tactful when it comes to that


Why should we care what this fat fuck thinks again?

Britain staying in the EU means it gives up a lot of its self-determination. It would be like the US letting mexico and canada tell it what to do internally because it joined NAFTA. Go Brexit.

Don't these democucks realise how shitty they are saying that? Do they think they're complimenting us by saying we're they're plan B? No fuck off, we don't want you. I met a demo nigger who moved here to get away from racists in America and I started telling her about how racist Canada's history is and telling her about how racist my dad is. I hope she leaves Canada soon

Can someone kill this fat cuck already?

I like the cut of this guys jib. These two have some excellent points, if you do sound like Trump you should stop trying to build a wall around Britain. It makes no sense, it's an island. Great points, keep it up!

His Capitalism: A Love Story is what turned me into a conservative

It's hard to look at retarded people whom are jeaouls of the success of others and what a free ride off someone's ecpense and not become a conservative

>“Last September was the first time in the history of the US that the majority of children entering school were not white – that’s the new America,” he said. “That’s why Trump sounds the way he sounds and his supporters and rallies are strangely familiar. They have a hard time realising that the end is near.”

Translation :

>White people don't have a nation anymore. We hate you and want your end. You have nothing to lose, no co-citizen and no country.

Well thank you.

The Owen Jones interview was disgusting. It was like hearing a pre-op 60 year old tranny reciting their sociology class. I couldn't watch it.

How is this guy still alive? And what does he eat when no one is looking?

Britain is trying to avoid a catastrophe in the future by leaving now before it's too late. Trump is talking about people who are already in the country. So it's not the same.

What the fuck? Can someone explain this to me is Michael Moore a shill now? Last time I saw his documentary he was like a rebel conspiracy theorist who hated the establishment, now he's defending the EU?

Hasn't he always been an anti-white, anti-nationalist leftist?

Event his hands are fat. But not like a bunch of sausages, no. Like congealed, wobbling, flapping fat.

He should probably be gassed.

He's been anti-government, pro-9/11 conspiracy, anti-corporation, anti-wallstreet, anti-banks. Does he not realize that the EU is basically the servant of European megabanks.

You have to remember that he made some of his work when republicans were in control of the white house. He's gonna be "anti-gov" when it's not the one he wants but otherwise he doesn't care (like a lot of repub).

What a wonderful flag you have. He is right though, Britain has become toxic. I can't do business with Mohammedans. It is in everyone's interest if they are removed.

Oh true.

sure bud

it's in no ones interest they get removed israel is toxic.

Isn't Michael a boys name?

This is the respect a filthy kike shows to the nation that created Israel for the Jews

fucking kikes

Being against the big corporations and banks getting propped up by government has been part of the left's agenda for a while, but you're clearly unfamiliar with the saying "a broken clock is still right twice a day"


I'm actually surprised how many Americans think highly of us

Maybe it's not sincere, IDK, but the "Americans are arrogant" seems to be just a meme

All Americans I've met IRL were really humble and thought highly of Europeans because we speak many languages, and said they respect us and think we're superior to them in many ways, in how we lead our countries

Americans are really nice people

Moore supported Hillary in two of his films and also supported the current president in one of his films. Presenting himself as anti-establishment is a common tactics and often a ruse to garner support.

every time I see that disgusting, lying faggot Owen I have to post to express my hatred

I want him hanged so badly

This, he's the poster child for "no bad tactics, only bad targets". Looking for ideological consistency from a Marxist leftist like him is like looking for water in the Sahara.

That and a larger population. Actually all the countries he mentioned had smaller populations.

>we raised a generation that doesn't hate
Unless you disagree that the best direction for human society is using violence to enforce equality of outcomes.