How do we fix this, guys?

How do we fix this, guys?

>Binland not independent
Feels good desu

>implying it needs fixing

Get back to sleep Nagy, so you can dream it

>implying you are Hungarian.

what are you even saying?

zsidókkal nem tárgyalok, bocs!

senkit sem érdekel trianon user, ha neked is lenne egy csöpp eszed nem akarnál több millónyi csóró románt, ukránt és szerbet állampolgárnak

Transylvania becomes an independent country

Balkanize Russia.

félreértesz, pont azt írtam, hogy ezen az 1914-es állapoton semmi javítanivaló nincs, úgy volt tökéletes minden, mint akkor

move on !!
Also i doubt that the people from transylvania want to unite with hungary.

Transylvanians want independence

what would be the official language in Transylvania?

It would be like Katharevousa

Somehow the Transylvantist has become more annoying than Ikibey

This is not what i meant. Why would transylvania want to be independent ? i do not understand, those people have the same rights as any romanian, we do not persecute them or anything like that . Please tell me why transylvania need to be independent

It's not about persecution
It's about political underrepresentation

Probabil esti din Brasov, Sibiu sau Cuckuresti si crezi ca daca o potiune a tarii e mai dezvoltata este pentru ca suntei mai buni decat ceilalti, dar probabil uiti cat de bine era in Transilvania pe vreamea Hapsburgilor si cat de rau o ducea Moldova si Tara Romaneasca pe vremea otomanilor. Daca Transilvania era si ea ocupara de turci, acum nu ai mai fi avut ce sa comentezi!

>political underrepresentation
Meanwhile our President is the former mayor of Sibiu.
Don't tell me you forgot where Sibiu is Laszlo! Let me spell it in your own language: Nagyszeben!

>cede Ödenburg core to Austria
>ally Austria
>fabricate claims on Slovakia
>use conquest casus belli

>fabricate claims on Slovakia
>use conquest casus belli
You forgot something...

the emperor can't intervene in conflicts between member states

You wish:

Each Party declares that none of the international engagements now in force between it and any other of the Parties or any third State is in conflict with the provisions of this Treaty, and undertakes not to enter into any international engagement in conflict with this Treaty.

I thought you are basically all Austrians, aren't you?

I mean you reinstitutionalized Prussia. Austria&Hungary as a counter weight would be totally mandatory.

Also would you free The non Prussian Germans from Prussia, please?

The Question of Triest is not solved on the map!

fuck off retard
medieval kingdom of hungary was alright though

Croatia and Italy need to be independent, other than that perfect European borders right here

There's really no need to.


By turning it into this.

Nagyon buta vagy, de postázz ide többet!


>The Question of Triest


Hungary isn't Turkey. Armed forces of both of our countries are in shambles.

There won't be a war between Hungary and Slovakia. Our relations are pretty good right now. Hungarian minority party and Slovak nationalists are together in a government coalition.

well, we don't even have an army, but we should have a league of equals, a strong v4+allies within the EU to serve our shared regional interests

There used to be an issue of cultural autonomy for ethnic minorities in Slovakia. Majority of parties, especially nationalists, were against it for decades.

A few months ago it was passed with an overwhelming majority of parliament. All parties with the exception of fascists supported the bill. Almost no one even noticed because it turned out to be no big deal.

Typical, underhanded Austrian scheme. Simple yet devious. I like you.

Pls ally us.