I hope you like your fake democracy

i hope you like your fake democracy

I do, spaghettinigger.

>implying eu is democratic

we are a republic.

and i hope you enjoy your one unified EU government mario, now go clean out my toilet so you can put moldy bread on the table for your dumpster living family.



i hope you like your sand niggers raping your women and children in broad daylight and bombing your cities.

Did you remember when you voted Renzi or Monti?

Me neither

>implying EU is democratic

g8 b8 cumpa'

>He lives in a Democracy

I for one find it adorable that your council of overlords in Brussels allows you to have play-elections.

That's a symbol of social democracy in general, not just the British Labour

AV does not produce stability, though?

The ideal combination is FPTP for the legislature, and PR for the oversight, the populist mood directing the continuity of government.

And raise the voting age to 25 ffs. We're long past the point where this should be done.

They have other parties too, they're just much less popular. What do you expect them to do? Force people to vote on different parties?

>he unironically thinks we live in a democracy

>all my pluralities squabble and never do anything ever, even when something goes horribly wrong and needs fixing

gee great system

The only difference between Euope and America is that we have more parties (that will do the exact same thing) to choose from

>imblyign democracy hasn't been dead for the last 2000 years
kekkity kek

EU isn't democratic.

And our political system doesn't offer that much choice either.

There's not a lot of difference between a PVDA and VVD coalition or a CDA and PVDA.
Because they have to make coalitions the parties ultimately will be very close to each other.
At least, VVD, PVDA, CDA and D66 are ultimately very close to each other.
Other parties don't make a single chance.

And there are more parties in the US.
You can't force people to vote for them

learn to clean your fat american ass. You don`t even havea bidet in your house.

>Constitutional Republic
The US being a democracy is the biggest meme to grace this green earth.


read our costitution

It's a consensus decision making. Everybody must be willing to compromise, but no one gets steamrolled.

That's pretty good system senpai

It has its advantages and disadvantages.

It also means endless bureaucracy, slow change and everybody stuck in the middle.

>I hope you like your fake democracy western world


Actually, more like this

we elect european parliament like you elect your coungress.
But your political system kills plurality. You had 2 bish and you are going to have the second clinton. Nice monarchy

Are you stupid?

When nobody gets steamroller it allows for the burgeoning expansion of socialism and extreme taxation.

Some ideas are just shit and need to be squashed. You end up with 50% of your gdp as public spending otherwise.

Except when a nationalist party rises, and everyone else teams up to block them. And at those times, they also tend to moan about how the population is too stupid and they shouldn't be allowed to vote on things.

At least Amercans get to choose the candidate that runs for their party.

How often did Berlusconi get elected?

getting closer but you need to replace them all with le happy merchants face

>Hurr durr why don't you fags have your choice in 6 loonie lefty parties

Now show how EU parliament is elec oh wait.


So 5 flavors of far left and one flavor of centrist leaning left?

>tfw no fascist party to vote for in America

How? Like any other parliament. By popular vote of the EU citizens.

somebody replace the european party signs with david stars

One party nationalist states are the best states.

There are no party primaries in Europe? That's even worse than a 2-party system imo.

>fucktons of parties
>half of them are leftie trash
>other 49% is unknown to everywhere
>in the end its a battle between 2

european "democracy" is a fucking joke. in my country we voted for a right party, they were in power for like 1 week and then the fucking SOCIALISTS rose to power because HURR THERE'S NO MAJORITY

[pukes externally]


There are, but party membership is falling in the whole developed world.

>Implying there is any democracy here
>Implying everything isn't rigged
>implying the EU isn't actively fighting against the will of the citizens they don't like.

Thank you

Party leaders choose their candidate regular people have no say.

>UK votes to rejects Alternate Vote
>UK about to vote to stay in EU

why do bongs hate democracy so much? also I do wish we had alternate vote in burgerland.

Voters wanted to punish lib-dems, but they've managed to punish themselves

i hope you like your fresh niggers. low miles, all of them at sea. never been whipped.

ready to breed.


more like this

i'd guess it's more like this