

I fail to see your point.


I guess they can't call it the City of Lights anymore


Yous mean
> titter
The city of Darks

We get it, everything about France is shit, let's let those poor guys be for a while, okay?

Until their next terrorist attack (which is very much deserved), that is.




>The United States of America


>milk induced longevity

Fuck Android.


Go back to school, Paris isn't France.

Also, pic related.

>noo brown people, what a tragedy

lmao those stormies

>so weak

I remember this street from old fotos
rich poeple in good dresses walked their and enjoyed theatre and other culture
>its now a shitskin bazaar

Burn it with the fires of nuclear hell

>paris isn't france
>but look at this image
>memphis is obviously the US

>So many black people

>why doesn't it annex portugal

You're entire country is Memphis.

You(white americans) are becoming smaller every year and you even elected a muslim niggers, your cuckery know no bounds.


What's next, chinese in chinatown? yea right

Well it used to be....yet you gave up on your city..on your own people.

Will you cuck my magnificient shit up my familia

>we don't want you
>haha how dare you you HAVE to like me fuck white people

This is obnoxious as fuck.

they tried, they failed.

18e arrondissement, very certainly
now post pics of black neighborhood
post pic of mexican neighborhood

Pic related: one of the thousands of heavenly places you can find anywhere in France (Paris is not France, its a Freemason fuckfest since 1789)


I'm going to France in a week and looking for airbnb. Which arroindismont is good and which are bad?

>mfw I found one literally across the street from Bataclan


Avoid Paris, take the train to Normandy, see your brave Grandfather's tomb, then find the true faith in pic related. The Archangel is back in all its might.

From fighting in Navas de Tolosa to being a puppet of the zionanglos.

Lol well I am going to paris, so while I will add that to the itinerary I could still use some useful advice. Is it really that 100% degenerated?

Nah bro, I just was there. The rich areas are still white (+ tourists). It's the shitty belt around it (banlieues) which is a cancer.

Only non degenerate areas are the Kike ones (no kidding). Careful when you visit museums and monuments in Paris, Marrakech or Tunis are safer than these places (pickpockets issues the Town is "unable" to cope with or rather unwilling because muh racism)

You should avoid the banlieues of the north east, as far as I know.

It'll mostly be tourists all over the place. Just be careful about ending up in interactions with shitskins, but you're probably used to that if you've ever been into a major US city, niggers trying various shit to sell you useless garbage.

If a gypsy comes up to you doing something to distract you then grab your wallet immediately because there's likely another one coming in behind you to steal from you. Not likely unless you look like a clueless tourist that's an easy target but it can happen.

It's not as bad as Sup Forums makes it out to be as long as you stay in the central areas, which is where most of the tourist sights are anyways. I doubt you plan to head out into the immigrant ghettos. They're safely out of sight and out of mind in europe mostly. And it'll be expensive as fuck.