Prove to me Buddhism is not the most red pilled path to follow
>because it's not just a religion
>There is no God in Buddhism only the realm of human affairs
>Karma created in this life will determine which animal or social class of human you reincarnate as
>If you see a God standing in the road, kill him. If he is God he cannot be killed, if he is an impostor he deserves to die
Prove to me Buddhism is not the most red pilled path to follow
Other urls found in this thread:
A Canadian praising chink ideology
Really makes you think
>acts of violence against living things strictly forbidden.
>self immolation (buring yourself to death through self violence) isn't violent though.
>Telling man that the only way he can better himself is to get rid of part of who you are
kys buddah.
Any religion/movement/lifestyle/ism/whatever the fuck which follows an effeminate indian with a dot on his forehead, weird ass hair/net and giant rings in his ears is a no-go.
The shit on his head are snails.
>google The Snail Martyrs
Because Jesus is the way.
Nah bruh, its a bunch of pointless chanting that makes absolutely no sense. Christ is Lord, repent now.
t. Raised Buddhist
Wouldn't work in large countries, especially those subject to constant attacks.
Peace is good and all but just makes you a punchbag when you've got too many enemies.
To death and selfhatred?
>prove a subjective
yeah ok bud
> reincarnation
> real
you what mate?
Wow, Buddhist here. Just came to a stroll and see a Buddhist thread.
Wrong OP. Buddhism excepts that there are gods. But not creators. More as another life form that is not in this world. Deities maybe ? My english is not the perfect to describe.
Nope. Its not a chinese religion.
Actually he was sort of a bad ass who realized things would not work out that way either.
Maybe, but was from Indo-Aryan race. Black as not african black lol.
To eternal life and righteousness.
Gautama Buddha sat on his ass all day being non-productive. He's just a glorified NEET.
Buddism is degeneracy.
you responded to the wrong guy, i assume
>realized he would not turn into a snail wearing, effeminate, polka dotted indian.
Makes more sense than living in a magic sky palace with fluffy clouds if your a good boy and burning in eternal fire if your bad
Not surprised a Canadian is shilling for Buddhism. It's the religion for the most useless.
>just meditate
>don't worry about anything
Blue-pilled as fuck.
anyone know if buddhist concepts and believing in god/jesus are incompatible?
also, nice get
Enlightenment my poor friend
Buddha confirmed area 51
karma is like gbp without the tendies
Jesus was better than Buddha. Being God in the flesh tends to do that.
So very many tenants of Eastern religions are extremely redpilled and useful in the Western syncretic tradition.
Anons in this thread are still correct that doing nothing but sitting is bluepilled and does nothing useful for anyone.
That too.
Actually no. Thats wrong.
Meditation is only for those like monks to end the cycle of pain and suffering. It can also be used by ordinary to just keep mind at ease. Thats all.
All suffering stems FROM desire
>There is no God in Buddhism only the realm of human affairs
Hmm no. There are Gods in Buddhism and several realms.
Guys, err, I dont know. Better stop it.
I mean, its pretty embarassing. None of you really know about it, and throw these wierd stuff for, and against it. I mean, even OP got stuff wrong.
Why cant we go back to normal pol stuff. Trump ? Shillary ?
>There is no God in Buddhism only the realm of human affairs
This is exactly why it is not red pilled.
There is a God.
meditation is the most redpilled thing you can do
and worry actually keeps you from doing shit
Do you like Trump?
ok again.
There is no 'A God'. There are multiple amounts. But they sort of live their own lives and dont meddle with humans. Or create stuff lol. They may only appear to certain extremely good people just to advice one or two.
>you reincarnate as
this is the only problem
The very idea of reincarnation makes no sense whatsoever. What about when population increases? Where do all these spirits (or whatever the fuck you faggots call them) come from? How do you justify imposing the caste system on new spirits? How do you even differeniate between whose spirit is new and whose is old?
What a fucking retarded ideology.
Either Bern or Trump. Both are fine to me.
But seems its that woman is going to win. You guys are fucked man. Ya'll gotta stop her.
There is no God but Man.
1. Man has the right to live by his own law—
to live in the way that he wills to do:
to work as he will:
to play as he will:
to rest as he will:
to die when and how he will.
2. Man has the right to eat what he will:
to drink what he will:
to dwell where he will:
to move as he will on the face of the earth.
3. Man has the right to think what he will:
to speak what he will:
to write what he will:
to draw, paint, carve, etch, mould, build as he will:
to dress as he will.
4. Man has the right to love as he will:—
"take your fill and will of love as ye will,
when, where, and with whom ye will." —AL. I. 51
5. Man has the right to kill those who would thwart these rights.
"the slaves shall serve." —AL. II. 58
"Love is the law, love under will." —AL. I. 57
There are trillions of "lesser" creatures, whose souls work their way up. Also, whose to say you only reincarnate on Earth?
Not that rencarnation is even necessarily a Buddhist doctrine....
To become Budda is to go beyond God status, right?
>>Karma created in this life will determine which animal or social class of human you reincarnate as
[[[citation needed]]]
I'm a Christian, but I have to admit that Buddhism is based. Like OP said, it's not necessarily a religion. If you set aside the rituals, you will see its just a collection of truths (redpills, of you like). Many are compatible with Christianity.
Buddhism: life is suffering.
Christianity: All humans suffer, due to original sin.
B: It is your duty to share the truth of the way with others.
C: Shout it from the mountaintops, Jesus is our lord, etc.
B: Fear of death causes pain.
C: Fear of death is a lack of faith in the salvation God will provide, when you exit your body.
B: Good deeds promote positivity, bad deeds breed negativity.
C: Love thy neighbor, turn the other cheek to your enemies.
You get the idea. Zen Buddhism is the most interesting form.
yes, but why it is better than God does not mean he you know, pawns gods. No not that way.
It means he has got rid of all suffering and stuff. Where even gods are prone to. Thats why.
It's literally following a path so that eventually you cease to exist
not redpill
How does an ant prove itself to be good? Build enough mounds? How does parasitical animals? How do disease carriers? Why have whatever force that created whatever not given animals the ability to feel as humanity do? If there is no single god, who is to show us our morality?
morality is evaluated on 3 steps:
Will the action or thought ;
A). Harm another person
B) Harm self.
C) Harm any other.
If not, it is deemed as a good deed.
I think I understand. So, even Gods have desire and they take action and make power plays and all that, but to become Budda you have to go beyond suffering and desire.
Tell me, is it true that first a guru becomes a "stone Budda", as in he does not participate in society, but then he says fuck it and starts mingling with people again. Only this time around, the guru understands that life is not to be taken too seriously.
>err. Can leave the thread at anytime but doesn't
What do you do in order to become Buddhist Desu
Trees? Can we harm those? If i cut my finger off, i will obviously harm myself, but what if it saves a 100 lives? Is it a bad deed? Is it ANY harm done, no matter how minor? Is something as going to sleep/waking up a good deed? Is there such a thing as objectively harming someone, due to emotions and all that? What if someone else truly needs me to harm them? What if they don't, but they forgive me for it/takes no offense? Is it still bad?
>cease to exist.
Because you become one with everything. Everything includes everything, nothingness, and God. God is in everything, while also existing outside of the realm of reality. There are universal realities that are impossible to grasp and communicate with human minds.
Morality, good, bad. HA! You think the universe (god, whatever that is) gives a fuck about human thought on good or bad? Play your part, die, maybe go into the one or maybe be reborn to do something different.
There is no clear cut "good" or "bad"
Only intention
not literally. you follow the path to realize the truth that "you", as in your ego and "soul" (which is not a concept in Buddhism), do not exist. Buddhism attributes all wrong doing and delusion (suffering) to these concepts.
tfw not from Bhutan
The indian begs to differ, filthy burger.
To add to this, what dictates which organisms qualify for the caste system? Do single celled-organisms count? If so, how can bacteria work their way up the caste system? How can one bacteria be more virtuous than another? How can animals?
Buddha died fat as fuck while shitting blood.
Basic carrot and the stick problem religions have involving good and evil, Taoism or Zoroastrianism are better, like Gray Jedis
Why is one more believable than the other?
yeah thats right. Even gods have desire and stuff like normal people, yet much more good. Still, desire is counted as desire.
No, no such thing. A buddha, before he becomes a buddha, will travel around searching for the 'truth' till he finds it. That is how it goes.
I believe the 'stone buddha' you are mentioning is, at one part when he was searching for truth, a certain 'brahmin' advised that suffering the body is how you get closer to the truth. The Buddha tried this to almost to the point he did not eat or drink water or even move. Almost like a stone. Then he realized there is not truth here but death, and changed ways.
lol nothing really. We convert people to say. Just, take what you like. Thats all. Like dont think of it as a religion. Because nothing is really forced.
Based Bhuddist
This. Something I've struggled with myself. Obviously someone worked up enough karma to become bacteria. How do you move back up?
>If you see a God standing in the road, kill him. If he is God he cannot be killed, if he is an impostor he deserves to die
That's not the point of "if you see God, kill him"
The point is that you don't need God to help you through life. You only need yourself.
Buddhism is not pacifistic. That simplistic image is western idealization. Buddhism teaches master morality, as does its parent Hinduism. The only major Vedic sect that is explicitly pacifistic is Jainism.
Thanks for the replies, friend. How is life in your country?
>everyone on Sup Forums loves meme magic, but nobody cares about the Magick of Thelema
Enjoy your slave religions
Trees - No. They are not 'living'.
If you harm your self for the benefit/well-being of others then it is not regarded as bad. Because in thought, you are doing to save people, not in the sole purpose of killing your self.
Sleep/waking up are just normal behavior. Worlds behavior falls into: According to the way of weather, Way of the Genes, Way of the laws of nature, Way of Karma, and way of thought.
Even if someone wants you to harm them, you should not. That is not right. Life is considered a valuable gift.
>not living
Wew pakiman
eh not bad. Over threw a sort of a dictator person. Recovering economy, and all. All's well. Hope things are well there too
I don't remember buddhism condoning killing your kid for disobeying you.
Buddhism is Aryan.
Actually I know about gods demi gods hungry ghosts etc. But I said there is no God in the Christian sense.
>meditate on Buddhist teachings values "dharma" and achieve enlightenment
>live the Buddhist way and create good karma
>reincarnate as a demi God or God
>or reincarnate to stay on earth and help all humans achieve enlightenment
I'm probably leaving out some stuff but it's a 2500 year old religion if any of you are interested do ya knowledge
because if there is a god or order to this universe, it is more likely that the afterlife would be set up for everyone to progress, not just the people given a good genetic hand in their measly 77 year existence on this planet.
Pardon me for my misunderstanding then.
>1 post and 1 post only
>gets his only post wrong
Good stuff.
Yes and that is red pilled as fuck
Lol he achieved nirvana by doing so pls
It has some good ideas and it can be tied up into a christians life. Meditation, Craving is suffering (which is in the bible too), Reincarnation. (John the Baptist was the reincarnation of Elijah).
All good my fellow Buddhist, just wanted to clear it up for the Sup Forumstards
>I didn't read the post the post
What's your native language? Your flag is pretty rare.
Actually meditating + taking the 8th fold path should lead to Nirvanna which is about escaping Samsara (the cycle of life and death) not about reincarnating in a higher plane. It's actually seen as worse to reincarnate in a higher plane because without the suffering in your life you might not be incentivized to escape Samsara.
Redpill incoming, kiddo, open your ears.
Buddhism as a religion is a blue pilled faggotry hijacked by some gays who like to live together, live off of other people's money, and only copy the exterior things instead of the interior ones, instead being an individual fighter like Gautama was himself.
Everything you read about Buddhism in the West, is bullshit though. It is not some >muh humans >muh worldpeace >muh hippy shit religion at all.
Check out that Wij 'The Buddha's Scourge' Wakram or whatever his name is.
Now if we're talking about Siddhartha's philosophy and not the rigid religion under the term Buddhism, it really is a very good one, has a lot of similarity with Stoicism. Would not be surprised if the stoics were really influenced by Buddhists from the East.
The ideal life form is a human. Not a god in Buddhism
A human due to the human condition has a better chance of finding nirvana
>tfw your ID is like an Indian name
>Redpill incoming, kiddo, open your ears.
I agree, buddhism has been hijacked by a bunch of hippies who never really meditated in their lives.
If you want to practice buddhism, just get your ass on a pillow and start meditating. All other things are really superfluous. Buddha didn't study buddhism when he became enlighten.
It was funny as hell when on the cruise ship I took the only Canadian employee was a pure breed Chinaman.
Actually the cruise was Sup Forums memedream.
The Canadian was Asian, the Swede was dark brown middle Eastern, and the only Argentinian was a pale white, blonde hair, blues guy.
That's the joke.
Buddhism is not about believing in a dogma, it's about the experience, that's why Zen is so chaotic.
>practicing pagan religions
remember, the only way to Salvation is through our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ
>Redpill incoming, kiddo, open your ears.
>>There is no God in Buddhism only the realm of human affairs
Zen is for fucking retards as far as I can tell. MUH KOANS. MUH ANSWERING QUESTION WITH A QUESTION
I said they are compatible. They are not exactly the same.
It goes right over your head. You can't use your brain to understand with your spirit. Zen is about freeing your mind from your own crippling ego, to just experience the truth that exists all around you. The koans and questions disarm your rigid, closed way of thinking and sensing.