Hello, everyone. We made a thread on Sup Forums about a month ago proposing an idea for a "Red Pilled" parody of Buzzfeed. The thread received positive reception, and so we decided to put our plan into action. Here is our first video. Feel free to respond with any criticisms, or suggestions. We're also looking for more people to help us out with this project. Thanks, guys.
Hello, everyone...
Other urls found in this thread:
Really need a new name, but have a bump
I like it.
I prefer that underground feel. Making it mainstream will turn us into Jews.
Liking the vid and the idea. Bamp
That was Gay. Saged.
I like it. It was a quick, fun and accurate watch. It fills a niche which our media hasnt really filled yet.
Make sure you expose yourself as much as possible in sympathetic circles to quickly up your viewership
23 Epic Ways President Obama is Involved With Special Interests
s'alright, but I'd tone down the whistle sound and make it faster but with larger text that's more eye-catchy if you want it to be sharable
people also love text overlayed on video clips as opposed to just pictures
all those delays were unnecessary, you can just pause a video if you want to see something, it's too slow
Dull and boring, sorry. But don't give up.
genius idea what do you need help with
Made me laugh,but seems pretty nice,and if you wanted a copy of buzz feed you got it.
i like it, i hope this channel gets bigger and grows
Leave your Skype contact in the thread if you want to help out, we'll add you to the group.
"10 Amazing Death Camp Hacks you HAVE to know!"
"You won't believe these 5 things Hitler ordered during his rule."
I'd like to help out, dunno what I could do
but Im also not leaving my skype on Sup Forums
have you got a throwaway email I can send it to?
We'd appreciate new ideas for video material, as well as people who are skilled at video making and the such.
Also possibly potential voice actors for future videos.
If any of you are interested in helping, leave your skype info and we'll hit you up.
irritating as fuck sound effects. no narration. closed after 20 seconds. gotta work on that.
Have you ever watched a buzzfeed video? It's the point.
Oh also, you can obviously contact us at our email address:
[email protected]
I don't exactly know what topics you're trying to go for, but here's an idea that could bait and switch the normies and redditors:
>"Top 10 Worst Presidential Candidates Of All Time" with Bernie Sanders in the top 5 and Jeb Bush in the thumbnail
Not a bad idea.
this is a good idea, we'll definitely take this into consideration, thanks
>Rule 11: Advertising (all forms) is not welcome--this includes any type of referral linking, "offers", soliciting, begging, stream threads, etc.
Just to clarify to the mods, I am not announcing a report, I am simply clarifying that this thread violates the rules.
The jew is eternal, to kill jew you must become jew. There's always a jew, it might as well be ourselves
I like it, not too shabby. But as said bigger fonts would be good, and you should tone down the whistles. All in all, lovely and accurate. 9/10.
Thanks for the constructive criticism. As stated this is our first video. We'll keep this in mind.
"Top Ten Days Without Jewish Tricks"
Error: video not available
I liked it except for that whistle.
Let me be the voice of this and we'll go to a thousand subs in a week
Good video. Bamp
This needs my voice as narrator to be big.
good start, I like that. but it just needs more and higher production value. probably not worth bothering though, you'd have to run a studio like Buzzfeed then.
You could try making a video about the "refugee" crisis.
Needs my narration and this redpilled will be trump tier
Mate. Advertising is 'the activity or profession of producing advertisements for COMMERCIAL products or services.'
This is a community project, non-commercial and non-profit.
We are not whoring for shekels; and we are not advertising.
This thread is for suggestions, criticisms and assistance.
If you leave your skype contact info we'd be happy to hear you out.
well, then give them your skype address.
Going to post a video instead. Uploading atm, gonna be couple of minutes.
Yeah, naturally we can only do the best we can with what we have. There's no one to say quality won't increase in the future though.
Or email us at [email protected]
Man that noise hurt my ears. Good video though. Next could be top ten confirmed differences in race
it's all good. no worries. nobody expects you to be a complete right-wing carbon copy or pendant to Buzzfeed though.
Here's what I would change:
- I'm not a huge fan of parody idea. Create something uniquely yours. I don't think you need to ride on Buzzfeed's coattails, which is what a parody does.
- Consider using more appropriate music. This reminded me of a make up tutorial. I'd suggest something a bit darker and aggressive.
- I'm fine with sound effect in general, they add another layer and give a video more of a complete, finished feel. The wistle annoyed me though.
- I've personally always preferred narrated videos.
- Maybe cite sources in the video description.
- I didn't really like the ending. It was funny, but it might be more useful to focus on spreading information and gaining followers than trying to bate halfwits.
Stuff I liked:
- The concept (a Youtube channel with short but informative videos discussing what's usually discussed on Sup Forums)
- The topic + content
- The thumbnail + font + editing (probably should have gone easier on the frogs and there might not be a need for that much fotos to illustrate what you mean).
- I liked the "pop" sound effect, just not the whistle.
Overall, I think it's a great first video! My suggestions are just that - suggestions. I'm happy to know this project exists and I'm subscribing.
Thanks for this. Yes the buzzfeed idea is a gimmicky one, but it was the original joke we decided to start on. We may deviate from that and make a more original format in the future. 10/10 post, amigo
Narration needed with some good looking, "normie" white folk. And stop with the goddamn whistle. Other than that, good work. Tis a positive start.
I like it. You should seriously stick with this. It'd be cool if you had people in your videos or a narrator and not just text (similar to the black girl on MTV). That would add to it. But for first video, yea 10/10
fucking gold m8 thanks
When you're presenting statistics don't show the graph and then zoom in on it. Just put in large text the main points that the graph is showing and then link to the study in the description. Also zooming into it makes it harder to read since it is moving.
other red flags you should add
1. she has a messy room and doesnt clean it
2. she hates her parents
3. asks about what type of car you drive
4. acts submissive to other women
5. acts arrogant when pointed out that she doesnt know how to cook basic stuff, and is unwilling to learn and improve herself(at anything, not just cooking)
too tired to think for more, but they exist
anoying whistle sound, and shitty instrumental, choose a slow depressing one, this one seems like you would hear it in an advertisment for a bar on some beach in hawai
Suggestions for videos:
Minority crime stats, along with debunking explanations for them. I.e. "It's because of poverty", and then show that the poorest white neighborhood has lower crime than the richest black neighborhood.
"Outrage videos" about ridiculous PC stuff in media, like having a black main character for the BF1 game when blacks only accounted for a small fraction of combatants, or that the French aren't a playable side.
Stuff about Sweden falling apart because of multiculturalism
Islam's take over of the west and how many are not "moderate" and what "moderate" actually means
Attacks on free speech by colleges and countries
You're welcome familia.
Damn it. "of the parody idea", "more aggressive", "sound effects", "a more of a", "bait", "that many fotos".
Anyway, as far as ideas for future videos. I liked the idea about past US presidential candidates. Egalitarianism vs modern feminism. Political gaffes. Poorly understood political concepts. Best historical conquerers/rulers/politicians and what made them awesome (if normies are your target audience, leave Hitler out of it). You know, just stuff that would be both interesting and educational. But it really depends on your target audience, and I'm not sure what that is.
Our initial idea, which is at least semi-evident in the vid I believe, was to just make a right-wing version of Buzzfeed with all of the sort of snarky satire that accompanies that concept. However, given the suggestions, we'll most likely move to a format in which we provide more reasonable arguments on topics that aren't so subjective. In this case, our audience will be anybody interested in examining political topics from an objective standpoint, rather than posturing to right-wingers and pissing off liberals. Thanks for your reply.
that name will get jewed, you need something else
I'd stick with the original format if I were you guys.
There are a ton of people on youtube who try to make legitimate, thoughtful red pill videos. Baiting normies into getting red pilled is more fun.
Why did you use a girl screaming in a horror movie every 10 seconds? I know it's for normies but we want to educate them, not destroy their ears with annoyance.
This, and good luck with it!
Replace the whistle with an airhorn
1 million + views
Trust me on this
>We're also looking for more people to help us out with this project. Thanks, guys.
Business guy here:
- Change the name to "Truth Feed", "The Millennial",... something subversive, interesting with clickbait potential
- The pill references don't have meaning for normies, they will associate it with medicine = disease = bad. -> Remove it
- You need to look hipster, not Sup Forumsster, it's all about subversion
- instead of dropping hard pills in your videos make outside references
- less cluttered slides
- Slide order:
1. Ask a question like "makes promiscuity happy?"
2. Show the slide with depression,... statistics
1. Do men like tattoo's?
2. Show the statistics,....
Its reverse conditioning of everything the Jews have promoted by showing the consequences
- Don't only show negatives, normies won't watch depressive stuff
-> at least 50% needs to be images of the happy, traditional lifestyle
- spam the comments of normie-videos with this "cool new channel"
- you should really consider getting someones real voice, most Americans don't read books after leaving college/high school -> reading bad
Make a video that says there are only 2 genders the real buzz feed will shit themselves and go into how gender is not a social construct
Hit em with Tupac
TruthFeed is good
Maybe BuzzKill
>remember how sweden is a socialist utopia?
Have a nice day!
I'd love it if there was a form of Buzzfeed that was more right leaning, or "Red Pilled" as you call it. But this video needs work.
The periodic screaming sound is very off-putting.
I don't understand a lot of the points being made. Sexual promiscuity is a bad thing for women because men's ideal wife is a virgin? I don't agree with that logic at all. It makes sense that women who have more premarital sexual partners are less likely to have a "stable marriage" but if that's your criteria for dating, romance, falling in love, a fucking ideal wife counterpart based off of statistics, you're doing it wrong. Emotional intimacy does not stem from the land of rationality.
Video is called Seven Red Flags for women, but the 7 points are in a numerical list like in Buzzfeed.
A lot of this comes down to a matter of preference. Those studies may not have a representative sample of every population. There are a lot of great alt-right messages that I'd love to see, but I wouldn't start here.
>A lot of this comes down to a matter of preference. Those studies may not have a representative sample of every population. There are a lot of great alt-right messages that I'd love to see, but I wouldn't start here.
I was waiting for the obligatory derailing post, here it is...
Lots of sentences with nearly no value for op except demotivation. How about you tell OP what messages you like to hear?
Good stuff, generally like what everyone else is saying, focus on mostly positives to start off, then maybe edge into topics like "10 Lies Hillary Clinton keeps repeating! #5 will surprise you!"
this. Suggestions will probably be added if they're constructive
Derailing? My apologies, I thought my criticism would be seen constructively.
You could try satire to try to show the ignorance by exaggerating leftist claims, such as hate speech or PC culture.
Maybe pick up some of Stephen Moleneaux's, Stephen Crowder, Milo Yianopolous, or Sarkhan's views and make short fun easily-digestible videos.
You could start with gender pay equality, and how there isn't as much of a 30% deficit as some like to tout.
I'm trying to help.
Make the logo in the left top the same as OP pic (top to bottom), looks better
Video is not bad
Animations are good
Background music sucks
You need a commentator
TruthFeed sounds good, not a direct jab at BuzzFeed, could be perceived by first-time viewers as just a knockoff.
>You could start with gender pay equality, and how there isn't as much of a 30% deficit as some like to tout.
>I'm trying to help.
When starting out I would stay away from topics like gender pay, minimum wage that promise free money, debunkings are hard to understand without economic education.
You need to start with stuff that even high school dropouts can understand, that don't require lots of thinking yourself.
You ask the question, you provide the answer, don't try to make people think (yet).
It's all about subscribers now, when you have 20.000+ you can start videos that are more challenging.
I got the idea, just not exactly who the whole thing was aimed at
> our audience will be anybody interested in examining political topics from an objective standpoint, rather than posturing to right-wingers and pissing off liberals.
Sounds great. Snarky satire is cool, I'd keep that. For example, I liked the comparison between women with brigtly colored hair and venomous/poisonous reptiles. Is there an objective connection? Probably not, but it was funny and can make a person go "huh, never thought of it that way". Controversy in order to attract attention and make people think is good and it sets you apart from the PC crowd. But intentionally picking fights with Tumblr-tear people seems pointless. So I suppose there's a fine balance you can achieve if you care to look for it.
If this was my project, this would be my ultimate goal:
>Its reverse conditioning of everything the Jews have promoted
I would aim it at the 18-35, male, college educated crowd. I would make short videos with controversial content and a backbone (like yours). I would do videos on pollitical and social issues (so, one might have to do with the upcoming pres. election, next one would be drawing connections between collapsed ancient societies and today's degeneracy. "5 Signs western society is doomed" or whatever). My aim would be to educate normies while presenting a well reasearched, right-wing point of view (with sources). Clickbait titles - absolutely. Fast paced, funny, relevant, colorful, narrated, right-wing content. Like your video, just done from a slightly different angle.
Keep up the good work, take into account what others have said (music, sound effects, narrator), do good research, have a clear goal in mind and you'll be golden. Best of luck YouTube anons, have fun creating an awesome channel!
Btw, I like these more than the ones I previously suggested:
And I like how businessbro thinks
I sent you an email. I'd really like to take part in this.
Haha, a 2 minute long video with commentary, it's perfect!
Fucking hell, guys, I though you'd learned how to be the jew. What you need is someone cheerily talking over the video, vocalising the points you're making in parody fashion of a typical shitfeed video. You might not have many people on board at first, but try work your way up into the shitty jumpcutting between people and finishing each other's sentences that those kikes do on their videos.
Tone down the graphs and studies, normies don't actually care about that and it's actually psychologically off-putting. They don't want to see scientific stuff, they just want to hear that scientific stuff exists. You can still include links to those studies and visuals in the description, just mention at the end of the video that they're there.
The image pop-in sound effects might work if there's someone speaking, but they're too much when they're pretty much the only sound. The whistle gets fucking annoying. Also work on your layout a bit.
Thanks for your input. The level of satire you're talking about is possible in later videos, but it's not necessarily the realm of the channel currently. It's more of just snappy, quick informational videos like Buzzfeed cancer. We also now have a narrator like Franchesca Ramsey from MTV Decoded, but a right winger. We're essentially using the Buzzfeed business model for gaining subscribers, but having the content not be cancer.
Thanks, this is essentially what we're planning. The first vid was just a test, we'll definitely take what you've said into account.
skype is systemicabortion
I wonder if you could do one abou the political fact checkers.
Need a hot blond white girl narrating and acting smug.
Appreciate it! An email should have been sent back to you.
>"5 Signs western society is doomed"
Spainbro wrote good stuff, but I wouldn't go the doomsday route (at least not in the title) because we need to attract more women, more women means more beta man who just repeat bullshit to get laid.
The titles need to be funny, challenging and a little bit "ewwwww" to attract women.
Just compare Hickock45 and "Demolition Range" - they are doing the same but DR has 5x the views because it's more fun to watch than "boring, analytical" Hickok.
You need to stop thinking like a Sup Forumsack when making the videos! Keep the Sup Forumsack message and data foundation but use hipster presentation, it needs to be fun while at the same time planting a red pill seed in their brains. Analyze trending videos for their titles, descriptions, style and rip off like a Jew
OP, give them the same thumbnails and clickbait names as buzzfeed so that lefties will accidentally click on them and get forcefed redpills
I'd like to help, but I'm curious what abilities / qualities you guys are looking for?
Interesting, the video was short, but it felt long, which some hyper active people may find boring.
If you guys need a web developer if/when you decide to get a website too hit me up on skype at pujo.sotka
Not my main skype so if you gonna try spamming don't even bother
>We're also looking for more people to help us out with this project.
Either in this thread or in a new thread you guys should list capabilities that you need support in to create a list of people you can email for support, like:
Search engine optimisation
anonymous hosting, domain registration
Photography (click baiting)
Stock images
Social media marketing
Historic research
Normi (competition) video research
It's more likely for people to reply if they see something that they know, instead of having to think for themselves what they could contribute
First of all: video making, editing, design and the such. It seems like we're good on voice actors at the moment but if thats a quality of yours thats definitely something we'll consider. Especially if you're brave enough to show your face as a front figure.
Generally we like to have a think tank of new ideas to make video material off of, and how to forge these ideas into good presentable stuff.
You're absolutely right. We'll keep this in mind for future threads.
This has potential, I like it.
subbed :)
Oh and if you're good at digging up solid, presentable facts and sources that's -definitely- something we'd like.
As I previously mentioned, we do have a skype group that functions as a think tank that any of you are free to join.
Bad pr is pr. If you bait it to go viral, the news would show it, then steal the followers haha.
this. you already got my email, if you ever need some quick photography done, I'm your guy. Already have plenty of great candid/shock images of libshits. My stuff will just go unseen otherwise. pic related, see these people every day. Just shoot me an email if you need anything photographed for stock images and the sort
Here's an idea for a future video if you want to address the people who constantly yell about how it's 2016:
"The Current Year Fallacy."
Would you mind sending us a handful of what you consider the best stuff you got? That'd be great.
Also we'll definitely let you know if there's something specific we're looking for.