
>Counts personal opinion or meme as a movie plothole/error.

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>ANOTHER white male?

You do realize it doesn't take itself seriously, right?

I stopped watching cinema sins a while back. most channels actually, i only still keep up with Good Bad Flicks and RLM mainly because of jay's beard

Same. I stopped watching Chuggaaconroy awhile back because I really don't give a shit about Splatoon.

I know that nitpicking is the point, but their type of humor has run thin. 20 minute videos of total bullshit is way too much, how do people stand that and his shitty voice

>Pretending to be retarded

>male character is ogling female too much
Who the fuck gives sins to shit like that, it's not funny it's just retarded. It makes him look like a butthurt faggot

>Donald Trump cameo?!
>*ding ding ding ding ding ding ding*

I watch cinemasins so I can rag on movies without watching them

>people actually watch YouTube "critiques" of films
>people take those "critiques" seriously
>people also think they're funny, insightful, etc.

I genuinely feel embarrassed for you.

i stopped watching at the matrix video, when he failed to mention any of the actually editing mistakes, and just mentioned dozens of his memes
>this scene does not contain a lapdance xD

>don't hurt my favorite channel! They're not being serious! If they were being really serious you'd see how good they really were!!!

Who are you quoting?

t. someone who never watched CinemaSins

I skip right ahead to the dub reel at the end. Some of those are funny.

Name 1 flaw



The writing.

I wish I never watched CinemaSins.


If you listen to the podcast they state this.

The even say they love most the movies they do.

>listening to their podcast to understand their youtube channel better

>That's racist

oh my fuck

I knew Nostalgia Critic was retarded when he recommended this channel and said they made really good points as to why the movie was bad

I listen to the podcast because is a good film podcast that isn't all Sup Forums about their opinion.

Also all you have to do is clean your face every once and a while to help with acne.

The cancer has spread to his face now?

Man, neo-Sup Forums is so easily triggered, all you have to do is bash capeshit and manchild HBO shows.

They were fine, even fun, when the videos were 5/6 minutes long.
Then retards wanted more and they complied and to make a video 20 minutes long for that sweet dosh they started nitpicking the most stupid shit.

That's the same kind of excuse people made for Doug Walker's reviews.


>The lead is male
>And white

>"That's racist... and sexist.. and homophobic... and transphobic.. and xenophobic..."

I hate to break it to you, OP, but the sin counter is not standardized.

It's comedic. Terrible comedy, mind you, but not for the reasons you mentioned.

So it's supposed to be humorous when he counts another point for literally nothing? Who knew

no lapdance


Chemo literally kills you, when you do it you're basically hoping the cancer dies before you do

Nah, before it was fine because they piinted out plot holes or stuff appearing or disapearing bewtween shots and then some nitpicking but once they began making longer videos all they do is lame nitpicking, not nitpicking like before but more of "ha i nitpick this for a lame joke"

literally never happened

Cinema sins causes ocular and brain cancer.

This is a fact.

sure everyone is so retarded that can't even think of which sins are wrong and which sins are right
it's like i can't have opinion about someone's opinion

i fucking hate this guy so much, now all this sin are just nit picking and annoying

>watches videos of people telling you which videos to watch

Yeesh, you people are retarded.

It happened in the latest Independence Day resurgence video

>not watching cinemaWins