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How nice is Italy?
People? Politics? Immigrants?
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Italia é bianca
beautiful country, both north and south. they apparently hate each other, but as a real european I didnt really notice any difference. great food. traditional people. really corrupt (always whining about corruption but they do fuck all to fix it)
They are excellent fighters and great allies
Italy is the most beautiful and rich country in Europe with France in term of cultural heritage and nature (I would even say better if you like antiquity).
People are nice, I'm biased since I love Italy but I almost never had a bad experience with real italians (ie not the ethiopians).
They are proud and energic.
Politics is honestly very sad, it has always been a mess but apparently it changed recently under Renzi.
Special mention to the press and the TV which are retarded.
Immigrant wise: I had a terrible experience in Napoli, the centre is FULL of gypsies and niggers (a lot like Marseilles, just less arabs and more nignogs).
The only notable difference between Italy and France I would say is the public infrastructures, the roads/cities are dirtier/more damaged/less equiped than here.(especially in the south).
>but apparently it changed recently under Renzi
Yes, now it's worse
Not nice.
>not the ethiopians
Do they have a lot of them there? Checked the statistics on Jewpedia and it didn't really say anything about them. Just curious because I know some half Italian, half Ethiopian nigger.
As of last year there are 8000 Ethiopians in Italy, 3092 males and 4908 females
It's not whining, it's public masturbation.
When people say "we italian are X" and X is something negative he's implying everyone minus himself that's he's apparently the only real human in a country populated by monkey.
It's completely and end to itself it's not supposed to be anything more than that.
Meanwhile we imported 2 million male niggers... I can't believe Italy is better than my own country at this point. At least when it comes to migrants
Need more females, desu. Would deport the males without blinking.
>always whining about corruption but they do fuck all to fix it
This is so correct that it hurts
Italy right now have five million legal foreigners from one million and half at the start of the euro and negative birthrates, it's not that far away seriously.
I went there half a decade ago and I liked it. The language wasn't too difficult to understand and the people seemed nice.
I don't know how things are there nowadays, though.
Most of them are probably prostitutes anyway
Most of the african prostitutes I see are western african with thick legs.
> mfw people think M-5S is right-wing
> mfw M-5S votes with the green faggots for "rapefugee welcome" bullshit in the EU parliament
They only have 45% labor force participation or something, they're literally a country of NEETS
no we don't need any type of nigger
why all murifags so butthurt on us
get here you faggot
I've no problem with migration as long as is restricted to females.
I love Italy
top cuck lad. Those negresses spawn little half nigger kids, you know?
What happened to Italia agli Italiani?
An opinion is butthurt?
I don't like deserts or locust swarms either - guess I'm "butthurt" about deserts and locust swarms.
when you will grow up , you will understand that every type of mass migration is nocive i don't want my people to go extinct for some horny kids
It's something in the low sixty- high fifties.
The forty something data is the youth unemployment (16-25).
Scroll away.
What are you gonna do? Say mean words at people?
locust? are you sure you were in italy
Sempre meglio dei terroni.
also if you really mean desert we dont have those either, if you mean dessert than maybe it's ok if you dont get here
Who gives a shit what I do senpai? You wanna watch me?
Please reread the post and try applying your knowledge of English to it again.
it's an example you mongoloid
Can be bro tier but they're fags instead
Not necessarily, in today's hypergamous world, 1st world importing third world women could give the sub 6 men a chance to pass on their genetics.
In a few generations, their kids will be mostly Italian anyways. Although women would never allow that and men are too cucked to enforce patriarchal norms.
i prefer terroni at least they are our italian brothers
>real european
I've been to Italy several times. In my experience Italians are either wonderful, nice and charming people or they are worse than the worst mexicans only shorter and smellier.
I'll take the swartiest and most idiotic terrone over a nigger any day of the week
You ought to read what you actually type a bit better - but hey. This thread will always be in the archives. You can check up on your failures at another date.
i don't give fuck , we are not like the new world where every pakistani farmer can be regarded as a citizen , if you are african or arab or chink you will never be Italian
AHAH i only got it now, yeah mongoloid is a fitting term
It will be, though you might actually benefit from knowing actual English if you wanted to fix your myriad mistakes bruh.
Are you feeling Ok Hans?
nice one
Rely makes u thnk, huh?
More than finding a guy who can't be offended in an attempt to shit-post him on his day off does.
Florence is great, Rome is overrated. I didn't care for the people but at least they were not protesting and going on strike every week, which is more than I can say for the French.
From what I hear about their government they really should be protesting.
Just another African craphole
>great allies
Well yes but the only people who really protest are people who have the time to AKA unemployable leftist. If I had to guess there will be no protest, just one day many parts of the Italian government get a Mussolini treatment