Give me literally one reason why any intelligent male should settle for a white girl in 2016
Give me literally one reason why any intelligent male should settle for a white girl in 2016
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Blacks have a higher chance of having STDS would be a good start.
Damn Gosling was actually attractive in that movie
IQ averages by race show that if I want successful offspring I should be settling for Caucasian and Asian women.
>women are wither black or white
Virgin confirmed
I'm dating a women who is a through and through blond hair, blue eyed goddess and does whatever I ask with joy. She cooks, cleans, will rub my back and massage me for hours and lets me take her sexually however and whenever I want. This board has turned into nothing but bitter males who are incapable of landing wife material
How else would you get this?
Only chance to not have a manlet offspring.
No one deserve to be short
It's just that one pic. He looks like his face was smushed in by a pan.
Because there are still white people living in Eastern and Southeastern Europe.
White women from every other country are shit and you all know it.
>hurrdurr Slavic women are all golddiggers
At least they're honest that they want a man to take care of them. Meanwhile, Cindy, Megan, Laqueefa, and all the other shitters want to be a proud, independent woman who don't need no man yet still pine for a doctor, engineer, successful businessman, or lawyer.
Even Trump got himself some golddigging Slavic wives, and he's doing well for himself.
There is none. It's obvious that Asians should be the preferred partner right now. 40 years ago it was different though.
Found another one
i hate these threads.
the people who make them are just butthurt about all the jewish cuck shit and actually think it's real. so they turn against white girls, who are actually amongst the most loyal.
white girls aren't perfect but they aren't terrible. i don't know any who race mix, are rabid sjw's or any of those things.
Man, this bait is boring. It's like you didn't even try at all. Of all things you could possibly do with your life, you choose to do nothing other than shitpost on an anonymous taiwanese image board. What sort of sick satisfaction does this give you? Is it really that arousing? It must be, or else you would not have done it. And this is the sort of reply you want, right? Someone angry for something stupid you posted? Well, I'm angry. But not at what you posted. I'm angry that you think anyone would fall for such a blatant trap. It's pathetic, really. I don't know why you think you have any chance at success. Why not go outside and do something? Would that be so hard? You could go out and be successful. But you choose to sit here, waiting for delicious replies as though they have any substance. They're useless. They serve you no purpose. There's no reason to do this sort of thing to yourself. It might even be best to just relax for a bit. Calm down, you know? No? Why not? You made this thread. But you didn't think about its potential consequences.
cuz cute! CUTE!
this familia.
Slavs have low IQ.
Why would you want to breed a dumb(for women's standarts) woman and have dumb childrens?
Because according to Sup Forums racemixing is degeneracy?
>having half-breed garbage children
Enjoy your feminism and eventual divorce
> would be a good start
Nice reading comprehension you've got there m8
>not wanting a wife that worships your every step because of a meme on an anime site
>I-I only reveleaed the tip of the icebgerg in my autism levels
I've been with black and Asian women, literally worshiped me every day, loved every second of it!
Maybe because you want your children to look like you and not a weird abominable mix between you and your foreign wife? Either way, I don' really give a shit, it's your genetic line.
>not being able to get any woman you fuck to worship you
>sticking your dick in obvious leftist trash
>thinking half-breed kids are a meme
>thinking non-white girls are magically amazing and better than white girls
you are the real meme
>1.00 shekel per post
so how many weeks do you know her already?
It's not that low. Besides, it's an average. You can get yourself someone above the average.
Yup. The sex is always 10X hotter too. I never have to worry about my dick going soft
Its true, Stacey. Non white women hold on to their white man for dear life, like an 18000s wife.
Stay butthurt roastie
>implying all whites is the same
>not importing conservative whites from Europe to save them from rape
>race mixing
>You should play Russian Roulette with a white girl!!!!
Too little too late lol. White men are being red pilled every day. I always see white guys with non white cuties whenever I go out. Feels good man
>If I pull off a wild imaginery plan like importing a woman from across the world I might just be able to have a happy marriage!!!
BAHAHAHAHHAHA this is what stormweenies actually believe lol. Meanwhile sane white men just step outside, geab a mkn white girl, and live happily easily form the next 65 years
There are more conservative christian white women in the US than any other demographic.
>not having multiple young ethnic mistress
>having a Republican dad and sharing a Jesus quote on Facebook =/= Christian Conservative. Unless she's a Mormon, etc
>I'll take shit that never happened Alex for $500
>br accusing people of having low iq
Getting a black girl to play slave is the hottest thing you'll ever experience, best 2 years of life!
i want /r9k/ to leave.
you have no hope of getting a non-white girl or a white girl you pathetic LARPing faggot.
protip: if white women aren't interested in you, non-white women won't be either. chad is busy fucking both whilst you cry on Sup Forums.
My girl isn't white bro. Autistic r9k memes and yperbole aside, a non white woman is more likely to stick with you , and the sex is more exciting when it otherwise wouldn't be on certain nights.
Males are lo longer intelligent in 2016 - they grew up with their mothers not even allowing them to play around mud... their immune system is shit - their body are underdeveloped - they grew up with all sorts of medicine and foods with toxic preservatives and chemicals that not even bacteria's touched in years.
Then they grew up in public education system with all the douche bags and retards that grew in worse families - so even if they were normal, they learned all the subhuman behavior from the others... then they started to smoke, to drink to have sex with random people.
No gave a shit about education or reading books - it was better to be a male warrior and fulfill your role in a video game, it was better to stay on social media and waste hours on internet rather than developing your culture and becoming wise.
And so on...
Only hope is rising your children secluded from society - preferably live in gated communites - eat organic food, let them experience life - let boys fight each other - learn what means to be male, I have two very rich millionaire relatives - one of them kept their kids in luxuries and they ended up as retards, the other kept his kids like some poor ones - no luxury ever, - I grew up with the later one kids as if we were brothers - doing same stuff, one of them grew up as a hustler, even while his parents had millions and he would inherit the wealth when he grew up - he was obsessed of making a living himself as a teenager and pushing hard... it really worked.
So private education also works, keep kid away from retards, preferably home schooled for the first stage when the kid is very vulnerable to imitating behavior.
Beats having a shitskinned subhuman zika baby.
only if the nigger would look like that specimen
Because white women are attractive and can give a decent genetic contribution.
Ok kike.
How's Libya senpai?
My girl is asian
White girls are garbage tier