Is the anti-semitism just a circle-jerk, or is there actually something to the jews run the world meme?
Is the anti-semitism just a circle-jerk, or is there actually something to the jews run the world meme?
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Stereotypes don't come from nothing, user.
They run wall street.
Yes there is.
Wow Sup Forums really? this is the best evidence you got? I'm disappointed.
Kek demands evvidence.!
What do you mean? Are ZOG just something that you took out of your asses or are there any eveidence?
Just reacting to the quads man.
media and finance are jew dominated
have you been watching this election at all
don't you wonder why every politician has to pander to israel
do you wonder why one of the largest lobbies is aipac that was at one time forced to register as a foreign agent when it was known as the american zionist council
google the coudenhove-kalergi plan
pic related pure coincidences
All important threads are shgut down goy dont worry. This one was slided harder than a car crash victim.
the JIDF has been stepping up their game recently
Sup Forums should convert to Judaism. They love converts.
Its Sup Forums, dude. Everything is a circle jerk.
It's not (entirely) a circlejerk. Jews are in a lot of high place, and a lot of them have a deep disrespect for successful countries.
t. Molyneux
Ironic thing is the jew makes the most sense here.
do you hear goyim talk about the bilderberg meeting that is taking place right now or is everyone busy watching football?
yes thats right believe his words goyim
let him speak and relate to you at your third grade level
Yes and no!
Jewish culture puts a lot of emphasis on social capital, monetary capability and high education, so people raised into it tend to be more successful individuals in market-based societies. This builds up over successive generations on top of strong inter-Jewish family ties, inevitably leading to a situation where there's a disproportionately large number of Jewish people in high places. Additionally, Jews tend to favor multicultural societies as it's where they meet the most personal success, so they'll work towards that end.
What a lot of people (especially on Sup Forums) fail to understand is that this isn't a conspiracy or some kind of actively directed agenda, it's their culture; a combination of crazy work ethic and nepotism eventually leading to a permanent upper-class Jewish caste.
Whether or not this is good or bad or neutral or whatever is then up to you, but it is what it is.