Feminist trash or worth watching? Or are the feminist themes minimal enough to be ignored?

Feminist trash or worth watching? Or are the feminist themes minimal enough to be ignored?

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What's feminist about this?

It's hilarious because they just start dumping water in the desert and Max leaves.

I enjoyed it a lot.

it's racist against browneyed people

the marketing

The movie is 2% feminist themes and 98% ridiculous action scenes

Anyone who says otherwise is a Sup Forums regular and you shouldn't listen to them

The women saying that men are evil and ruined the world for one.

its labeled as a Mad Max movie when he's not even in it and the main lead is a female who dont need no man.

all clear now?

>feminist themes minimal enough to be ignored?

So is this "feminist" in the same way The Witch is "feminist"?

yeah blueeyed fucker every fucking were


Fun action movie, but The Road Warrior is still far superior.

So Tom Hardy isn't the lead and he's barely in it?

t. person who clearly doesn't know what a mad max movie is

Max's character was always a plot device to show the post-apocalyptic world to it's viewer.

t. imortan joe

yeah but this time it was marketed as empowering to women so that makes it bad

this is true but the 2% is the plot

It's not like it was TFA or anything like it.

I never got the feminist angle at all. Furiosa would have failed had it not been for a man helping her. If anything, the film has anti-religious sentiments since Immortan Joe runs a theocracy.

The movie's a fucking wild ride and great fun, great soundtrack, good shit.

The only thing that's feminist is that women talk to each other besides that the main character just grunts and mumbles and it's shot in the yellow/blue haze that's why it's trash

There was ONE news article which was then circulated to many other sites that talked about having a feminist writer come onto the film to help portray battered women.

If you haven't watched it because of some internet memeing from /r9k/ or Sup Forums, then you are a sad sack, because you missed out on one of the most fun action movies of last year.

logically from the situation the women would have failed (and did) but their dialog is still womyn stronk mostly. The weirdest bit to me is them racing back to the citadel to indoctrinate all the young whites so they can dump all their resources on the brown people.

i wonder how sad your life has to be to worry about things like this

at least knowing pathetic drones like you existence helps me feel better about my own life, thanks

>That group of old women shooting everyone with muzzle loaders

One of my favorite parts of the movie is how Max has to relearn how to talk to other people after being out in the wasteland for so long and just communicates in grunts for a bit.

>fa/tv/virgins get triggered so hard by the slightest scent of feminism that they have to first have to check with the Ministry for the Promotion of Virtue and Prevention of Vice
literally no different from mudshits who are incapable of experiencing anything new without first determining whether it's haram or halal

There is a fair bit of "femininity" in the plot (centered around women sex slaves) and in some of the characters (said sex slaves and Furiosa) and it can be a bit distracting if you are aware of those types of themes. But past that its one of the best action movies in recent times and Max isn't "sidelined" anymore than other Mad Max movies.

All they've ever known is desert ruled by a rapist tyrant. No shit they would say that

who cares? here's the real post apocalyptic kino

Max knows that shit's going to go south fast. The starving vagrants they're letting up will trample/eat all the painstakingly cultivated greenery. The resivoir will start running out and when the girls turn it off people will get violent and riot.

And of course since they literally just killed off their army a nearby warlord will soon be moving in to easily take command. Those girls will be missing their mere yearly dicking from Joe once RapeCon3000 kicks off.

All the creepy pastas and Joe was right memes literally ruined the movie for me. Now I can't watch it without thinking I'm watching a movie from the villains's perspective

to be fair, it's less
>distracting if you are aware of those types of themes
and more
>distracting if you are triggered by those types of themes

That is maybe and I say maybe one tier over african movies


Worth watching definitely. It doesn't shove anything into your face really. Max is great, Furiosa is great.

all it takes for you to buy into some bullshit is for it to get spammed?

If you're a frequent Sup Forums poster you won't like it.

10/10, when are the chinese oscars

>the female characters relied on men (Max and Nux) to literally save them
What's feminist about this?

>Mad Shelia: Irritated Sidewalk

Feminism != feminazism.

I thought Fury Road handled all this stuff pretty well, it never felt forced.

deeply underrated

Man, ISIS are really going out with their propaganda.

The women are retarded and can't do anything right. Max needs to save them from their own stupidity.

it's trash but not because of the themes. It just isn't thrilling.

Worth it for the sand storm part alone tbqh, the visuals during that part are incredible.

Worth watching, its a really great movie.

The man is just here to serve them. He has zero purpose

>All women are good/heroic.
>all men except one are evil.

Really made me think.

He doesn't contribute to their survival?

>All women are utterly powerless and servile until a new man steps in to save them

Really made me think.

thats just realism

To be fair, in shitty apocalyptic times, men would be most of the villains. The girls would just be raped, used for sex and used for babies. Can't really do much as a villain if you're chained and raped regularly.

>All women are utterly powerless and servile until a new man steps in to save them

Congruent with unmolested nature.

It's an "Alt-right OP is literally fucking retarded" thread

It's one of the most entertaining major motion pictures in the last decade. just watch it

Half of the movie is Witness Me Guy becoming a good guy.

>To be fair, in shitty apocalyptic times, men would be most of the villains. The girls would just be raped, used for sex and used for babies.

Exactly, but try having this truth and realism in your film without also an unrealistic and untruthful female fantasy messiah.

Yeah and then he leaves and let them being in charge. He's just here to serve.

there's absolutely nothing wrong with being feminist

It's not even fucking feminist
The women are just characters. If that's too much for you idk what to say

>try having this truth and realism in your post-apocalyptic action movie

Something's fishy with this one.

>re-populating the earth is evil.

It would be like ancient times...brutal, yes.
But all done for survival.

So even if they are used for babies they would get it better than 99% of all men used as cannon fodder for wars and literally worked to death.

So why doesn't he stay and serve them?

He was interested in not being killed by Joe. His plan made sure he wouldn't be.

Meh, CG scenes are cool, but takes me out of the Mad Max world. Also, he's barely in the movie.
Definitely skippable.

Except everything is wrong.

You miss the point of the Max character, he's a nigh-supernatural campfire tale about this figure who steps in to just fix everything and vanishes. The women literally needed a living deus ex machina to win.

Also, go watch the older Mad Max films for fuck's sake. Max doesn't really want to or like getting involved in anything, but usually does because he's mixed up in it already and there's still a spark of humanity in him to ally against a common enemy.

Good movie with a lot of love put into it. The feminism tripe is overblown because Furiosa is actually competent character and the rest of her tribe gets fucked up really quick

>mfw polecats

There's barely any CG. It's 99% practical effects. Try harder famarama.

I was only asking so that I knew whether torrenting it was a waste of bandwidth or not. You seem like the one who is triggered, posting your facebook amphibian pictures.

You're a cheeky one.

Fury road is one of the best movies of the last decade and it's one of the best choreographed movies of the last 50

watch it on blu ray

There are absolutely no feminist themes in this. Don't let yourself be persuaded by the retarded misogynists on the internet.

>[...]knowing pathetic drones like you existence [...]

I'm impressed, cuchk, you take many forms.

Best choreographed how


You think that buzzword bothers anyone here?

>More Max speaking than usual.
>Tons of dude-on-dude action.
>Only one of the women isn't completely useless.
>Even the woman that isn't useless relies on Max.
>Nux shows the redeeming quality of the men that are indoctrinated from birth.

>Oh but they had a Vagina Monologue coach there for the women to get a sense of being raped and battered better for their moods in the movie so now it's a fucking feminist film.
Nah, eat shit. The movie is not feminist.

It's not a feminist film.

It is if the female lead is portrayed as combat competent. Women are terrible soldiers.

pretty sure they were using it as a descriptor

i know you're just a little tad/pol/ lost in the sea but come on, use a bit of brainpower here.

t. armchair combat expert

>its labeled as a Mad Max movie when he's not even in it and the main lead is a female who dont need no man.

who is then saved by a man


i want Sup Forumsbabies to leave

Chick flick with action scenes.

This is one of those rare scenarios where the lack of immersion in the plot actually helps because you can appreciate the few decent action scenes there are. Max is a side character (although he was the silent protagonist of all three former films, which are all better than this, in this one he takes a back seat role and is a complete waste of Tom Hardy), the themes would make you think someone from Tumblr wrote them and there's very little positive things (Max, Nux, Joe, the aesthetics of the film, cinematography and the practical effects).

But make no mistake, it's still a chick flick with a feminist message. It would take a special brand of beta, permavirgin, nu-male who's never interacted with a female that isn't his mother to say otherwise.

Put Mel on the director's seat and have an actual Mad Max film next time.

Its really not feminist unless you are one of those weirdos who project feminism onto any female character worth a damn.

It's still not working. Your position is indefensible.

Women can learn how to drive and shoot guns, and that's basically all she did in the movie. She wasn't marching long distances or carrying tons of gear, and the one time she got into a hand to hand fight, she lost to a guy who had just spent hours having the blood slowly drained from his system and another who was terminally ill.

>i want Sup Forumsbabies to leave

Too bad. We run this entire joint.


>Too bad. We run this entire joint.

lol nah

The movie made a point about feminism. Out of fucking nowhere a bunch of ignorant assholes start arguing philosophy and the audience is supposed to eat it up.

>muh Sup Forums boogeyman
Point at the doll, where did Sup Forums hurt you?
>It would take a special brand of beta, permavirgin, nu-male who's never interacted with a female that isn't his mother to say otherwise.
So basically half of Sup Forums?

>getting triggered by feminism

Interesting, you think female characters without weapons of war, buzzcuts and fighting skill are "worthless?"

I put off watching it too because I thought it was feminist shit, but after looking at it about a month ago, it really did not feel like that whatsoever. Not even slightly.
Max was basically a sidekick, but it didn't feel like a woman-strong movie. It all felt natural and badass.

this is the best mad max related pasta I've ever seen

>unironically saying "triggered" when that word came straight out of feminist blogs and tumblrs
Lmao you have no power here, faggot. Fuck right off.

I thought Bane was supposed to be Mad Max?

Also really, only the first Mad Max is any good, but this looks pretty spectacular and well-crafted.